Wednesday, May 23, 2007

  • GALUPPI (Galuppi) Baldassare (1706-85), the italian composer. The Dignity - Marko in Venice supervised over a chapel of a cathedral. In 1765-68 worked in Russia. The representative of the venetian school, the master of opera - buffa (" the Rural philosopher ", 1754, etc.).
  • GALURGIJA (from grech. hals - salt and ergon - business, activity), section of a chemical technology on manufacture of inorganic salts. In fine-bored sense to galurgii attribute a thorough revision of natural salts. Raw material for galurgicheskogo manufactures minister ocean water, adjournments of sea salts aridnyh zones, and also lacustrine and underground brines. For secretion of separate salts processes of vaporization and crystallization as in natural, and industrially are used. For galurgii the integrated utilization of raw material is typical.
  • " GALF OJL " (Gulf Oil), the petroleum company the USA. It is based in 1907. In 1984 it is absorbed by American petroleum company " Chevron ".
  • WIND ABEAM (niderl. halfwind, characters. - a half-wind), a course of a sailing vessel at which his centerline is perpendicular to a wind direction.
  • GALCHINSKY (Galczynski) Constants Ildefons (1905-53), the Polish poet. In verses elements of lyrics, humour, irony and a block type combine; poems "End of the world" (1930), "Niobeja" (1951), " Vit Stvosh " (1952).
  • GALYNIN Hermann Germanovich (1922-66), the Russian composer. An oratorio " the Girl and mors " (1950; 2-n edition - 1963), " Epicheskaja a poem " for an orchestra (1950), 2 concerts for a piano with an orchestra, a suite for a string band, kamerno-tool compositions, choruses, music to drama performances. The state premium of the USSR (1951).
  • GALVANI (Galvani) Luigi (1737-98), the italian anatomist and the physiologist, one of osnovatelej doctrines about an electricity, the founder of an experimental electrophysiology. First probeed the electrical phenomena at a muscle contraction ("animal electricity"). Has found originating a potential difference at contact piece of metal to an electrolyte.
  • GALVANIZING, in medicine - a method of an electrotherapy; treatment by a direct current of small force and pressure. It is applied at diseases of peripheric nervous system (radiculites, plexites, neuritises), arthritises - a traumatic, rheumatic, exchange origin, etc.
  • GALVANIC CELL, chemical current source in which electrical power is produced as a result of forward transform of chemical power by a redox reaction. The structure of a galvanic cell includes two heterogeneous electrodes (one - a keeping oxidant, other - reducing agent), contacting with an electrolyte. Distinguish disposable galvanic cells (t. n. Primary elements, napr. Leklanshe an element), reusable actions (accumulators) and with continuous feeding reactants (fuel cells). Earlier the term "galvanic cell" concerned only to primary elements.
  • ELECTROPLATED COATING, metal film (depth from lobes of a micron up to the tenth lobes of mm), superimposed on a surface of metal and other items (in protective, decorative and other purposes) a method of electrolytic deposition (electroplating).
  • GALVANO... (on behalf of L.Galvani), a part of the composite words, napr.: a galvanometer, galvanotechnics.
  • GALVANODIATHERMY, joint application with the medical purpose of a diathermy and galvanizing.
  • GALVANOIONITHERAPY, the same, that medicinal electrophoresis.
  • GALVANOMAGNETIC PHENOMENAS, the kinetic phenomena originating under action of a magnetic field in explorers on which the current flows. To galvanomagnetic phenomenas concern Hall effect, magnetosoprotivlenie, and also originating of temperature drop in a direction, perpendicular both to a current, and a field (effect Ettingshauzena), and along a current (Nernst effect) if the current is perpendicular to a magnetic field.
  • GALVANOMETER (from galvano... And... Meter), a highly sensitive electrical measuring instrument for measurement of rather small currents, pressure and electric quantity. Most often it is used the index (null detector) of a current absence (or pressure) in a diagonal of a bridge metering circuit at its balancing.
  • GALVANOPLASTICS (from galvano... And grech. plastike - a sculpturing), obtaining of precise metal copies by a method of electrolytic deposition of metal on a metal or non-metallic first copy. Section of galvanotechnics.
  • ELECTROPLATING (from galvano... And grech. stego - I coat), deposition of plating on a surface of metal and other items with a method of electrolytic deposition. Section of galvanotechnics.
  • GALVANOSTEREOTIPIJA (from galvano... And a stereotypy), a way of manufacturing of stereotypes a method of galvanoplastics. Ensures high quality and high wear-resistance of forms.
  • GALVANOTECHNICS (from galvano... And technique), the range of applied electrochemistry enveloping processes of electrolytic deposition of metals on a surface of metal and non-metallic items. Actuates electroplating and galvanoplastics. B.S.Jakobi (1838) is developed.
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