Wednesday, May 9, 2007

  • LAKSHADWEEP, allied terrain in India, actuates islands Lakkadivskie, Minikoj, Amindivskie. 32 êì2. The population of 51,7 thousand person (1991). Adm. ts. - Kavaratti.
  • LAKSHIN Vladimir Jakovlevich (1933-94), the Russian literary critic, the critic, the Doctor of Philology, the academician of the Russian Open Society (1992). Probes about L.N.Tolstom, A.P.Chehove, A.N.Ostrovsky, etc.; ostropolemicheskie articles about the modern literature. Memories, literary portraits. The managing editor. The log-book " the Foreign literature (with 1991).
  • LAKSHMANA, in induistskoj mythologies the hero, character "Ramajany", the step-brother and the mate of the Frame in his extirpation with rakshasami.
  • LAKSHMI (SHri), in brahmanizme and induizme the goddess of happiness and beauty, olitsetvorenie creative power Vishnu (shakti). According to the myth, has appeared sitting on a lotus at pahtanje gods of ocean.
  • LAKSHMI-BAI (1835-58), the national heroine of India, princess (rani) principalities of Jhansi. Was one of chiefs of Indian popular uprising 1857-59.
  • The AC - LAGOON (La Laguna), city in Spain, is on about. Tenerife (the Canary islands). 109 thousand inhabitants (1991). Bliz the Ac - lagoon - an international airport. Flavoring, chemical, a metal-working industry. University.
  • LALAND (Lalande) Andre (1867-1963), the French philosopher. Transactionses on philosophy of science, ethics, logic. The writer of " the Technical and critical philosophical dictionary " (1926), multiply reissued.
  • LALAND ZHozef ZHerom (1732-1807), the French astronomer, the foreign honorary member Petersburg AN (1764). Has constituted the check list over 47 thousand asters. Probes on a gravitational astronomy; fundamental transactionses. "Astronomy" (3 issuing, 1792).
  • LALITAVISTARA, the Buddhist literary text written on a Sanskrit. Contains the biography of Buddha Shakjamuni.
  • LALITPUR (Patan), city in Nepal, is part of agglomeration of Katmandu. St. 100 thousand inhabitants. Handcrafts. A royal palace (9-17 centuries), bashneobraznye temples (Krishna Mandir, 15-17 centuries), " the Golden monastery " (it is based in 12 century).
  • LALLEMAN (Lallemand) Charles (1857-1938), the French geodesist. Transactionses on a precision levelling.
  • LALO (Lalo) Eduar (1823-92), the French composer and the violinist. " The spanish concordance " for a violin with an orchestra (1875), operas, ballets, etc.
  • LALOR (Lalor) James Finton (ok. 1807-49), the figure of irish national motion. The participant of organization " Pullet Ireland ". One of organizers of the Irish confederated states. Together with Dzh. Mitchelom invoked for armed revolt against the English domination. It arrested before Irish revolt 1848.
  • LLAMAS (Lam) Vilfredo (1902-83), the artist. By origin the Cuban of Cable cores also worked in Spain, France, on Cuba and in Italy. The adherent of surrealism, has bridged influences of an european art advance-guard to traditions afroamerikanskogo folklore. In his painting the motive of a tropical forest, full the fantastic entities called by fancy of "artist - magician" dominates.
  • LLAMA (Lamassu), in shumero-akkadskoj mythologies the goddess - hranitelnitsa of each person.
  • LLAMA (Tibet., characters. - the maximum), buddistsky the outlet box in countries where the Lamaism is distributed.
  • The LLAMA, the river in the European part of the Russian Federation, runs in Ivankovskoe vdhr. 139 kms, the area of basin 2330 êì2. Average discharge of water on the average flow 8,5 m3 / with. On Lame there was a waterway with r. Volga on r. Moscow (the Portage on Lame; from here - Volokolamsk).
  • LAMAISM, the tibeto-Mongolian form of the Buddhism. Has arisen in Tibet in 8 century. It is distributed in independent areas Tibets and the Inner Mongolia (China), in Mongolia, and also in separate areas of Nepal and India. In the Russian Federation has posledovatelej, primarily in Buryatiya, Kalmykia and Tuva. Since 1970th the term "Lamaism" grows out of use in european science.
  • LAMANOVA Hope Petrovna (1861-1941), the Russian artist - fashion designer. The writer of rational forms of a household costume. Costumes to performances of the Moscow art academic theatre and other theatres, to films "Aelita" (1924), "Alexander Nevsky" (1938), etc.
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