Friday, May 11, 2007

  • LOSSEL (Laussel), verhnepaleoliticheskaja parking in a like fuselage spine fairing for d. Mark (department Dordogne, France). Reliefs on stone flags: women with horns of a bison in arms and the hunter with a spear.
  • LOSSEN (Lossen) Wilhelm Klemens (1838-1906), the german chemist. Transactionses on probe of alkaloids, amines. Usnanovil (1862) empirical formula of a cocaine. Has discovered (1865) hydroxylamine, has offered (1872) reaction of obtaining of the isocyanates, called as his name.
  • LOSSKY Vladimir Nikolaevich (1903-58), the Russian orthodox seminary student, son N.O.Lossky. Was born in Russia, with 1922 in Prague, then in Paris. During german occupation of France awakely participat on the move Resistance. Criticized sofiologiju S.N.Bulgakov (" Spores on Sofia ", 1936). Compositions - " Mystical divinity of Eastern Church " (1944), " Sense of icons " (1952, together with L.A.Uspenskim), " Vision of the God " (1962), " On a mode and a similarity of the God " (1967).
  • LOSSKY Nikolay Onufrievich (1870-1965), the Russian philosopher, one of the largest representatives intuitivizma and personalizma in Russia. In 1922 it is deported abroad, up to 1945 cable cores in Prague, in 1947-50 in New York. The main transactionses on psychology, logic, problems of intuition, free will, etc.
  • The MOOSE (elk), a cloven-hoofed animal of a set of deers. The length up to 3 m, an altitude up to 2,3 m, weighs up to 570 kg, sometimes more. For samtsov major lopatoobraznye horns. Dwells in woods of Eurasia and the Sowing. America. Object of a craft (meat, a leather, horns). Experiences on a domestication.
  • LOSON (frants. lotion, from an armour. lotio - washing, ablution), a cosmetic hygienic means for maintenance behind a leather; an aqueous-alcoholic solution different aktivnodejstvujushchih (organic acids, vitamins, juices, extracts of drug plants) and other substances.
  • LOT, in auction trade the consignment offered to sale. It is routinely meant by number under which the goods before auction have been exhibited for inspection by his buyer.
  • LOT, in biblical mythology the nephew of Abraham. After death of. The Sodom and metamorphosises of the wife of Lot into a salt pile (for the fact that she at escape behavior from the Sodom has looked back, despite of the interdiction of the god) daughters of Lot, having given a drink his wine, have entered from nymas in incestuous communication to prolong humanity.
  • LOT, measure of mass (weight). 1 lot? To 3 valve cores? 12,8 In Russia about 2-nd floor. 18 century before introduction of metrical measures.
  • LOT (from a nem. Lot or niderl. lood), a sounding equipment of water from a vessel. Distinguish lots manual (a tench with freight), mechanic (a cable with the device recording hydrostatic pressure for a bottom), gadroakusticheskie (echo-sounders).
  • LOT (Lota), city and a port in Chile, on Pacific ocean. 62 thousand inhabitants (1982). Smelting of copper; manufacture of stonewares. Shipyard. In area Lots production stone. Coal.
  • LOTAREV Vladimir Alekseevich (r. 1914), the designer of aero-engines, academician AN USSR (1985). With 1963 chief designer in OKB him. A.G.Ivchenko, in 1981-89 chief designer. The developer of the concept of three-roll turbojets, etc. phylums of engines. The lenin premium (1960), the State premium of the USSR (1948, 1976). Was the deputy of a Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1984-89.
  • LORRAINE (Lorraine), historical region on the orient France, in basin r. Moselle. In terrain of Lorraine - departments Mert and Moselle, Meuse, Moselle, Vosges. 23,5 thousand êì2. The population 3,3 million person (1992). Main - Nancy and a Metz. In 9 century. Lorraine - a kingdom (in basin of the lower and mean Rhein); in 10 century - 1766 (with rests) duchy. All terrain of Lorraine in structure of France with 1766, up to 1790 with the status of a province. In 1871 Vost. Lorraine was ottorgnuta Germany, is reset to 1919 Frances. In 1940 it is annexed by Germany, it is free in 1944.
  • LOTHARINGIAN BASIN, large iron-producing area in frontier areas in France, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. Ploshad ok. 1100 êì2. A sedimental origin (oolitic getitovye ore). Common stocks 15 billion t ore; mean content Fe of 31-32 %. Center of production - a Metz.
  • LOTAR III (Lothar) (under other account - Lotar II) (ok. 1075-1137), emperor of " Sacred Roman empire " with 1125. Saxony duke (with 1106), has taken an imperial holy table at support of the maximum clergy.
  • LOTTERY (ital. lotteria), the form of call for funds of the population by sale of lottery ticket at which the part of a gathered means is played by the way money or ware scorings.
  • LOTI (Loti) Pierre (an ice-film. Name ZHjuljen Vio) (1850-1923), the French writer. Ministered the naval officer on the Orient. The writer of exotic "eastern" novels " Madam the Common chrysanthemum " (1877), "Asian" (1879).
  • LOTIDA (Lotis), for Ovidija a nymph, which gods turned into a lotus to hide her from persuit Priapa.
  • LOTMAN Lydia Mihajlovna (r. 1917), the Russian literary critic. Sister J.M.Lotman. In a centre of attention the Russian literature (first of all dramatic art) 19 century, problems of realism. Books: " A.N.Ostrovsky and Russian dramatic art of his time " (1961), " Realism of the Russian literature of 60th of 19 century " (1974). Participated in preparation of academic publications of V.G.Belinsky, N.V.Gogolja, I.S.Turgeneva, etc.
  • LOTMAN Jury Mihajlovich (1922-94), the literary critic. Professor Tartuskogo of state university, academician AN of Estonia (1990). Problems of the Russian history, the theory of the Russian literature and crop are investigated in a broad historico-philosophical and istoriko-household context (including from the point of view of a semiology). At the analysis of poetic systems reverted to a structural method. Books about A.S.Pushkin, N.M.Karamzine, etc. The Cycle of telecasts " Conversations about the Russian literature ".
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