Thursday, May 17, 2007

  • VAVILOV Sergey Ivanovich (1891-1951), Russian physics, the founder of the Soviet scientific school physical opticians, the academician (1932) and the president (with 1945) AN the USSR. Brother N.I.Vavilov. Fundamental transactionses on physical optician, primarily on a luminescence and its operational use. Under Vavilov guiding the Cherenkov radiation - Vavilov is open. Transactionses on philosophy of natural sciences and a history of science. The popular writer of science. The first chairman of board of the All-Union society "Knowledge" (with 1947), managing editor BSE (with 1949). The state premium of the USSR (1943, 1946, 1951, 1952, posthumously).
  • VAVILOVSKOE SOCIETY GENETIKOV AND SELECTORS, at the Russian Academy of Science. It is based in 1992 on the basis the Russian republican society and of some branches of the All-Union society genetikov and selectors by him. N.I.Vavilov (1966-91). Central advice - in Saint Petersburg. In 1993 ok. 5 thousand person.
  • BABYLON, ancient city in Mesopotamia, to a southwest from the modern bagdad. In 19-6 centuries up to n. e. Capital of Babylonia. Archeological excavations with 1899.
  • BABYLONIA, the state nach. 2-nd thousand - 539 up to n. e. In the south of Mesopotamia (terrain of the modern Iraq). In the season of bloom (at Hammurapi, 18 century) - a centralized slave state. It is conquered by persians.
  • The BABYLONIAN FILM, the season in a history of ancient Jews with 586 on 539 up to n. e. (from violent resettlement of a part of Jews to Babylonia after taking Jerusalem by the babylonian tsar by Nabuchodonosor II before their recurring to Palestine after seizure of Babylonia by the persian tsar by Mineral tar II).
  • BABEL, in the Bible the story about attempt to construct after a Flood Babylon and a tower up to heavens. Angry with impudence of people the God " has mixed their tongues " so, that people have ceased to perceive one another, and has scattered them on all ground. Figuratively - turmoil, full disorder, vanity.
  • VAVRA Otakar (r. 1911), the Czech film director. Films: " the Dumb barricade " (1949), "John Hus" (1955), "Citizen Brih" (1959), " the Romance for a cornet " (1967), " Days of betraying " (1973), "Sokolovo" (1974), " Discharging of Prague " (1976), " Journeys Yana Amos " (1983), etc.
  • VAVRZHINETS FROM BRZHEZOVY (Lawrence from Brzhezovy) (1370 - after 1437), Czech hronist, the poet, the writer. Main transactionses - " the Hussite chronicle " (in latin tongue).
  • CROWBARS, the river in Slovenia, the left-handed in-leak of Danube. 433 kms, the area of basin of 19,6 thousand êì2. The beginning in Tatra mountains. Average discharge of water 152 m3 / with. A coordinated hydroelectric system.
  • CROWBAR, the river in a north of the European part of the Russian Federation, the left-handed in-leak the Sowing. Dvina. 575 kms, the area of basin of 44,8 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water ok. 400 m3 / with. Driveable. It is navigable on 355 kms from a mouth.
  • VAGABZADE Bahtijar Mahmud ogly (r. 1925), the Azerbaijan poet, the national poet of Azerbaijan (1984). Collections of verses and poems of "Meditation" (1959), " I do not want dormancy " (1970), "Mugam" (1982), " we on one ship " (1983; the State premium of the USSR, 1984), dedicated a modernity. Dramas.
  • VAGAJ, the river in Zap. Siberia, the left-handed in-leak of Irtysh. 555 kms, the area of basin of 23 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water for a seconds. Black 20,6 m3 / with. It is navigable in a lower reaches. In mouth Vagaja (" Ermakova a pool ") has perished Ermak.
  • VAGANOV Eugeny Aleksandrovich (r. 1948), Russian biophysics, the dendrologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991). The main transactionses in range of development of methods and instrumentation for the automized analysis climatic and ecological factors at probe of growth of woody plants.
  • VAGANOV Agrippina Jakovlevna (1879-1951), the Russian actress of ballet, the teacher, the national actress of RSFSR (1934). In 1897-1916 in Mariinsk theatre. In 1921-51 teacher of the Leningrad choreographic school, with 1946 professor. With 1931-37 artistic administrator of ballet troupe of the Leningrad theatre of opera and ballet by him. Kirov. Pedagogical system Vaganovoj (" the Fundamentals of classical dance ", 1934) is applied in many countries. The state premium of the USSR (1946).
  • VAGANTY (from an armour. vagantes - nomadic) (goliardy), in medieval Zap. To Europe nomadic poor students, the lowest kliriki, shkoljary - initiators parody, love, drinking songs. 12-13 centuries - time of bloom freethinking, antiascetical, an ecclesiastical writing vagantov, basically pesennoj. Were pursued by official church.
  • VAGARSHAPAT, drevnearmjansky city. It is based in 2 century up to n. e. Capital of Armenia in 2-4 centuries n. e. Ok. Vagarshapat there was a monastery Echmiadzin, which title in 1945 has received also city.
  • VAGARSHJAN Vagarsh Bogdanovich (1894-1959), the Armenian actor, the producer, the playwright, the national actor of the USSR (1954). With 1923 at the Armenian Theatre him. Sundukjana (Yerevan). The professor of the Yerevan theatrical institute (with 1946). The state premium of the USSR (1941, 1952).
  • VAGENBURG (from a nem. Wagen - a carriage and Burg - protection), strengthening from carriages in the form of a quadrilateral, a circle or a half-disk, sometimes strengthened a pit, etc. interruptings. It was applied in an antiquity (cecidiums, germen, gunny) and in Middle Ages (crusaders, Swisses, hussites) to cover of a troops from attacks of the opponent (see also Walk - city).
  • VAGINAS Vsevolod Ivanovich (1823-1900), the Russian historian, Siberian oblastnik. One of editors and publishers of the liberal newspaper "Siberia". Transactionses on a history, ethnographies and economy of Siberia.
  • VAGINISMUS (from an armour. vagina - a sheath), convulsive reduction of muscles of a sheath and the pelvic bottom, handicapping coitus.
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