Wednesday, May 9, 2007

  • LAO-TSZY (Lie Ayr), the legendary writer drevnekitajskogo tract "Lao-tszy" (the ancient title - " the Dao de a jing ", 4-3 centuries up to n. e.), the canonical composition daosizma. The main concept of the tract - a dao which metaphorically assimilates to water (pliability and neodolimost). A way of action escaping from a dao - nedejanie (for vej): compliance, humility, failure of desires and extirpation. The governor - wise man should, having rejected luxury and war to return people to primitive singleness, purity and the ignorance, existing before originating crop and moral.
  • LAO-TSZY, legendary drevnekitajsky the thinker, the founder of a religious - philosophical direction daosizma, a figure mysterious in many respects. Under this name which, most likely, is a nickname and " the aged wise man " means literally (and even " the aged baby "), in tradition three miscellaneous characters figure at least. 1) Lie Ayr (Lao the Tribute, Lie Bojan, Lao the Bay - tszy), the native of village Tsjujzhen of volost of Lie of district Ku of a kingdom of Chu, born in 604 up to n. e. On this version which are going back to the chapter " Biography Lao-tszy Han Fej-tszy " â " Historical notes " (SHi tszi) great historian Syma Tsjanja (ok. 145-86 up to n. e.), Lao-tszy ministered the archivist in chzhouskom book depository. Met with Konfutsiem which on 55 flying was younger than it, and this meeting has made on pullet Konfutsija an indelible impression. To the extremity of the pits it was disappointed in the modern to him a real and has departed to the west with the purpose for ever to abandon China. In boundary range Hangu (terrain of the modern province Henan) he has been stalled certain by " the sentinel of an outpost " In Si (Guan In-tszy) at the request of which has written or has dictated five thousand words; so there was a main text daosizma - the book " the Dao de a jing " (" the Book about a dao and de "). Then he has prolonged a path to India where his sermon has reduced in originating the Buddhism (Lao-tszy represented almost the father of the founder of the Buddhism - Siddharthi Gautamy). 2) Lao-tszy was known under name Lao-tszjun as the maximum godhood daosskogo a pantheon and implementation of a dao. In one of the latest legends it is spoken, that he was born in 1358 up to n. e. From heavenly " Nefritovoj maidens " (JUjnjuj). In honour Lao-tszy the official cult has been established: the first victims to him have been brought under the order of emperor on his Rhodinum in 156 up to n. e. Later in so-called " national religion " Lao-tszy (Lao-tszjun) has become one of three maximum godhoods in a pantheon, having constituted, alongside with " Nefritovym Emperor " (JUjhuan a shandy) and " Great Initial " (Thaw shi), a popular figure so-called " Three Clear " (San tsin) to which often worshipped as one godhood. 3) At last, name Lao-tszy should be called and the substantial writer (or writers) the philosophical aphorisms gathered in the book " the Dao de a jing ". The fervor of philosophizing in style Lao-tszy - in accusation of distortions of the human nature called by repressive crop imposed to the individual which it is meant first of all konfutsianskaja moral, and in call-ups to return to certain simple and natural attitudes in conditional rural idyll.
  • AC - PAMPA (La Pampa), a province in a central part of Argentina. 143,4 thousand êì2. The population of 260 thousand person (1991). Adm. ts. - Santa-dew.
  • LAPAROSCOPY (from grech. lapara - a groin, a belly and... skopija), a medical method of inspection of an abdominal cavity and its organs with the help of the endoscope introduced through a puncture in an abdominal wall.
  • LAPAROTOMY, see. CHrevosechenie.
  • AC - GRAZED (La Paz), city in Bolivia, actual capital of country, an administrative centre dep. La Paz. 711 thousand inhabitants (1992). An international airport. The main economic centre of Bolivia (ok. 3/4 production of a manufacturing industry). Textile, alimentary, kozhevenno-boot, cement, etc. an industry. Art handcrafts (items from silver, gold, ceramics). University AN. National museum "Tlauanako", etc. Theatres. Palaces and churches of 18 century. It is based by Spaniards in 1548.
