Friday, May 11, 2007

  • LUKJANOV Sergey Vladimirovich (1910-65), the Russian actor, the national actor of Russia (1952). In 1942-55 and with 1963 at Theatre him. Vahtangova. Among roles: Egor Bulychov (" Egor Bulychov and other " M.Gorkogo). It was taken out in films: " the Kuban cossacks ", " Major family ", etc. The State premium of the USSR (1951, 1952).
  • LULE-ELV, the river in a north of Sweden. 450 kms, the area of basin. 25,2 thousand êì2. Runs in Botnichesky a hall. Average discharge of water 510 m3 / with. A coordinated hydroelectric system. Driveable. In a mouth - port Luleo.
  • LULLY (latinizir. Lullius) Rajmund (ok. 1235 - ok. 1315), the philosopher and the theologian; the founder and klassik katalanskoj literatures, the poet - lirik. The franciscan, the missionary, preached in the Sowing. To Africa. Ok. 300 compositions, primarily on katalanskom and Arabian tongues. In the composition " Great art " has stated idea of the logic machine and has made attempt of its realization.
  • LULLUBEI, ancient mountain nations to the orient from Dvurechja. The inscription of tsar Lullubei from 22 century up to n has reached. e. The cities - states Lullubei are mentioned in assyrian inscriptions of 9 century up to n. e.
  • LULUABURG (Luluabourg), the title Kananga in Zaire up to 1966.
  • LUMUMBA (Lumumba) Patris Emeri (1925-61), the first prime minister (June - September 1960) independent Republic Congo (the modern Zaire). The national hero of Zaire. The founder (1958) and the chief of a consignment National motion of Congo, demanding unconditional declaration of independence to Belgian Congo. It is discharged of an authority (September 1960), is rascally killed.
  • The MOON, in the Chinese mythology a dragon, the sovereign of water physical agent, clouds, weathers.
  • The MOON, the natural a satellite of the Earth, is from it on mean distance of 384400 kms. An inclination of an orbit to a plane of an ecliptic 5°8? 43?, mass of 7,35.1022 kg (1/81,3 masses of the Earth), mean radius of moon of 1738 kms, acceleration of gravity on a surface 1,62 ì/ñ2. Mean firmness of 3343 kg / m3, siderial cycle time 27,3 sut, synodical cycle time 29,5 sut. The visual orbicular albedo 0,75 shines a reflected sun light. The surface of moon basically gorista, is coated with numerous craters of an impact (meteoritic) origin. Lunar soil - a regolith. Temperature on a surface of moon 100-400 To, a magnetic field? 4 gammas. The first person has stepped on a surface of moon on July, 21 1969 (N.Armstrong, the USA).
  • "MOON", a series of the Soviet automatic interplanetary probes for study of moon and space; the program of their development. Are built for mild lunar landing, trans lunar injection, return to the Earth, etc. Maximum mass on landing to moon 1,88 t. "Moon - 1" - the first artificial satellite of the Sun (1959); "Moon - 2" for the first time has reached moon (1959); "Moon - 9" has committed the first mild lunar landing (1966); "Moon - 10" - the first artificial satellite of moon (1966); "Moon - 16" has delivered lunar soil to the Earth (1970) "Moon - 17" has delivered to moon a lunar powered vehicle (1970). In 1959-76 - flights of 24 stations " moons ". See also Lunar station.
  • The MOON (Luna) Alvaro de (1388-1453), columns, konnetabl (supreme commander in chief) of Castile with 1423. A favorite of king, the actual governor of Castile. Struggled with large feudal lords, aspired to centralize the state. Under pressing znati it is accused of diablery, it is executed.
  • " LUNAR the ORBITER " (Lunar Orbiter), a series of the American artificial satellites of moon for search of landing areas of the spacecraft. "Apollo" and automatic interplanetary probes " Ñåðâåéåð ", scientific probes; the program of their development. In 1966-67 5 stations " Lunar the Orbiter " are started.
  • LUNACY, the same, that a noctambulation (the title - from false submissions about influence of a moonlight per capita).
  • LUNACHARSKY Anatoly Vasiljevich (1875-1933), the Russian political figure, the writer, academician AN the USSR (1930). The participant October revolutions (Petrograd). With 1917 narkom enlightenments. With 1929 chairman of the Scientist of committee at the Central Electoral Committee of the USSR. In 1933 ambassador in Spain. Transactionses on a history of public idea, problems of crop, literary - critical activities. Plays.
  • LUNGIN Paul Semenovich (r. 1949), the Russian scripter and the film director. Since 1990th lives in France. Differs the thin social scent and flexibility of a creative manner. Under natural scripts has delivered films: "Motor cab - blues" (1990), "Amusement park" (1992), " the Line of life " (1996), etc.
  • LUNGU (Lungu), the leader of country revolt in Moldova in 1581.
  • LUNGHA, the river in Yakutia, the left-handed in-leak of Lena. 508 kms, the area of basin of 10,3 thousand êì2. It is navigable on 57 kms from a mouth.
  • LUND (Lund), city in the south of Sweden. 86 thousand inhabitants (1990). A machine industry, a food-processing industry. University. Museums: antiquities, cultural - historical, collection of an ornamental art. A Romanesque cathedral (11-12 centuries), wooden church. Sankta-mary the Minor (12-13 centuries), the Renaissance royal palace (16 century).
  • LUND, state education in kon. 16 - nach. 19 centuries on terrains of the modern states Angolas, Zaire, Zambia. An ethnic nucleus - people lunda. Chief businesses of the population - agriculture and a hunt. Has broken up as a result of internecine wars.
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