Thursday, May 10, 2007

  • LILBERN (Lilburne) John (ok. 1614-57), the chief and the ideologist levellerov in the season of the English revolution of 17 century. It was pursued presviterianami, independentami. In 1652 it is deported from England; after recurring it committed to prison (1653).
  • DAY LILY, the same, that a day lily.
  • LILY FAMILY (lilievye), a set of monocotyledonous plants. Perennial grasses with rootstocks, bulbs or corms, less often treelike plants. Ok. 1300 kinds (45 stems), on all terrestrial globe. The lily, a tulip, a squill, a hyacinth concern to a lily family, etc.
  • John (1553/1554-1606), the English writer POURED (Lyly). In the novel " Evfues, or Anatomy of wit " (1579) and " Evfues and his England " (1580) has created the style called evfuizmom. Dramas from court life spirit of italian pastorals.
  • LILIENKRON (Liliencron) Detlev a background (1844-1909), the german writer. Impressionisticheskaja lyrics, poem "Poggfred" (1896) bridging imagination with certainty of the plotting; historical ballads.
  • LILIENTAL (Lilienthal) Otto (1848-96), the german engineer, one of pioneers of aircraft. Has committed over 2 thousand flights on water elms of a natural design. Has given argument of the causes of a soaring of birds. Has perished in flight time.
  • LILINA (an ice-film. fam. Perevoshchikova) Maria Petrovna (1866-1943), the Russian actress, the national actress of Russia (1933). Wi K.S.Stanislavsky. With 1898 in Moscow Art theatre (MHT). Among roles: Masha, Dormouse, Natasha ("Seagull", "Uncle Vanja", " Three sisters " A.P.Chehova).
  • The LILIPUTIAN, the person of very small growth (under the title of tiny inhabitants of fancy country Liliputii in novel Dzh. Swift of " Traveling Gullivera ").
  • LILICH (Lilic) Zoran (r. 1954), the president of Union republic of Yugoslavia with 1993. In January - June 1993 chairman Skupshchiny (parliament) of Serbia. With 1990 deputy of parliament from Socialist party of Serbia.
  • LILY, stem of perennial bulbous plants of a set of a lily family. St. 90 kinds, in a moderate belt the Sowing. Hemispheres, including in mountains, on the wood and open downslopes. Cultivate as the decorative (over 2 thousand grades).
  • LILLE (Lille), city in France, an administrative centre dep. Holes. 178 thousand inhabitants (1990.) Center of Boreal industrial area. A large textile industry; heavy engineering; chemical, a food-processing industry. Underground railway. University. Museums: religious art, fine arts, folklore and arts and crafts. Strengthening (17 century); Gothic chapels and bell towers (13 century); churches Sent-Katrin (16-18 centuries), Saint-Etienne (17 century), military hospital (17 century), residential buildings (16-18 vv).
  • LILONGVE (Lilongwe), capital Malawi (a residence of government), an administrative centre prov. Central. 223 thousand inhabitants (1987). An international airport. A food-processing industry.
  • LILEFORS (Liljefors) Bruno (1860-1939), the Swedish painter. The representative of national romanticism. Figured feral beasts and birds in a natural environment ("Orels", 1897).
  • LILO (Lillo) Baldomero (1867-1923), the Chilean writer. Collections of realistic stories "Underground" (1904) about miners, " Under the sun " (1907) about peasants - leasers.
  • LIMA BEAN (Lima), capital Peru, on coast Quiet ok., for foot of Andes, an administrative centre of department Lima. 6,4 million inhabitants (1990, with suburbs). Seaport of Lima - Callao. An international airport. Flavoring, textile, oil refining, chemical, a metal-working industry. Universities. Museums: archeologic Rafaelja Larko Errery, arts of the Peruvian crop, national anthropology and ethnography, etc. Palaces, churches, monasteries of 16-18 centuries. Lima is based by Spaniards in 1535; up to 1821 capital of a vice-kingdom of Peru, with 1821 - Republic Peru.
  • LIMA BEAN to BARRET (Lima Barreto) Afonsu Enrikis di (1881-1922), the Brazilian writer. Social realistic novels of " the Note of the archivist " (1909), " Life and mors Gonzagi di Sa " (1919).
  • FIRTH, the title of the Red Firth on Ukraine up to 1938.
  • FIRTH (from grech. limen - haven, a bay), a bay with the wavy-grained low-level coasts, generatrix at an inundation a sea of valleys of the flat rivers as a result of immersion ratio of coastal parts of a dry matter. Oozy adjournments of a firth (dirt) often are used for the balneal purposes.
  • BASIN IRRIGATION, steep one-time vernal humidifying of soil by waters of a local flow (thawed, freshet, etc.). Water retain (10-20 sut) system of dams and shafts.
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