Wednesday, May 9, 2007

  • LANDSBERGIS (Landsbergis) Vitautas (r. 1932), the Lithuanian political figure, the musicologist. The professor of the State Lithuanian conservatory (with 1978). With 1988 chairman of Advice of parliament of the Lithuanian motion for rearrangement "Sajudis". In 1990-92 chairman VS of Lithuania. With 1993 chairman of a consignment Soyuz of Fatherland.
  • LANDSKNEHTY (a nem., a unit of hours Landsknecht from Landa - country and Knecht - the soldier), a german hired infantry in 15-17 centuries.
  • LANDSTING (Landstind), in Sweden elected body of a local government.
  • LANDTAG (a nem. Landtag, from Land - ground, country, Tag - collection), 1) in Middle Ages organs of class representation in the German states. 2) Aboriginal government bodies in separate german principalities in 16-17 centuries 3) the Representative body of the Sev.-German union (before education in 1871 German empires). 4) In a number of the modern states (napr., in Austria) aboriginal representative bodies.
  • LANDSCAPE (a nem. Landschaft), in art - the plotting of any district; the same, that a landscape.
  • LANDSCAPE ANTHROPOGENIC, in geography - a landscape built as a result of a targeted human activity owing to which there can be also inadvertent changes of a physical landscape.
  • LANDSCAPE GEOGRAPHYCAL (in a broad sense - a synonym of a natural territorial complex of any rank), rather uniform plot of a geographical envelope distinguished by objective combination of its components (a relief, a climate, vegetation, etc.) and morphological parts (a facies, natural limits, districts), and also features of combinations and character of interrelations with lower territorial units. The structure of each geographycal landscape is determined with processes of an exchange by substance and power.
  • The LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, art to create harmonic combination of a wild landscape to the terrains run in by the person, occupied points, architectonic complexes and structures. Problems of landscape architecture include guarding of wild landscapes and building new (garden architecture art), systematic development of system of natural and synthetic landscapes.
  • LANDSCAPE MAPS, map disposition of natural - territorial complexes of a different rank: a facies, natural limits, groups of natural limits or districts (on large and mesoscale maps), landscapes (on small-scale maps). Landscape maps are used for the quality count of grounds in an agriculture, and also at medikogeograficheskih, architectonic - planirovochnyh assessments of terrain, etc.
  • LANDSCAPE SCIENCE, the section of physical geography investigator the composite natural and natural - anthropogenic geosystems of a different rank. The basis of landscape science - the doctrine about a landscape geographycal.
  • LANDSHTEJNER (Landsteiner) Charles (1868-1943), the Austrian scientist, one of osnovatelej immunologies. With 1922 in the USA. Has discovered blood groups of the person (1900) and a Rh factor (1940, with American scientist A.Vinerom). Has proved (1909, with E.Popper) a zymotic nature of a poliomyelitis. The Nobel Prize (1930).
  • LANDES (Landes), lowland on a southwest of France, coast-wise Biskajskogo a hall. Length of 230 kms; it is unbound from starving a strip of dunes in width of 7-8 kms.
  • LILY, stem of perennial grasses of a set of an asparagus family. 1 kind - a lily May with a several subspecies, in Eurasia and the Sowing. To America. Medicinal and an ornamental plant.
  • LANZHEVEN (Langevin) Pol (1872-1946), French physics, foreign corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1924) and honorary member AN the USSR (1929). Probeed ionization of gases. Has created on the basis of electronic submissions the statistical theory dia-and a paramagnetism (1903-05). Has introduced the investment in development of a relativity theory and a relativistic electrodynamics. Used piezoelectric quartz for generation of ultrasonic sound, first has applied ultrasonic sound to the submerged signalling and detection of submersibles (1916). The active anti-fascist, sustained the Popular front.
  • LANIR (Lanier) Sydney (1842-81), the American poet. In the novel "Tiger lilies" (1867) glorifies confederates of the South. In poetry (the cycle " Days of carrion vultures ", 1868) contrasts mercantilism of janki-winners confessor poverzhennyh planters. Elegicheskaja a poem of " Bog Glinna " (1878) about prosvetlennosti, a bestowed nature. Verses are noted by musicality and experiment with a rhythmicity and prosodiej.
  • LANOC, the title about. Ceylon (the modern Sri Lanka) singalami.
  • LANCASTER (Lancaster), city on the orient the USA, pieces. Pennsylvania. 56 thousand inhabitants (1990), with suburbs of 420 thousand inhabitants (1984). A machine industry, an alimentary, textile industry. University. It is based in nach. 18 century religious sects of amishes and mennonites from Germany.
  • LANCASTER (Lancaster) Bert (r. 1913), the American actor. It was taken out in films: " the Nuremberg process ", "Leopard", "Train", " the Family portrait in an interior ", " XX eyelids ", "Skin", etc. The Master commentator in a film - epopee " Great Domestic " (in the USA - " Unknown war ").
  • LANKASTERSKAJA the SYSTEM, the title adopted in Russia bell-lankasterskoj systems of education, see in an item. The relative education.
  • LANKASTERY (Lancaster), a royal dynasty in England in 1399-1461, branch Plantagenetov. The most known representatives: Genrih IV, Genrih V, Genrih VI. In a course of war Scarlet and the Cottage rose have conceded authority Jorkam.
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