Thursday, May 10, 2007

  • The LITHUANIAN ADVICE, see. Letuvos tariba.
  • The LITHUANIAN DRAMA THEATRE, is built in 1940 in Vilnius on the basis of troupe Kaunas and SHjauljajskogo drama theatres, with 1955 academic. The artistic administrator - J.Vajtkus (with 1989).
  • The LITHUANIAN TONGUE, falls into to Baltic group indoevropejskoj families of tongues. The official language of Lithuania. Writing on the basis of the latin alphabet.
  • LITOVSKO-BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC (Litbel), association Lithuanian SSR and Belorussoj SSR (February - August 1919). Capital - Vilnius, since April - Minsk. Chairman SNK - V.S.Mitskjavichjus-Kapsukas. The terrain is seized by german and Polish interventionists.
  • The LITHUANIAN GREAT PRINCIPALITY (the Great principality Lithuanian), the state on a part of terrain of the modern of Lithuania and Belarus in 13-16 centuries. In kon. 13-14 centuries have extended at the expense of capture of the Byelorussian, Ukrainian and western Russian grounds. Capital - Trakaj, then Vilnius. With the purposes of extirpation with german knights it was pulled together to Poland (Krevskaja the union 1385). In kon. 15 century the authority of grand duke putting under the supervisory control was formed Rad of the pans. In course Livonskoj of war it was aggregated with Poland in the unified state - Speech Pospolitu (Ljublinskaja the union 1569).
  • LITHUANIANS (the self-title - letuvjaj), people, the main population of Lithuania (2924 thousand person, 1992). In the Russian Federation 70 thousand person, in Latvia 34,6 thousand person; in the USA over 300 thousand person the Aggregate number 3,45 million person (1992). Tongue Lithuanian. Believers - basically roman catholics.
  • LITOVCHENKO Alexander Dmitrievich (1835-90), the Russian painter. The member of Artel of artists, peredvizhnik. Bytopisatelskie patterns, predominary on themes of Russian history of 16-17 centuries ("Falconer" reigning Alexey Mihajlovicha, 1889).
  • LITHOGENESIS (from lito... And... A genesis), set of processes of education and consequent changes of sedimental rocks. Primary factors of lithogenesis - tectonic motions and a climate. In a cycle of lithogenesis secrete stages: hypergenesis, sedimentogenez, diagenesis, a katagenesis (epigenesis), a metagenesis. Distinguish ice, gumidnyj, aridnyj and vulkanogenno-sedimental phylums of lithogenesis. Education of many mineral wealths is connected to different stages of lithogenesis (carbons, petroleum, gas, iron and manganese ores, bauxites, etc.).
  • LITHOGRAPH (from lito... And... grafija), a way of a plane print at which a printed form the surface of a stone (limestone) ministers. It is invented in 1798 A.Zenefelderom. The plotting on a lithographic limestone put adipose lithographic indian ink or a litographic core. Conceding broad duplicating, the lithograph in 19 century has become popular in heavy and social - critical occasional the schedule. In 20 century the lithograph is driven out of polygraphy by offset, but saves value for fulfilment of art plattes.
  • LITHOLOGY (from lito... And... logija), science about sedimentary rocks and the modern rainfall, their material structure, a structure, regularities and conditions of education and change. The main research techniques: facies and formatsionnyj the analysis, rather - lithologic a method, etc. By results of probe are compounded lithologic-and-facies and litologo-paleogeograficheskie maps and the atlases permitting visually to show to regularity of a spacing of sedimental rocks and to make the forecast of disposition of some mineral wealths. The lithology as do-it-yourself science was issued in nach. 20 century due to probes of german geologist J.Walter, the Russian geologists J.V.Samoilov, A.P.Pavlova, L.V.Pustovalova, N.M.Strahova, etc., and also American scientist U.G.Tvenhofela, etc.
  • LITHOLOGIC-AND-FACIES MAPS, map structure and conditions of education of a rainfall and allow to reconstruct physiographic conditions osadkonakoplenija any interval of geologic time.
  • LITOLF (Litolff) Anri Charles (1818-91), the French composer, the pianist - virtuoso, the conductor. In 1851-60 headed publishing house in Braunschweig (Germany; up to 1940 wore his name). Orchestral overtures "Robespjer", "ZHirondisty", concerts for a piano with an orchestra, etc.
  • LITHOPONE, white powder; a mix of zinc sulphide ZnS (pigment) and fixed white BaSO4 (filling agent). It is applied to preparation of different paints, in manufacture of plastics materials, a linoleum, etc.
  • LITORAL (from an armour. litoralis - coastal), the zone of a seabed deluged during an inflow and sewed at a drip mould. Places between a water level in the lowest drip mould and a water level in the highest inflow.
  • LITTORAL ADJOURNMENTS, adjournments of a litoral, introduced primarily sands, shingle, boulders, and also clumps of shells and their wreckages.
  • LITHOSPHERE (from lito... And an orb), the second sphere of the "solid" Earth including earth crust and a top of its underlying upper mantle.
  • LITOSFERNAJA the SLAB, large (a little bit one thousand in km in a diameter) the unit of earth crust including not only continental, but also conjugate with her an oceanic bark; it is limited from different directions seismically and tektonicheski to active zones of faults.
  • LITOTA (from grech. litotes - singleness), 1) trails: denial of the attribute which is not inherent to object, i.e. some kind of " denial of denial ", producing in the total formally equivalent positive, but actually the loosened statement ("reasonably useful"). 2) Trails, counter to a hyperbola; the going understatement (" muzhichok with nogotok ").
  • LITHOPHILOUS ELEMENTS, in geochemical grading elements of V.M.Goldshmidta - group of chemical elements (53 elements), minerals of earth crust (lithosphere) composing a ground mass.
  • LITHOPHYTES (from lito... And grech. phyton - a plant) (petrophytes), the plants developing on stones and rocks. Bacteria and algae, then lichens and mosses (accruing a layer of a humus) and, at last, higher plants (ferns, kinds of a fescue, etc.) in the beginning settle.
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