Thursday, May 24, 2007

  • GEORGIEVSK, city (with 1786) in the Russian Federation, Stavropol territory. A railway junction. 72 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factories: reinforcing, biochemical, tanning, etc.; a food-processing industry. It is based in 1777 as strength. In 1783 in Georgievsk it is signed Georgievsky the tract.
  • GEORGIEVSKAJA Anastasy Pavlovna (1914-90), the Russian actress, the national actress of the USSR (1968). With 1936 in MHATe. With 1987 on scene MHATa him. M.Gorkogo. Among roles - Natasha (" Three sisters " A.P.Chehova), Arina Petrovna (" Sirs Golovlevy " on M.E.Saltykovu-ShChedrinu). The state premium of the USSR (1951).
  • GEORGIEVSKAJA Susanna Mihajlovna (1916-74), the Russian writer. The prose for children, combining psychologism and lyricism, substantial and fantastic, reconstructs an inner life, oof of experiences of the child. Stories "Adolescence" (1954), " the Silver word " (1955), "Tarasik" (1959), " the Pearl island " (it is published in 1975), etc.
  • GEORGIEVSKY the ENSIGN, the maximum award for military valour to combat ships of the Russian VTR. It is established in 1819. For the first time he awards a capital ship "Azov".
  • GEORGIEVSKY the CROSS, the award in Russian empire. It is established in 1807 for decoration of soldiers and corporals. Officially calls as the distinction of military order, with 1913 - Georgievsky a cross. With 1856 had 4 degrees. It is abolished on November, 10 (23) 1917.
  • GEORGIEVSKY Sergey Mihajlovich (1851-93), Russian kitaeved, the professor of the St.-Petersburg university (with 1890). Transactionses on an ancient history of China and the Chinese mythology.
  • GEORGIEVSKY the TRACT, between Russia and Kartli - Kahetinskim a kingdom. Georgievsk under request Iraklija II is encased 24.7.1783 in strength. The Russian government accepted Vost. Georgia under the protection, guaranteed its autonomy and protection in an event of war.
  • GEORGIEVSKOE GIRLO, an austral water hose of delta of Danube in Romania. 109 kms. Fishery.
  • GEORGE III, tsar of Georgia (1156-84), the continuer of policy of David of IV Builder. Successfully struggled with seldzhukami, with large feudal lords. Has considerably expanded the possessions.
  • GEORGE V, tsar of Georgia (1314-46), struggled against the Mongolian yoke and has actually become the independent governor. Has achieved recombination with Georgia Imeretii (1327) and Samtshe-Saatabago (1334).
  • GEORGE XII (1746-1800), the last tsar (with 1798) Kartli - Kaheti, son Iraklija II (Bagration dynasty). Appealed for emperor of Paul I to be naturalized Georgia in citizenship of Russia.
  • GEORGE AMARTOL (9 century), byzantian letopisets, the outlet box, the writer popular in Byzantium and in Russia "Chronicle" (4 books, from creation of the world up to 842).
  • GEORGE POBEDONOSETS, Christian sacred, the great martyr. According to the Christian legend, native Kapiadokii (in terrain sovr. Turkey). It racked in 303 during persecutions of Christians at Roman emperor Diokletiane; day of memory is marked 23.4 (6.5). The promoter of agriculture and cattle breeding. On icons, the arms and other subjects it is figured by the way the horse soldier knocking with a spear of a dragon (" George Miracle about the snake "). George Pobedonosets - the hero of numerous legends, songs, legends for christians (for Russian under name Egorija or Jury) and Muslim peoples.
  • " GEORGE SEDOV ", the icebreaking motorship, is called named G.J.Sedova. It is constructed in 1909. Displacement 3217 t. Participat in the first Russian arctic expedition to ostiums of the rivers Ob and Yenisei (1920), in searches of expedition of U.Nobile (1928), in float to Franz Josef land (1929), on expedition on probe Karskogo in m. (1930, chiefs O.J.Schmidt, V.J.Vize, captain V.I.Voronin). In 1937-40 has committed drift through the Central Arctic bass. On stream up to 1967. In 1967 new icebreaker " George Sedov " by displacement ok is constructed. 6 thousand t for hydrographic activities.
  • GEORGE the STEFAN (?-1668), Moldavian gospodar (1653-58), the adherent of rendezvous with Russia and Ukraine, is decrowned by Turkey.
  • DAHLIA (dahlia), a stem of perennial herbaceous plants of a set of a thistle family. 15-20 kinds, in Mexico and Guatemala. St. (predominary hybrid) 8000 grades use in a flower growing.
  • GEORGIU-DOUGH DISHES, the title of Liski of the Voronezh region in 1965-91.
  • GEORGIU-DOUGH DISHES (Gheorghiu-Dej) George (1901-65), the secretary general of Central Committee KP of Romania (with 1948 - the Romanian working consignment) with 1945, 1-st secretary of a Central Committee of a consignment with 1955. The chairman of Council of Ministers of Romania in 1952-55 (in 1948-52 1-st vice-president of Council of Ministers), the chairman of the Council of state with 1961.
  • GEORGE ORDER (military order of St.. Great martyr and Pobedonostsa George), one of the maximum awards of Russian empire. It is established in 1769 for decoration of officers and generals for military differences. Had 4 degrees. It is abolished on November, 10 (23) 1917.
  • GEOSYNCLINE (from geo... And syncline) (a geosynclinal belt), the lengthy (tens and hundreds kilometres) rather fine-bored and steep sag of earth crust originating at the bottom of a sea basin, routinely restricted faults and the filled potent stratas sedimental and effusive rocks. As a result of the long-lived and intensive tectonic strains turns to the composite wrinkled structure - a part of a mountain structure. Geosynclines are located routinely or in a zone of transition from ocean to continent, or between continents. Are considered as a transformation range of oceanic earth crust in continental. An example of the modern analog geosinklinalja - island arches (together with abyssal gutters) okrainnyh and inland seas. In this sense geosyncline - a synonym of a geosynclinal belt.
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