Thursday, May 17, 2007

  • The RUBBLE STONE (rough stone), coarse wastes of rocks (in a diameter of 15-50 sm), received at development (routinely explosive way) predominary limestones, is dolomitic, sandstones. Apply to a laying of the bases, at erection of hydrotechnical and transport structures, etc.
  • BUTROT (alb. Butrinti), ancient greek city on an eskar. Butrinti (Albania). It is based in kon. 7 - nach. 6 centuries up to n. e. Residues of defensive walls, theatre, sanctuaries, etc.
  • BUTRU (Boutroux) Emil (1845-1921), the French philosopher, foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1916). The representative spiritualizma; settled items of an indeterminism.
  • FOOTBALL BOOT (Rough stone) (Booth), family of the American actors. Dzhunius Brutus (1796-1852), with 1813 on the professional scene, acted at the London theatres. With 1821 worked in the USA where has become the largest actor of romantic school. His sons: Edvin Thomas Buts (1833-93), on the scene with 1849, the best role - Hamlet (U.Shakespeare "Hamlet"); John Uilks the Football boot (1838-65), the adherent of slaveholders, in 1865 has lethally wounded president A.Linkolna.
  • BUTUAN (Butuan), city on Philippines, on about. Mindanao, an administrative centre prov. Agusan-del-Norte. 228 thousand inhabitants 1990, with suburbs). A port in a mouth r. Agusan. A woodworking, manufacture and export of items from an abaca, copras.
  • BUTURLIN Alexander Borisovich (1694-1767), columns (1760), general - field marshal (1756). A favorite of the empress of Elizabeth Petrovny. During Seven-year war in 1760-61 commander-in-chief Russian army.
  • BUTURLIN Vasily Vasiljevich (?-1656), the military figure, the diplomat. The chapter of Russian embassy on Ukraine (1653). Has sworn in deputies Perejaslavskoj rads 1654 on an accuracy of Russia. In 1655 commanding a troops sent to the aid of B.Hmelnitskomu against a Polish troops.
  • BUTURLIN Dmitry Petrovich (1790-1849), the military historian, the general - major (1824). Transactionses on a history of wars of Russia in 18 century and Domestic war 1812. In 1846-49 headed " Buturlinsky committee ".
  • BUTURLINOVKA, city (with 1917) in the Russian Federation, the Voronezh region. A depot. 29,0 thousand inhabitants (1992). Alimentary, a light industry. It is based in 18 century.
  • " BUTURLINSKY COMMITTEE ", the title of Committee adopted in the literature for the maximum supervision of spirit and a direction of products typed in Russia. It is built in 1848 under D.P.Buturlin chairmanship. Executed secret surveillance behind the literature. Was subject to emperor Nikolay I. It is abolished in 1855.
  • BOTTLE the WINY, Russian volume measure of liquids 18 - nach. 20 centuries 1 bottle winy = 1/16 pails (0,77ë).
  • BOTTLE the VODKA (beer), Russian volume measure of liquids 18 - nach. 20 centuries 1 bottle vodka = 1/20 pails (0,624 ë).
  • BOTTLENOSE WHALES, stem of aquatic mammals of a set kljuvorylyh. Length up to 9,4 m. 2 kinds. Vysokolobyj a bottlenose whale - in boreal part Atlantic ok., including in Barentsevom m. (the m. catches in White); in the Red Data Book of the International union of nature protection and natural resources. Ploskolobyj a bottlenose whale - in Austral hemisphere; number is unknown.
  • The BUFFER (English buffer, from buff - to extenuate pushes), the adaptation for cushioning on vehicles (locomotives, rail cars, etc.). The automobile buffer calls as a bumper.
  • CUSHION BLASTING, method of a blasting of a rock mass on "buffer" from earlier milled breed. Limits width of wheel alignment of mined rock, improves cleavage, etc.
  • The BUFFER MEMORY DEVICE, intended for intermediate storage of the information at an exchange of her between the devices of a computer working with miscellaneous speeds.
  • BUFFER SOLUTIONS, sustain at change of a medium composition permanent value of any performance, napr. Hydrogen ion exponent pH (acidly - osnovnyj a buffer solution) or redox potential (an oxidation-reduction buffer solution). Acid-base buffer solutions contain weak acid and its salt (napr., CH3COOH and CH3COONa) or mild base and his salt (napr., NH3 and NH4Cl). Many biological liquids (blood, etc.) are such buffer solutions. Their components - carbonates, phosphates and proteins. Oxidation-reduction buffer solutions contain connections of elements of the variable valence, located in two oxidation states, napr. Salt Fe (III) and Fe (II).
  • BUFFALO (Buffalo), city on north-east the USA, pieces. New York, a port on an eskar. Erie. 328 thousand inhabitants (1990, with suburbs 1,2 million inhabitants). A large industrial centre and a traffic centre. An international airport. Iron and steel industry, metal working, a machine industry, a chemical industry. 14 high schools, including university. Center of nuclear probes. Art passageway.
  • BUFFOONERY (from ital. buffonata - shutovstvo), in a circus, on a platform, at theatre - pointed out external comic exaggeration, sometimes okarikaturivanie characters (actions, the phenomena).
  • BUFY [from frants. bouffer - to inflate (sja)], the rank of a pleat on women water hoses and skirts.
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