HYGROMETER (from gigro... And... Meter), the device for moisture determination of air. The psychrometer and a hair hygrometer, metering relative humidity of air on change of length of a degreased human hair are most distributed depending on an atmospheric humidity.HYGROSCOPICITY (from gigro... And grech. skopeo - I supervise), ability of materials or substances to capture a moisture from an environment (routinely water vapour from air). Different drying agents, napr are hygroscopic., ignition chloride of a calcium.GIGROFILY (from gigro... And... fil), land plants and animal, fitted to a habitation in conditions of high humidity: on wetlands, in bottom lands of the rivers, etc.HYGROPHYTES (from gigro... And grech. phyton - a plant), the plants living in conditions of an overmoistening. Major leaves are characteristic for hygrophytes with the thin cuticula, the lengthy stalks with almost undeveloped mechanical tissue, a weak root system. Compare. Xerothytes.The GUIDE (frants. guide), 1) the explorer - professional showing to tourists of remarkable of city or district. 2) the Manual, the guidebook on museums, exhibitions; the title of some bibliographic indexes.GIDALGO, the planetoid (¹ 944), is open by V.Baade (1920), has is unique major a half shaft of an orbit (5,8 and. e.) and its inclination to a plane of Earth orbit (42,5 °). Distance Gidalgo from the Sun varies from 1,9 up to 9,7 and. e. Cycle time around of the Sun 13,7 years.GIDASPOV Boris Veniaminovich (r. 1933), the Russian chemist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1981). With 1985 general director of science and production association. In 1989-91 1-st secretary Leningrad obkoma and a city town committee, with 1990 - obkoma the CPSU. In 1990-91 member of a Central Committee and the secretary of a Central Committee of the CPSU. The main transactionses in range of chemistry and technology of nitrogen-bearing organic compounds. The lenin premium (1976), the State premium of the USSR (1981).GIDATODY (from grech. hydor, a stem. Item hydatos - water and hodos - a path), zhelezki in a false skin of the leaf, ensuring a guttation.HYDATHOPHYTES (from grech. hydor, a stem. The item hydatos - water and phyton - a plant), plants, is mostly or completely submersed in water; by roots are attached to a ground (kuvshinka) or are not attached (duckweed).GIDASH (Hidas) Antal (1899-1980), the Hungarian writer. In 1925-59 cable cores in the USSR. Collections of verses " Moscow - Rhodinum " (1934), " we Grieve on thee " (1968) proniknuty patriotism, differ drama intensity. In novels "Mister Fitsek" (1936), " Marton and his friends " (1959) has shown heroic of revolutionary extirpation nach. 20 century.GIDZHAK, a string stringed musical instrument (Tadjik, Uzbek, Turkmen, Uigur).HYDRA Lernejskaja, in the Grecian mythology monstrous devjatigolovaja the snake, living in Lernejskom a bog on Peloponnesus, was considered invincible, t. To. At-sight clipped heads for it grew new. But Gerakl has killed the Hydra (one of it 12 exploits), cauterizing necks of a headless monster a burning smut.HYDRAULICS (from gidro... And grech. aulos - a tube), the science investigator laws of motion and balance of liquids and ways of the appendix of these laws to the solution of engineering problems.HYDRAULICS of STRUCTURES, see. Engineering hydraulics.HYDRAULIC MINING (hydraulic mining) of coal, mining development of coal deposits at which the hollow and a transporting of coal implement a water torrent. For the first time it is introduced in Russia (1936).The HYDRAULIC TRANSMISSION (hydrostatic transmission), set of the hydraulic power lifts, permitting to transfer energy from a pivot to conducted; a part of a hydraulic drive. On a principle of operation distinguish hydrodynamic and hydrostatic (volumetric) drives. Apply on motor ships, gasoline locomotives, automobiles, airplanes, in rigs, etc.The HYDRAULIC TURBINE (the water turbine, the water-wheel), bladed a hydraulic motor conversing a mechanical energy of water deluge in power of the rotated bank. Use primarily in waterpower plants for a drive of electricity generators. The diameter of the driving wheel reaches 10 m, power 600 MVt and more, a design head up to 1700 m.HYDRAULIC LIQUIDS, apply in machines and mechanisms to drive of gains. Should be stable to oxidation, are inert to materials of component parts of a hydraulic system, to have a low chilling temperature and a heat of a flash. In the capacity of hydraulic liquids apply some industrial oil, spirto-glyceric solutions, poliorganosiloksany, ftoruglerody, etc.HYDRAULIC MOTOR (hydraulic engine), transcriber of a mechanical energy of a liquid in mechanic activity of the rotated bank, reciprocally driving bucket, etc. Distinguish hydraulic motors bladed (napr., the hydraulic turbine, a water wheel) and volumetric (napr., a hydraulic cylinder). Many hydraulic motors are reversible, i.e. can work as pompes.HYDRAULIC DRIVE (a hydraulic drive, a volumetric hydraulic drive), set of devices with one or several volumetric hydraulic motors for a starting of mechanisms and machines with the help of a pressurized fluid.
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