Friday, May 11, 2007

  • LUNAR SOIL, see. A regolith.
  • MOONSTONE, mineral, version of an adularia with a tender sinevato-light-blue iridescent drip mould. Meets in pegmatitah. A valuable ornamental stone.
  • LUNAR MAINLAND, mountainous, more light, than mares, a part of a lunar surface (84 %) with major figure of craters; maxheights of lunar mountains? 5 kms. More gorista a underside of moon.
  • LUNAR POWERED VEHICLE (moonmobile), the automatic or steered device for activity and removals on a surface of moon. The first automatic lunar powered vehicle steered from the Earth, - Soviet "Moonmobile - 1" (1970). In 1970-75 2 Soviet lunar powered vehicles are started. Maximum mass of 840 kg, maximum covered distance of 37 kms, an operating time ok. 1 year. The first steered lunar powered vehicle - the American moonmobile "Rover" (1971). In 1971-72 3 moonmobiles "Rover" are delivered to moon for removal of astrogators by spacecrafts " Apollo - 15,-16 and-17 ". Maximum mass (with two astrogators and freight) 725 kg, maximum covered distance ok. 36 kms.
  • LUNTS Lazarus Adolfovich (1892-1979), the Russian lawyer, the professor, the honored worker of science of Russia (1967). Transactionses in range of international private law. The state premium of the USSR (1970).
  • LUNTS Lion Natanovich (1901-24), the Russian writer. The theorist of literary group " Serapionovy brothers ". Gravitating to anti-Utopia tragedy " Outside of the law " (1923), plays " Monkeys go! " (1923), " City of the Truth ", (1924). Stories (including " In desert ", 1922).
  • MOON - FISHES, a set of order iglobrjuhoobraznyh. Length up to 3 m, sometimes more; weigh up to 1,4 t. A body impressed from sides, high, almost circular. 4 kinds, primarily in marine warm waters; occasionally meet in Japanese and Barentsevom seas.
  • LUO, 1) group of peoples in Africa. Are divided on luo boreal (shilluk, anuak, etc.) - in the south of Sudan, and luo austral (naturally luo, alur, acholi, etc.) - in Uganda, Zaire, Tanzania, Kenya, etc. Tongues shari-nilskoj branches nilo-saharskih tongues. 2) Naturally luo (the self-title - dzholuo), people of group luo in Kenya (3,25 million person) and Tanzania. An aggregate number 3,47 million person (1992). Hold on to traditional convictions, there are christians (basically roman catholics) and moslems - sunnity.
  • MAGNIFYING GLASS (frants. loupe), a convergent lens or lens system with small focal distance (10-100 mm). Increase of a magnifying glass from 2 till 40-50.
  • LUPAN (Lupan) Andrey (r. 1912), the Moldavian writer, the national writer of Moldova (1982), academician AN of Moldova (1961), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1982). The brother of Anna Lupan. Poetic collections "Verses" (1947), "Master - sozidatel" (1958), "Xenial customs" (1966), " Kindly wearing " (1980). The play "Light" (1948). The state premium of the USSR (1975).
  • LUPAN Anna (r. 1924), the Moldavian writer. Sister A.Lupana. The story " the Wind to face " (1957), the novel " Where thy ploughers, ground? " (1962), " To find itself " (1972), " Black colour of a mazzard cherry " (1977); plays, stories, stories about life of the Moldavian village, village intelligency.
  • LUPANOV Oleg Borisovich (r. 1932), the Russian mathematician, corresponding member AN the USSR (1972). Transactionses on a mathematical logic and mathematical problems of cybernetics. The lenin premium (1966).
  • LUPERKALII, in Ancient Rome festivals in honour of the god of the Faun, the promoter of herds (Luperk - one of his nicknames). Luperkalii are connected to the most ancient magic of fertility, managed annually on February, 15.
  • LUPPOL Ivan Kapitonovich (1896-1943), the Russian philosopher, academician AN the USSR (1939). The main transactionses on a history of philosophy, an aesthetics and the literature. It is repressed; it is rehabilitated posthumously.
  • MAGNIFYING GLASS (Lupu) Vasily (? - 1661), gospodar the Moldavian principality in 1634-53. At the Magnifying glass in JAssah are open Slavjano-Greco-Latin academy (1640), 1-n the Moldavian printing house (1641).
  • LUPUS, see Volf Century.
  • LURISTAN, historical range in the west of Iran. In an antiquity it inhabited kassitami and entered in the state Elam. In 10-9 centuries up to n. e. It colonized with nations of the southern - Iranian branch. Small Luristan - range lurskih nations. Great Luristan - the range inhabited bahtiarami, mamasani, kuhgiluje. In the modern Iran - ostan (province). Main city - Khorramabad.
  • LURISTANSKIE BRONZES, bronze items (weapons, dressings of a horse harness, clothes), plump in animal style, from burials 2-nd floor. 2-nd - 1-st floor. 1-st millenaries up to n. e. In Luristan.
  • LURIJA Alexander Romanovich (1902-77), the Russian psychologist, one of osnovatelej neuropsychologies, the full member of NPA of RSFSR (1947), NPA of the USSR (1968). The main transactionses on probe of violations of the maximum mental functions at local defeats of a brain.
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