Friday, May 18, 2007

  • VEJL (Vail) (Weill) Kurt (1900-50), the german composer. Cooperated to playwrights G.Kajzerom, B.Brecht. Scenic products: " Three-cheap opera " (1928), " Elevation and fall of city of the Mahagony " (1930), etc. In 1935 has emigrated in the USA where wrote music for broadway theatres, including musicals. Has created new phylum of a burning satirical drama with music.
  • VEJL (Weil) Simon (1909-43), the French social and religious philosopher, mistik. After german occupation of Paris in 1940 ran to Marseilles, then in the USA and the Great Britain, participat on the move Resistance. Compositions - " Burden and grace ", " Requirement for rooting ", " Expectation of the God ".
  • VEJMARN Boris Vladimirovich (1909-90), the Russian historian of art, the art critic, the full member AH the USSR (1973). Transactionses on art of countries of the Orient.
  • The WEIMAR REPUBLIC, the German state in 1919-33 which according to the constitution of Germany adopted on July, 31 1919 in Weimar by National assembly (it is selected in January 1919), was konstituirovano in the form of democratic parliamentary federative republic: the chief of state - the elective president, rejhstag, izbiravshijsja a universal suffrage, had more large powers, than in kajzerovskoj Germany, the president nominated rejhskantslera (head of government). In 1919-33 the cabinet council was replaced 21 times, 8 times was re-elected rejhstag (including 4 times in 1930-33). In conditions of an exacerbation of the left-handed and dextral political radicalism, and also growth of the separatism and slackening of centralism (Bavaria, etc.) In the Weimar republic in 1919-23 the runaway inflation developed, there was an acute economic crisis. Despite of relative stabilization of economy in 1924-28 with the help of foreign loans and credits (in 1926 Germany has entered League of the nations), in country state and public crisis which was aggravated on a background of a world economic crisis 1929-33 built up. About 1929 economic life in the Weimar republic it has been paralysed, the figure of unemployed has constituted over 6 million person. At elections in rejhstag in July 1932 Natsional-sotsialistskaja the consignment has received 230 deputy places from 601 (at elections in November 1932 - 196 of 584). On January, 30 1933 rejhskantslerom has become the chapter of this consignment of A.Gitler that marked itself an end of the Weimar republic.
  • The WEIMAR SCHOOL (" novonemetskoe a direction "), creative association of german musicians. Has arisen in it is grey. 19 century in Weimar. Representatives of the Weimar school led by F.Listom contrasted themselves to the academic Leipzig school, struggled for romantic musical art, updating of the musical forms on the basis of the musical programmnosti.
  • The WEIMAR CLASSICISM, see. A classicism Weimar.
  • VEJMER (Veimer) Arnold (1903-77), the Estonian economist, academician AN of Estonia (1967), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1973). In 1924-38 in prisons of Estonia. With 1944 chairman SNK, Council of Ministers of Estonia, with 1957 chairman SNH, with 1965 vice-president of SM of Estonia. With 1968 president AN of Estonia.
  • VEJMUTOVA the PINE, a tree from a stem a pine. A trunk direct, high (up to 60 ì), conifer needle glaucous-green. Rhodinum - the Sowing. America. In Europe since 17 century as wood and park crop. Wood is used in construction, in furniture, a papermaking.
  • VAYNE (Vane) John Robert (r. 1927), the English chemist and the pharmacologist. The main probes on secretion of Prostaglandinums and study of their chemistry and biochemistry. The Nobel Prize (1982, together with S.Bergstremom and B.Samuelsonom).
  • VEJNAHSKIE TONGUES, see. Nahskie tongues.
  • VEJNBERG Peter Isaevich (1831-1908), the Russian poet, a translator, the journalist. Transfers from Dante, U.Shakespeare, I.V.Gete, F.Schiller, etc. (all - more than 60 european and American writers). Comic and satirical verses (the collection " Comic poems of Heine from Tambov ", 1863).
  • VEJNGARTNER (Vajngartner) (Weingartner) Feliks a background (1863-1942), the german and Austrian conductor, the composer. Has become famous as the interpretive program of products of L.Beethoven, G.Berlioz, R.Wagner, A.P.Borodina, P.I.Chajkovskogo.
  • VEJNINGER (Weininger) Otto (1880-1903), the Austrian philosopher, the writer of the book " the Floor and character " (1903), using sensational success in Austria and Germany in the first decades of 20 century. Has in a pointed manner committed suicide in the dwelling where Beethoven has deceased.
  • VEJOVIS (Vediovis, Vedius) (an armour. Veiovis), in Roman mythology htonicheskoe the godhood which cult drained with cult Dispatera.
  • VEJOPATIS (Vejpons, Vejdievs), in the Lithuanian mythology the god of a wind.
  • WEISS (Weiss) Vojtseh (1875-1950), the Polish painter and the schedule. Portraits and genre scenes with features of impressionism; the composition "Manifest" (1950) dedicated professing of a new authority in Poland.
  • WEISS Pierre Ernest (1865-1940), French physics. In 1907 has stated a hypothesis about existence in ferromagnetic substance of an internal magnetic field (a molecular field of Weiss) and ferromagnetic domains. One of writers of the law of Curie - Weiss. Has discovered magnetokalorichesky effect.
  • VEJSBAH (Weisbach) JUlius (1806-71), german the mechanics, foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1855). Transactionses on applied mechanics and a descriptive geometry. Has developed the theory of a drive, in particular, the theory of toothings.
  • VEJSBERG Vladimir Grigorjevich (1924-85), the Russian artist and the theorist of art, one of master masters of " informal art ". Kept a line of " a metaphysical still-life " (in spirit Dzh. Morandi), leading up the picturesque compositions 1970-80-Õ (in a manner " white on white ") almost up to a full pointlessness of flickering light fields with "ghosts" of things bleeding through in them.
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