Thursday, May 24, 2007

  • GENRIH VII (ok. 1275-1313), the German king and emperor of " Sacred Roman empire " with 1308, from a dynasty of Luxembourg. Has achieved election of the son by the Czech king (JAn Luxembourg). Has intruded in 1310 Italy, attempting again to subordinate its empires.
  • GENRIH VIII (1491-1547), the English king with 1509, from dynasty Tjudorov. At Genrihe VIII it is conducted Reformatsija. In 1534 it is professed by the chapter of anglican church. In 1536 and 1539 laicisation of conventual grounds is conducted. Has emited a number of laws against ekspropriirovannyh peasants.
  • GENRIH BURGUNDIAN, see Enrike Burgundian.
  • GENRIH LATVIAN (ok. 1187-1259), the writer of " the Chronicle of Livonia ", the ideologist of german crusaders and the participant of their marchings to Livonia. "Chronicle" envelops events in Baltic with kon. 12 century on 1227.
  • GENRIH the LION (Heinrich der Lowe) (1129-1195), duke of Saxony in 1142-80 and Bavaria in 1156-80. Has trapped grounds of west slavic nations bodrichej. The conflict to emperor Fridrihom I Barbarossa has reduced in loss Genrihom by the Lion almost all possessions (1180).
  • GENRIH the SEAFARER (Dom Henrique o Navegador) (1394-1460), the Portuguese prince (son Zhuana I), the organizer of marine expeditions to northwest coasts of Africa, laid foundation Portuguese the expansions on this mainland. Under initiative Genriha of the Seafarer export of the African slaves began from Portugal.
  • GENRIH NAVARRSKY, see. Genrih IV (the French king).
  • GENRO, see. Genro.
  • GENSLE (polsk. gesle), 1) the general name of the arcaded Polish string musical instruments analogous to Russian psaltery. 2) Gensle podgaljanskie (zhlubtsoki) - Polish 3-4-ñòðóííûé a stringed musical instrument.
  • GENT (Ghana) (flam. Gent, frants. Gand), city and a port on r. Schelde and the channel Gent - Ostende in Belgium, an administrative centre prov. Vost. Flanders. 230,2 thousand inhabitants (1992). A traffic centre (a port capacity over 25 million t annually). The arcaded centre of a textile industry and manufacture of laces. A machine industry, chemical and petrochemical, furniture, a food-processing industry. A flower growing. University. A museum of fine arts, an archeologic museum, Lapidarium, etc. It is mentioned from 7 century. The Romanesque clasp of graphs Flanders (1180-1200), a Gothic cathedral over. Bavona (13-16 centuries, with " the Ghent altar " brothers van Ejk), a urban tower (12-14 centuries).
  • GENTEKS (English Gentex - Generalized Teletype Exchange Service), the international telegraphic common user network equipped with automatic telegraph offices of a direct bonding. Telegraph office GENTEKS included in this network in Moscow is paired by international communication channels to analogous stations of lines vostochnoevropejskih countries.
  • GHENT RECONCILIATION, agreement 1576 in Gent between boreal and austral provinces of historical Netherlands during the Netherlands revolution of 16 century; attempt of association of country on the basis of conservation of an authority of Spain (and only at some concessions from its party). Has lost force with building the Utrecht union (1579).
  • GENTSMAN (Hantsmen) (Huntsman) Benjamin (1704-76), the English metallurgist. Has revived in Europe (1740) ancient way of obtaining a cast steel in crucibles (crucible process).
  • GENUINICAL (from an armour. genuinus - inborn), natural, genuine, primary (napr., in medicine - about disease, a symptom, emphasizing their primacy, independence).
  • The GENOA CONFERENCE 1922 (10 apr. - on May, 19), an international conference on economic and to money matters including 28 european states and Russia, and also 5 British dominions. The Russian delegacy has expressed readiness to discuss a problem on the form of indemnification to former foreign proprietors in Russia under condition of confession of Advices de jure and grantings to her of credits. The Russian delegacy has made the proposal on overall disarming. The problems facing on the Genoa conference, have not been permitted, the part from them has been transferred on the Hague conference 1922. During the Genoa conference of the Russian diplomacy it was possible to conclude Rapallsky agreement 1922 with Germany.
  • The GENOA SCHOOL, art school in Italy 17 century. Has developed under influence of the venetian painting of 16 century, and also P.Rubens and À. van Dejka. Pastoral and household scenes, ceremonial portraits, religious and mythological compositions (B.Strotstsi, Dzh. B.Kastiljone, A.Vassallo) differ soft picturesqueness.
  • The GENOA COLONYS IN BOREAL BLACK SEA COAST, reinforced shopping centers of the Genoa merchants in 13-15 centuries. Center - Kafa (the modern Feodosiya). Led intermediate trade with countries Zap. And Vost. Europe, including in Russian grounds. In 1475 are seized and routed by Turkey.
  • The GENOA BAY (Golfo di Genova) Mediterranean m., for northwest coasts of Italy. Length of 30 kms, width for an orifice of 96 kms, depth of 1000-1500 m. Primary ports: Genoa, Savona.
  • GENOA (Genova), city in Italy, an administrative centre prov. Genoa and region. Liguria. 701 thousand inhabitants (1991). One of the largest ports of Mediterranean m. (freight turnover ok. 50 million ò). An international airport. Metallurgy, a machine industry, oil refining, chemical, mild, a food-processing industry. University. Passageways of Palace Rossi, Palace Bjanko, the Palace Real, etc. In an antiquity - a settlement ligurov. In Middle Ages - powerful trade republic, since 14 century led by dozhem; possessed many colonys on Black m. (including in Crimea). Romanesque church Santa-mary di the Castello (11 century), a romansko-Gothic cathedral (11-16 centuries). Palaces and country houses of 16-17 centuries with terrasnymi parks.
  • HENZE STEAMER (Goncz) Arpad (r. 1922), the president of Hungary with 1990, the writer. A philosophical drama from a history of heretical motion in Switzerland "Bashmachnik" (1974), a monodrama about life of an actress " the Hungarian Medea " (1979), plays " the Pessimistic comedy " and "Total" about events 1956 in Hungary (both 1990), etc. The Book of prose of "Meeting" (1980). Transfers from the English and American literature.
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