Tuesday, May 29, 2007

  • MAJOR DESERT Victoria (Great Victoria Desert), a sand desert in the south of Australia. 350 thousand êì2. A mean altitude of 150-300 m. Prevail{dominate} grjadovye sands (an altitude 10-30 ì), timbered sods of a cereal spinifeks. A rainfall from 125 up to 250 mm annually. National park Major desert Victoria.
  • " The MAJOR RUSSIAN ENCYCLOPEDIA ", scientific spravochno-encyclopaedic publishing house, Moscow. It is based in 1925 as joint-stock company " Soviet encyclopedia ". About 1930 State slovarno-encyclopaedic publishing house, in 1935-49 State institute (in 1944-49 State scientific institute) " the Soviet encyclopedia ", about 1949 State scientific publishing house (up to 1959 " the Major Soviet encyclopedia ", up to 1963 " the Soviet encyclopedia "), about 1963 publishing house of the same title (issued spravochno-encyclopaedic and up to 1974 linguistic reference works). The modern title with 1991. Issues generalpurpose and branch encyclopedias, encyclopaedic dictionarys on different ranges of science, technique and crop, regional, biographic and other reference works. In 1926-91 635 volumes of issuings in general circulation ok were published. 88,5 million copies.
  • MAJOR SOVIET ENCYCLOPEDIA (BSE), the generalpurpose encyclopaedic issuing which was going out in the USSR (publishing house " Soviet encyclopedia "). 1 issuing - 1926-47, 65 main{basic} volumes, a separate volume of the USSR, 65 thousand points, circulation of 50-80 thousand copies; managing editor O.J.Schmidt (up to 1941). 2 issuing - 1950-58, 50 main{basic} volumes, 51-st padding volume; ok. 100 thousand points, circulation of 250-300 thousand copies; the index{indicator} in 2 volumes. (1960); managing editor S.I.Vavilov (up to 1951), B.A.Vvedensky (with 1951). 3 issuing - 1969-78, 30 volumes; ok. 100 thousand points, circulation of 630 thousand copies; the alphabetic nominal index{indicator} in 1 volume. (1981); managing editor A.M.Prokhorov (with 1969); it is transferbed{translated} and issued in the USA, Greeces. Methodical experience BES utilised at preparation of the Small Soviet encyclopedia (3 issuings in 1928-60), other generalpurpose manuals, including. The one-volume Soviet encyclopaedic dictionary (4 issuings in 1979-91), the two-volume Major Encyclopaedic dictionary (1991), also promoted development of an encyclopaedic affair in country. In 1957-90 Year-book BSE was emitted.
  • MAJOR the HETH, the river on north-east. Zap. Siberia, the left-handed in-leak{influx} of Yenisei. 646 kms, the area of basin of 20,7 thousand êì2. In a bass. Major Heths - ok. 6 thousand lakes.
  • MAJOR CHUKOCHJA (Revum-Revu), the river on north-east of Yakutia. 758 kms, the area of basin of 19,8 thousand êì2. Flows on Kolyma nizm., the m runs in Vost.-Siberian. In the winter peremerzaet. In basin over 11,5 thousand lakes.
  • BOLSHEV Login Nikolaevich (1922-78), mathematician; corresponding member AN the USSR (1974). Transactionses on a theory of probabilities, mathematical statistics and their appendices.
  • BOLSHEVIK, an island arh. A sowing. The Earth (Krasnoyarsk kr.). 11,3 thousand êì2. An altitude up to 935 m. Ok. 30 % of terrain are coated{obtected} with icehouses; arctic desert.
  • BOLSHEVIKS, representatives of a political trend (fraction) to the Russian social-democratic working consignment (since April 1917 do-it-yourself political party), headed by V.I.Leninym (see. Communist party of Soviet Union). The concept bolsheviks has arisen on 2-nd cross-over of the Russian social-democratic working consignment (1903) after at elections to authorities of a consignment, adherents Lenina have gained the majority vote (from here - bolsheviks), their opponents - minority (mensheviki). In 1917-52 word bolsheviks entered{included} in the official title of a consignment - the Russian social-democratic working consignment (bolsheviks), Russian KP (bolsheviks), All-Union KP (bolsheviks). 19-th congress (1952) has decided to name her{it} KP Soviet Union
  • TUNDRA BOLSHEZEMELSKAJA, hilly morainal plain, within the limits of Nenets autonomous region and Republic Komi. An altitude up to 250 m. Mohovo-subshrub tundra and a forest - tundra. In tundra Bolshezemelskoj a large part of the Pechora coal basin; oil fields and gas.
  • BOLSHENOGIE HENS (weedy hens), a set of birds of order chicken. Legs are hardly developed. 12 kinds{views}, in Australia and on islands Quiet ok. Eggs instill in heaps of sand or decaying plants.
  • BOLSHEROGY a DEER, extinct artiodactyl mammalian. Cable cores in Pleistocene, in Eurasia. Horns up to 4 m in scope{span}. Residues bolsherogogo a deer often meet on paleolithic parking of the person.
  • MAJOR ANTILLES ISLANDS, western part arh. Antilles in West Indies.
  • MAJOR HIMALAYA, the greatest high (up to 8848 m, Chomolungma) a part of the Himalayas.
  • MAJOR SOENDA ISLES, main body Malayan arh., primarily in Indonesia. Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi actuates islands Sumatras, etc.
  • MAJOR HEMISPHERES of a brain, twin educations, consolidated a callous body in t. n. An end brain. The surface of major hemispheres is submitted{shown} by numerous major or small steep crinkles. Distinguish lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, insular, occipital. The gray matter of a brain consisting of nervous cells - neurones, will derivate a bark of major hemispheres and subcortical a ganglion (clusters). White matter is derivated by the processes of neurones amounting conduction paths of a brain.
  • BOLSHINTSOV Manuel Vladislavovich (1902-1954), the Russian film writer. Scripts (with co-authors): "Peasants" (1935), " the Root of Moscow " (1944), etc.
  • MAJOR KIZI, lake in Khabarovsk kr. It is paired protokoj with r. Amur. At an average level 281 êì2, depth up to 4 m.
  • MAJOR BEAR LAKE (Grea Bea Lake), lake in northwest of Canada. 30,2 thousand êì2, depth up to 137 m. A drainage on r. B.Medvezhja. Navigation. Fishery. Ports: Port - radium, the Fort - franklin.
  • MAJOR LAKE NEVOLNICHE (Great Slaver Lake), lake in northwest of Canada. 28,6 thousand êì2, depth up to 150 m. Run rr. Nevolnichja, Hej, escapes r. Mackenzie. Navigation. Ports: the Fort - Rezoljushen, Yellowknife.
  • MAJOR BRINE LAKE (Great Salt Lake), drainless brine lake in the west the USA. Depending on quantity of a rainfall the area and a salinity vary: from 2500 up to 6000 êì2 and from 137 up to 300 ‰. An average depth of 4,5-7,5 m. Production cooking and glauberovoj salts. Large Salt Lake Citys, Ogden.
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