Saturday, May 19, 2007

  • MILITARY COMMISSIONERS, 1) representatives of Communist Party and the Soviet authority to parts (on the ships), establishments, connections of Armed forces in the season (with rests) 1918-42.2) Chiefs of organs of aboriginal military steering in the Russian Federation.
  • MILITARY SETTLEMENTS, special organization of a troops in Russian empire in 1810-57 with the purpose of reduction of military charges. Aligned a military service with occupation by an agriculture. Are entered on state grounds Petersburg, Novgorod, Mogilyov, Kherson and other provinces. With 1817 main chief A.A.Arakcheev. Mushtra, the severe mode, severe regulation of life invoked revolts: CHuguevskoe 1819, Novgorod 1831, etc.
  • WAR CRIMINALS, organizers, prompters, chiefs, initiators and accessories of war crimes, crimes against peace and humanity. Kinds and structures of these crimes and punitive measures are determined in charters of International military tribunals. The personal criminal liability of war criminals is established by a number of international treaties and agreements, and for some kinds of war crimes - the national criminal legislation. To war criminals any periods of limitation are not applied, he does not grant the right of asylum. War criminals are subject to issue.
  • MILITARY REFORMS 1810-12, were conducted in the Russian army under a guiding of military minister for general M.B.Barclay - de-Tolli in connection with preparation to laying ahead war with napoleonic France. The main content: increase of a strength of the army; introduction of body organization; reorganization of the Military ministry; drawing up " Establishments for steering of the Major field army " 1812 (1 regulations about field steering of a troops); education of army headquarters.
  • MILITARY REFORMS 1860-70-Õ in Russia, were conducted under a guiding of military minister D.A.Milyutin. The main content: changing rekrutskoj duties vsesoslovnoj compulsory service (1874) and building of mass army; arms of army new rifled weapons; building of military districts; improvement of combat training of a troops (new charters) and preparation of officers (military grammar schools, military and junkerskie schools).
  • MILITARY REFORMS 1905-12, are conducted in the Russian army after a defeat in russko-Japanese war. The main content: loss of life; rejuvenation of an officer personnel; improvement of mobilization capabilities of army; new charters.
  • MILITARY EXPERTS (military specialists), generals, admirals, officers and officers of aged Russian army and fleet, attracted on a service in Red Army during the Civil war (all ok. 75 thousand person).
  • The IDENTITY CARD, in the Russian Federation the document giving by a military commissariat to citizens at call-up on an active military service or at transfer in a reserve (demission).
  • The MILITARY UNIT, political-military alliance or the agreement of the states with the purpose of combined actions for the solution of general political, economic and military problems.
  • " The MILITARY LOG-BOOK ", the title of three Russian log-books of 19 century on the military theory and a history. " The military log-book " was emitted in Saint Petersburg: in 1810-11 and in 1817-19 it is monthly, in 1827-1859 on 6 books annually.
  • MILITARY COMMISSARIAT (military commissariat), organ of aboriginal military steering in the Russian Federation. Knows military - mobilization and registration - draft activity.
  • " MILITARY COMMUNISM ", internal policy of the Soviet state in conditions of the Civil war. Policy of " Military communism " has been directed on overcoming of an economic crisis and rested on theoretical submissions about a capability of direct introduction of communism. The main features: nationalization of all large and mean industry and a large part of the small-sized enterprises; food dictatorship, prodrazverstka, direct produktoobmen between city and village; changing of private trade by state distribution of products to a class attribute (rationing system); naturalization of economic attitudes; the overall labour duty; an equalisation in the wage; military - prikaznaja system of a guiding of all life of society. After an end of the war numerous performances of workers and peasants against policy of " Military communism " have shown its full breakdown, in 1921 the new economic policy is entered.
  • MILITARY DISTRICT, territorial combined-arms association of parts, connections, military schools and different aboriginal military establishments. It is headed commanding by a troops of a military district. Division of terrain of country into military districts practises many states.
  • MILITARY ORCHESTRA, see. Duhovoj an orchestra.
  • " The MILITARY COLLECTION ", the Russian monthly military log-book. It was emitted in Saint Petersburg (Petrograd) in 1858-1917. About 1862 organ of the Military ministry.
  • MILITARY COUNCIL, collective organ of direction of troops in kinds of Armed forces, military districts (fleets), groups of forces, in armies, flotillas, etc. The Chairman of a military council is conforming commanding. Stationary values Military councils of consultative character exist in the maximum military instances of many states.
  • VOZHDESTVO, the form of breeding organization in epoch of decomposition of a primitive-communal system. Steering of nation or the union of nations in vozhdestve implements rodoplemennoj or a military top led by hereditary leaders. See also Military democracy.
  • VOZHE, lake in a north of the Vologda region 416 êì2. Depth up to 4,5 m. A drainage through r. Svid in an eskar. Lacha.
  • The World Health Organization, see. World organization of public health services.
  • The CAUSAL ORGANISM of ELECTROMACHINES, the device, nourishing a current of an exitation winding of an electric machine. In the capacity of causal organisms of electromachines apply multiple-current generators and special transformers.
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