Wednesday, May 23, 2007

  • GEDIN (Hedin) Sven Anders (1865-1952), the Swedish traveller. Probeed Tibet, Sintszjan, Mongolia, Vost. Turkestan (1893-1935). Has discovered Gandisyshan. During 2-nd world war cooperated to hitlerite authorities.
  • HEDONISM (from grech. hedone - pleasure), a direction in the ethics, stating enjoying, pleasure as a prime target and the main motive of human conduct. In antiquity it is developed Aristippom and kirenskoj by school; for Epikura and it posledovatelej approachs with evdemonizmom. In new time it is characteristic for a utilitarianism.
  • GEDROJTS Konstantin Kaetanovich (1872-1932), the Russian pedologist and agrohimik, academician AN the USSR (1929). Has developed a fundamentals of colloid chemistry of soils, methods of their chemical analysis, principles of grading (on structure of exchange cations). The premium him. V.I.Lenina (1927).
  • GEENNA (grech. geenna, from other - evr.), in a judaism, christianity, moslem faith one of notations of a hell - geenna igneous.
  • GEEOH (grech. zemlekolebatel), in Other. Greeces one of nicknames Posejdona as god of earthquakes.
  • GEESTY (gesty) (from nizhnenem. gest - sterile, dry), flat lowlands bliz coasts of Boreal m. in Germany and Netherlands. An altitude up to 50-60 m. Waste grounds, heathlands, peat bogs.
  • WINZE (a nem. Gesenk), the underground vertical mining output not having an egress and intended for descent of a mineral under action of sole weight or through mechanic devices.
  • GEZIRA, interfluve of White and Light-blue Nile, in Sudan. A sowing. Gezira - the main area of a cotton growing of country.
  • GEZITY (anglosakson. gesith - comrade), combatants in England in an early Middle Ages; with development of feudalism turned in military - sluzhiluju to know.
  • GEZY (niderl. geuzen, from frants. gueux - beggars), during the Netherlands revolution of 16 century in the beginning a nickname of the Netherlands noblemen rising with 1565 in opposition to spanish government, then national rebels - the guerrilla which overland and on the pest combated Spaniards.
  • The GAY (Gay) John (1685-1732), the English poet and the playwright. The comedy " Opera of beggars " (1728) combines the literary - musical parody with political satire.
  • GEJBL (Gable) Clark (1901-60), the American film actor. With 1932 has come in figure of "asters" of the American kino. The mode built by him simple, courageous, aware to itself the price of the person, with features of the hero - lover involved spectators in films: " It happened once at night ", " Blown by a wind ", "Restless", etc.
  • GEJGEL, lake on boreal downslope hr. Murovdag (Mrovdag), in Azerbaijan, at the altitude 1566 m. The area 0,78 êì2, depth up to 100 m. It is derivated as a result of a landslide and a weir r. Agsu during earthquake. Gejgel - in structure Gejgelskogo of reservation. In environs - gornoklimatichesky health resort Gejgel.
  • GEJGELSKY RESERVATION, in the west of Azerbaijan; branch " Eldar pine " - a unique grove in Hanlarskom r? Not. It is based in 1925. The area 7131 ga. An eskar. Gejgel. Woods from a beech, an oak, a hornbeam; a yew. A roe deer, bezoarovyj rebound landing; a bluestem, a black griffon, a mountain patridge.
  • GEJGER (Geiger) Hans (1882-1945), german physics. Has invented (together with E.Rezerfordom, 1908) the device for registration of separate charged particles (gejgerovsky the counter). Has placed (1911) t. n. Law Gejgera - Nettolla - relation between probability? Disintegration and power? Particles.
  • GEJGEROVSKY the COUNTER, a particle detector. Represents a gas diode (routinely cylindrical) with a fine end as the anode. Action is based on originating in gas as a result of his ionization (at span particles) electric discharge (corona). It is called named H.Gejgera.
  • HEIDELBERG, Hajdelberg (Heidelberg), city in Germany, ground Baden-Wurttemberg, on r. Neckar. 139 thousand inhabitants (1992). A machine industry, a pharmaceutical, tobacco, tanning industry. It is known with kon. 12 century. The oldest German university (with 1386). In Middle Ages a residence of princes Rhine Pfaltsa. The clasp kurfjurstov 13-17 centuries. Kurpfaltssky a museum Heidelberg.
  • HEIDELBERG ROMANTICISM, t. n. A second generation german romantikov, literary mugs 1805-09 in Heidelberg (L. À. background Arnim, K.Brentano, brothers the Grimm, É. background Ejhendorf). For an item Heidelberg romantikov it is characteristic traditsionalizm, the circulation to national olden time, folklore. Have based mythological school in literary criticism.
  • The HEIDELBERG UNIVERSITY him. Charles Ruprehta, Germany, it is based in 1386. In 1990 over 27 thousand students.
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