  • LAPERUZ (La P-erouse) Jean Fransua (1741-1788), the French seafarer. In 1785-88 chief of round-the-world expedition, probeed islands Quiet ok., coasts Cåâåðî-Çàï. of America, Vost. Asia and the Tatar prol., has discovered a channel called as his name. Expedition was missing, vyjdja from Sydney (Australia) north-up; its residues are retrieved in 1826, 1828 and 1964 on about. Vanikoro (from islands Santa Cruz).
  • LAPERUZA the CHANNEL, between islands Sakhalin (Russian Federation) and Hokkaido (Japan). Bridges Japanese and Ohotskoe starving. Length of 94 kms, the least width of 43 kms, depth of 27-118 m.
  • LAPIDARNOST (from an armour. lapidarius - a stone cutter, a cutter on a stone), a short, a conciseness, expressiveness of a syllable, style. These qualities were inherent in inscriptions on drevnerimskih stone monuments.
  • LAPIK (Lapique) Lui (1866-1952), the French physiologist. The main transactionses are dedicated study of originating and realization of exaltation in nervous and muscle tissues. Has entered (1909) into physiology of concept a rheobase and a chronaxia defining an excitability of tissues and organs.
  • LAPIKOV Ivan Gerasimovich (1922-93), the Russian actor, the national actor of the USSR (1982). In 1942-63 at the Volgograd theatre. It was taken out in films: "Chairman", " Minute of silence ", " they combated for Rhodinum ", television film " Perpetually call ", etc. The State premium of the USSR (1979).
  • LAPILLI (from an armour. lapillus - kameshek), spherical or angulate volcanic ejectamentas in the dimension from 2 up to 50 mm. Will consist of the tear-out which has stiffened in flight of a fresh lava, aged lavas and breeds alien to a burning mountain.
  • WINGNUTS Boris Matveevich (1905-41), the Russian writer. Ocherkovye books, together with Z.L.Hatsrevinym, including " Far East stories " (1935), " Letters from front " (in the collection " Selected. Prose ", it is published 1958). Has perished at the front.
  • WINGNUTS Nikolay Ivanovich (r. 1931), the Russian philosopher, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991); corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1987). Transactionses on a history of philosophy of marxism, problems of global modeling of sociology of organizations and steering. The state premium of the USSR (1983).
  • WINGNUTS Peter Ivanovich (1909-86), Russian botanik, corresponding member AN the USSR (1976). Transactionses on use of plant resources, an introduction and acclimatization of woody plants.
  • LAPINSH (Lapins) Arturs (1911-86), the Latvian theatrical artist, the national artist of Latvia (1954), corresponding member AH the USSR (1970). With 1945 main artist of the Academic theatre of opera and ballet of Latvia in Riga ("Boris Godunov" of Musorgsky, 1949; ballet " Sakta freedom " Skulte, 1950). The state premium of the USSR (1950, 1951).
  • LAPIFY, in the Grecian mythology the nation lived in Thessaly, on downslopes of mountains Ossy and Peliona. Descended from Lapifa, son Apollo. Differed militant and independent character.
  • LAPITSKY (Mihajlov) Joseph Mihajlovich (1876-1944), the Russian producer, the honored artist of Russia (1936). In 1906-08 and 1921-28 (with rests) the producer of Major theatre. The organizer and the art director of the musical drama (1912-19, Petrograd), one of organizers Donetsk (1941) theatres of opera and ballet, has introduced the investment in a becoming of the Ukrainian theatre of opera and ballet.
  • LAPLAND, natural range in a north of Sweden, Norway, Finland and in the west Kola p-ova (Russian Federation). Tundra and taiga landscapes. The main area of moving saamov (falls, or lapps).
  • LAPPISH RESERVATION, in the Russian Federation, Murmansk region, for an eskar. Imandra, primarily in limits Monchetundry. It is based in 1930. The area of 278,4 thousand ga. Open spruce and pine forests. A feral reindeer, the moose, a brown bear, a marten, a beaver; white and tundrjanaja partridges.
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