Wednesday, May 9, 2007

  • LAKERNIK Mark Moiseevich (1913-79), the Russian engineer - metallurgist, Dr.Sci.Tech. (1963). Transactionses under the theory and practice of metallurgy of polymetallic materials, copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver. Has developed a way of a continuous refining of lead. The state premium of the USSR (1971).
  • VARNISHES (from a nem. Lack), 1) solutions of filmogens in organic solvents. Flakes of a varnish dry with education of a solid shining transparent coating, which destination protection of items against aggressive agents, the decorative surface finishing. Form also the basis of enamel colours, first coats, putties. 2) Organic pigments which, similarly to pigments, do not solve in water and in stained materials. Are received by transfer of soluble dyes (anthraquinone, etc.) in their insoluble connections, napr. The baric salt. Are applied in manufacture of non-transparent colored materials, napr. Papers, plastics materials, gum.
  • VARNISHES (Laki), a circuit of burning mountains from more than 100 cones, located in the south of Iceland, along tectonic cracks in length of 25 kms. An altitude up to 818 m. Disastrous eruptions in 1783-84.
  • VARNISHES ART, items from a tree, a molded paper or the metal, lacquered and quite often decorated with paintings, a relief thread, an inlaying, engraving. With 2-nd thousand up to n. e. Chinese lacquers art - painted, carved are known; to nymas varnishes art Korea are close, to Japan, countries of Indochina. Varnishes art have appeared in Russia in 18 century, and in 19 century - national crafts of paintings oil on a varnish (Fedoskinskaja a miniature, ZHostovskaja paintings). The most thin art tempernoj miniatures on lacquer items (Palehskaja a miniature, Msterskaja a miniature, Holujskaja a miniature) was now advanced. The decorative and easel painting by coloured lakes on a varnish is developed in Vietnam and Laos.
  • LAKIER Alexander Borisovich (1825-70), the Russian historian. Transactionses on a history of foreign policy of Russia, a landholding. The main composition - " Russian heraldry " (2 t., 1855).
  • LAKINSK, city (with 1969) in the Russian Federation, the Vladimirskiy region. ZH.-d. Item (Undol). 19,1 thousand inhabitants (1992). Prjadilno-weaving, etc. It is called in honour of revolutionar M.I.Lakina.
  • LACCADIVE ISLANDS, in the Arabian m., in structure of India (allied terrain Lakshadweep). 28 êì2. Coral atolls. Cultivation of a coconut palm. Fishery.
  • LACCOLITH (from grech. l-akkos - a hole and... Lit), 1) karavaeobraznyj intruziv which roof covering has a male mold such as the canopy, and a sole approximately horizontal; it will be derivated on small depth. 2) a High ground derivated at-sight otpreparirovannogo denudatsionnymi by processes of laccolith.
  • LAKLO (SHoderlo de Laklo) (Choderlos de Laclos) Pierre (1741-1803), the French writer. The psychologic novel in letters " Dangerous communications " (1782) draws a pattern of decomposition of an aristocratic society before the French revolution kon. 18 century.
  • LITMUS (from nider. lakmoes), a pigment got from some lichens. A water solution apply as the gauge at acid-base titration (in acid medium it is painted in red, in alkaline - in blue colour).
  • LAKOBA Nestor Apollonovich (1893-1936), the political figure. With 1922 chairman SNK, with 1930 chairman of the Central Electoral Committee of Abkhazia.
  • LAKOMB (Lacombe) Kler (1765-?), the chapter of the French Society revolutionary respublikanok (1793), struggling for legal equality of women. Belonged to "mad".
  • LACONISM (from grech. lakonismos), a short and fineness in terms of idea. According to the legend, this quality inhabitants of ancient Laconica - Spartans differed.
  • LACONICA (Laconia), southeast part p-ova Peloponnesus in Greece. In an antiquity in Laconica there was Sparta. Titles Laconica, Lacedaemon, Sparta are used as synonyms.
  • LAKORDER (Lacordaire) Jean Batist Anri (1802-61), the French roman catholic ecclesiast and the writer, the priest, the member of the French academy. In 1830-32 cooperated in the emitted F.Lamenne the log-book "Future", protecting freedom of education, conscience and a seal. Has achieved restoration in France order of black friars and itself has become the outlet box of this order.
  • AC - KORUNJA (La Coruna) (Korunja), city in Spain, an administrative centre avt. Region. Galicia and prov. Corunna. 245 thousand inhabitants (1991). A port on Atlantic ok. An oil refining, aluminium, ship-building, alimentary, textile industry. An armament production. Fishery.
  • LACHRYMATORS (from an armour. lacrima - teardrop), group of poisonous substances (napr., an ortho - hlorbenzalmalonodinitril, hloratsetofenon), eyes irritant mucous membrane and triggering a copious lacrimation.
  • LICORICE, the same, that a licorice.
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