Thursday, May 10, 2007

  • LINGAJATY, adherents shivaitskoj sects in the India which has arisen, probably, in 12 century when lingajaty have acted with the sermon of ideas bhakti.
  • LINGUISTICS (from an armour. lingua - tongue), the same, that linguistics.
  • LINGUISTIC GEOGRAPHY, the section of linguistics investigator territorial distribution of the tongue phenomena. Develops in interaction with dialectology.
  • LINGUISTIC PHILOSOPHY (philosophy of the linguistic analysis, philosophy of ordinary tongue), a direction of analytical philosophy. In spirit neopozitivizma considers traditional philosophical problems as the pseudo-problems which have arisen by virtue of the error use of tongue; the purpose of the analysis sees in a clearing of tongue expressions. Has arisen in 1930th under influence of ideas of L.Vitgenstein and Dzh. E.Mura, has received development in the Great Britain (G.Rajl. Dzh. Austin, Dzh. Uisdom, P.Stroson, P. Strawson).
  • The LINGUISTIC LAW, 1) regular and serial reproduction of this or that ratio of units of the given tongue, conceivable by the way rules or formulas of objective correspondences. 2) Some general rule, the regularity which is inherent to the given tongue, miscellaneous tongues or tongue generally.
  • LINGIS (Lingys) JUozas (1919-84), the Latvian ballet dancer, the national actor of the USSR (1970). With 1941 in band "Letuva" (in 1946-82 main ballet master). The founder of the Lithuanian modern choreography. The state premium of the USSR (1950, 1970).
  • LINGNER (Lingner) Maks (1888-1959), the german painter and the schedule. In 1928-49 worked in France. Bright publicistic newspaper drawings, book case histories, actuarial cycles, patterns, paintings (" Construction of GDR ", 1952-53).
  • LIND (Lind) Enni (ZHenni) (1820-87), the Swedish singer (a liriko-coloratura soprano). Acted as the opera and chamber singer in many countries (it is nicknamed " the Swedish nightingale ").
  • LIND (Lynd) Robert (1892-1970), the American sociologist. The main activities (together with the wife - H.Lind) on probe of social life on the average city.
  • LINDA (Linda) Boguslav (r. 1952), the Polish actor. Played theatres of Krakow, Vrotslava, Warsaw. At kino debuted in 1976. Agneshki Holland ("Fever", 1980 was taken out in films; " Lone woman ", 1987), A.Vajdy (" the Person from gland ", 1988; "Danton", 1984), L.K.Keslevskogo ("Event", 1987; " Dekalog, seven ", 1988), etc.
  • LINDAL (Lindahl) Eric (1891-1960), the Swedish economist. Compositions on problems of economic growth, a cycle, monetary and the fiscal policy, a design procedure national the income.
  • LINDANISE (Lindanise), the title of. Thalline - capital of Estonia in livonskih chronicles.
  • LINDBERG (Lindbergh) CHarlz (1902-74), the American pilot. In 1927 has committed the first continuous flight through Atlantic ok. (from the USA to France), having flown by 5800 kms for 33 h of 30 min.
  • LINDBLAD (Lindblad) Bertil (1895-1965), the Swedish astronomer. The main transactionses on probe of structure and dynamics of sidereal systems, spiral galaxies. Has put forward a conception rotations of the Galaxy in which interpenetrating subsystems variously participate.
  • LINDGREN (Lindgren) Armas (1874-1929), the Finnish architect, the representative of the Finnish modernist style. Up to 1904 partner E.Saarinena and G.Gezelliusa (pavilion of Finland for the Parisian exhibition, 1900).
  • LINDGREN (Lindgren) Valdemar (1860-1939), the American geologist, foreign honorary member AN the USSR (1932). Transactionses on ore deposits; on the basis of physico-chemical parameters has developed (1903) their genetic grading.
  • To LINDA, the river in Yakutia, the left-handed in-leak of Lena. 804 kms, the area of basin of 20 thousand êì2.
  • To LINDA (Linde) Charles (1842-1934), german physics and the engineer. Has created the first plant for obtaining fluid air (1895), a rectifying still for air separation on components (1902).
  • LINDENER (Lindener) Michael (1520-62), the german burgher poet. The writer of collections shvankov " Knizhitsa for rest " (1555), "Kattsipori" (1558). It is executed for assassination.
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