Thursday, May 24, 2007

  • LAKE GENISARETSKOE, see. Tiberias lake.
  • GENICHESK, city (with 1938) on Ukraine, the Kherson region, a port on the Azov m. A depot. 23,9 thousand inhabitants (1991). The alimentary enterprises, manufacture of a building materials, a light industry. A study of local lore museum.
  • GENICHESKY the CHANNEL, bridges Azov m. about a hall. Sivash. Length ok. 4 kms, width of 80-150 m, depth up to 4,6 m. Port Genichesk.
  • GENK (Genk), city on the orient Belgium. 61,2 thousand inhabitants (1989). An autostructure, metallurgy.
  • GENKIN Dmitry Mihajlovich (1884-1966), the Russian lawyer, the honored worker of science of Russia (1945), the professor. Transactionses on a civic right, legal problems of export trade.
  • GENLEJN (Henlein) Konrad (1898-1945), the founder (1933) and the leader (up to 1938) a fascist Sudeto-german consignment (genlejnovskoj) in Czechoslovakia. In 1939-45 viceroy in occupied Germany t. n. Region Sudetskoj. Has committed suicide.
  • GENNADI Grigory Nikolaevich (1826-80), the Russian bibliographer. Transactionses: the index " the Literature of the Russian bibliography " (1858), the biobibliography " the Reference dictionary about Russian writers and scientists... " (t. 1-3, characters And - R, the issuing 1876-1908).
  • GENNADY (? - 1505), the Novgorod archbishop in 1484-1504, the writer. The chapter a mug of church publicists and translators. The participant of drawing up first in Russia the full text of the Bible - " Gennadievskoj bibles " (1499). Promoted subordination of the Novgorod clergy of the Moscow hierarchy. Pursued the novgorodsko-Moscow heresy.
  • GENNADY II Sholary (in the world George) (ok. 1400 - ok. 1468), patriarch Konstantinopolsky in 1453-59. The agreement reached by him with anthurus Mohammed II determined attitudes between the Orthodox church and Muslim authorities down to 1923. The writer of numerous doctrinal and philosophical compositions.
  • GENE ENGINEERING, the same, that genetic engineering.
  • GENNIN Villim Ivanovich (George Wilhelm de Gennin) (1676-1750), the general - lieutenant. By origin the Dutch, on the Russian service with 1698. Chief Olonetskih (with 1713) and Ural (with 1722) mountain factories, with 1734 control Main collective office.
  • GENOCOPY, originating of similar phenotypical attributes under influence of the genes located in different epines of a chromosome or in different chromosomes. Compare. A phenocopy.
  • GENOME, set of the genes keeping in a haploid (single) set of chromosomes of the given organism. Diplobionts contain 2 genomes - paternal and parent. The term "genome" in the modern genetics use and in relation to set of genes for bacteria, viruses, organellas (mitohondrialnyj a genome, hloroplastnyj a genome). In 1988 under the initiative of scientists the USA (U.Gilbert, Dzh. Watson, etc.) international organization " the Genome of the person ", staking by the purpose a coordination of activities by definition full nukleotidnoj sequences of all DNK the person is built. The solution of this problem important for comprehension of an origin and evolution of the person, making out of the causes and mechanisms of originating of hereditary illnesses, etc.
  • GENON (Guenon) Ren (1886-1951), the French philosopher and the writer, the representative esoteric traditsionalizma. Considered religious - mystical traditions of the West and the Orient (a catholicism, a freemasonry, sufizm, daosizm, vedanta) as different expressions nekoej unified esoteric true. Has accepted moslem faith under name Abdel Vahed Jahja and from 1934 cable cores in Cairo.
  • GENOTYPE (from a gene and phylum), the genetic (hereditary) constitution of an organism, set of all of his genes. In the modern genetics it is considered not as a mechanic panel separately operating genes and as the unified system, in which any gene can be in the composite interaction with remaining genes. See also Phenotype.
  • GENE POOL (from a gene and frants. fond - the grounding), set of genes which are present for individuals, components the given population. Emphasizing necessity of conservation of all extant kinds, speak also about a gene pool of the Earth (ecumene). Methods of conservation of genetic resources of ecumene, especially a gene pool of plants and animal, having practical value or threatened peterings are developed.
  • GENOCIDE (from grech. genos - a stem, nation and an armour. caedo - I kill), in the international law - one of tjagchajshih crimes against humanity, liquidation of separate groups of the population to racial, national, ethnic or religious attributes, and also intentional building of the zoetic conditions designed for full or partial physical destruction of these groups, no less than measures on an avoidance detorozhdenija in their medium (biological genocide). Such crimes were committed in mass scales by hitlerites during 2-nd world war, especially against the slavonic and jewish population. The international convention " About the warning of a crime of genocide and punishment for him " (1948) establishes the international criminal liability of the faces guilty of committing of genocide.
  • HENRY, see. O.Genri.
  • HENRY, unit of inductance and mutual inductance of a SI. It is called in honour of Joseph Genri, it is meant Gn. 1 Ãí=1 V·s/A =1 Wb / A of =109 sm (units of C.G.S.M.) =1,11·10-12 units of C.G.S.E.
  • HENRY (Henry) Joseph (1797-1878), American physics. Has constructed potent temporary magnets and the electromotor, has discovered (1832, irrespective of Michael Faradeja) a self-inductance, (1842) vibratory character of a capacitor discharge has placed. The first director (1846) Smitsonovskogo institute.
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