Thursday, May 24, 2007

  • HYDRAULIC JUMP, the phenomena of a sharp, discontinuous rising water in an open channel at transition of a torrent from t. n. A stormy condition in hangover.
  • PRESSURE PARTING of the LAYER, method of building of cracks in rocks, accumbent to a bucket well, at the expense of pressure on a bottom of a well as a result of injection in breeds of a viscous fluid. Apply to increase of efficiency of chinks (petroleum, gas, etc.), improvements of a degassing of coal layers, etc.
  • HYDRAULIC RAM, the water-raising device in which pressure forms as a result of a hydraulic impact. The lifting height of water can exceed 50 m. Apply in an agriculture, construction, etc.
  • HYDRAULIC BRAKE, 1) a hydraulically operated brake. 2) the Title of a bench for a running-in of engines (internal combustion, steam) and their tests with the purpose of power rating. The hydraulic brake will transform engine run to the heat entrained by water passing through him.
  • HYDRAULIC TRANSPORT, way of conveyance of solid materials water deluge at production of mineral wealths, erection of earthwork structures, etc.
  • HYDRAULIC IMPACT, the jump of fluid pressure called by a sudden alteration of speed of its flow in pompes or a pressure pipe line. The theory of a hydraulic impact is developed by N.E.Zhukovskim.
  • HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE, the same, that hydrodynamic drag force, but the term is routinely used in hydraulics.
  • HYDRADENITIS (from grech. hidros - sweat and aden - gland) (" suchje a udder "), the purulent inflammation of sweat glands, is more often axillary, with sharply painful swelling, red discoloration; it is invoked by a staphylococcus. To gidrodenitu the sweating, an exhausting, an anaemia, violation of a personal cleanliness contribute.
  • HYDRAZINE (diamide), N2H4, a colourless liquid, tïë 1,5 °S, têèï 113,5 °S; beyond all bounds we shall dissolve in water; it is explosion-hazard and toxicant. Apply in manufacture of plastics materials, rubbers, insecticides, porophores, explosive; a combustible propellant component.
  • HYDRAZO-COMPOUNDS, the organic compounds keeping gidrazogruppu-NH-NH-, the bound with two hydrocarbon radicals (napr., as in hydrazo-benzene C6H5NHNHC6H5).
  • GIDRANGIJA, a stem of bushes, less often than trees and lianes of a set gidrangievyh. Ok. 80 kinds, in JUzh. And the Sowing. To America, in Vost. And JUgo-Vost. Asia, including on Sakhalin and Kuril islands. Some gidrangii use in a flower growing under the title "hydrangea".
  • HYDRANTH fire fighting, the fixed device for water intake on fire fighting requiring from an outside water system. Are underground (in wells) and terraneous.
  • HYDRATION, apposition of water to substance. Can weep with destruction of molecules of water, napr., at synthesis of ethanol a hydration of ethylene, or without their destruction, napr., at education of crystallohydrates. Stipulates dissolubility of substances in water, electrolytic dissociation of connections with an ionic bond.
  • HYDRATES of HYDROCARBON GASES, connections - inclusions (clathrates) in which molecules of hydrocarbon gases fill in vacuum of a crystal lattice of ice. In vivo meet by the way gazogidratnyh deposits in permfrost breeds; will be derivated also in gas-pipes and other technological systems, hindering their operation.
  • HYDRIDES, chemical combinations of hydrogen with other elements. Reducing agents. Some hydrides - intermediate products at obtaining special clear elements (silicium, germanium). See, napr., Aljumogidridy, Borohydrides of metals.
  • HYDROGENATION (hydrogenation), apposition of hydrogen to organic compounds. Execute action of molecular hydrogen at the presence of catalysts or hydrogen donators (napr., lithium aluminium hydride). In an industry catalytic hydrogenation use for obtaining engine fuels, paraffine waxes, spirits, etc. Oil hardening bases a margarine industry.
  • GIDRIJA (grech. hydria), ancient greek clay, often a painted vessel for water; tulovo spherical with 2 horizontal and one vertical handle.
  • GIDRO... (from grech. hydor - water), the part of the composite words meaning: relating water, the water spaces (napr., the sonarman).
  • HYDRAULIC UNIT, the apparatus consisting of the hydraulic turbine and an electricity generator (hydrogenerator).
  • PUMPED STORAGE PLANT (pumped storage station), waterpower plant, which a pumping water from the lower reservoir in upper accumulates an excess energy produced by other power stations, when demand for electrical power it is small (napr., at night), also will transform potential energy of stored water in electrical (water from the upper reservoir through hydraulic units overflows in lower) to hours of peak loads per a power system.
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