Friday, May 18, 2007

  • VEJSEJAJ (Veisiejai), city (with 1956) in Lithuania, on coast an eskar. Anchja, in 25 kms from zh.-d. An item. Druskininkaj. 2,1 thousand inhabitants (1990). A church of 19 century.
  • VEJSMAN (Weismann) August (1834-1914), the german zoologist and the evolutionist. Has anticipated the modern submissions about a discretization of genes, their localization in chromosomes and a role in an ontogenesis. The founder of neodarvinism.
  • VEJTBREHT (Weitbrecht) Joses (1702-47), the Russian physiologist, the academician Petersburg AN (1725). By origin the German, with 1725 in Russia. The main activities on anatomy and human physiology, medicine. In transactionses "Syndesmologia" (1742) has stated the doctrine about svjazkah the person.
  • VEJTLING (Weitling) Wilhelm (1808-1871), the german worker, the member " Soyuz fair "; considered revolution as natural process in which the main part belongs deklassirovannym to elements, propagandized ideas t. n. Levelling communism.
  • VEJHEROVO (Wejcherowo), city in a north of Poland. 47 thousand inhabitants (1990). Cement, wood-working, a light industry.
  • VEJTS Veniamin Isaakovich (1904/05-1961), Russian energeticses, corresponding member AN the USSR (1933). Transactionses on probe and use of power resources, energetics of a national economy, power systems. The state premium of the USSR (1942).
  • VEJTS (Weitz) the Floor (r. 1932), an astronaut the USA, the captain of 1-st rank Naval Forces. Flights on "Apollo" and orbital station " Ñêàéëýá " (May - June 1973), on " Spejs a shuttle " (April 1983).
  • WEIZMAN Haim (1874-1952), the first president of the state Israel with 1948. One of leaders of Zionist motion, the president of World Zionist organization in 1920-31, 1935-46. Promoted acceptance of Declaration Balfura (1917) about building the jewish national locus in Palestine.
  • WEIZMAN Ezer (r. 1924), the president of Israel with 1993. Nephew H.Weizman. In 1966-69 deputy chief of a General Staff of armed forces, in 1977-80 Minister of Defence.
  • WEIZMAN Ezer (r. 1924), the president of Israel with 1993. Nephew H.Weizman. In 1966-69 deputy chief of a General Staff of armed forces, in 1977-80 Minister of Defence.
  • EYELIDS, 1) period, to equal hundred calendar years. Napr., 20 eyelids - the season since January, 1 1901 on December, 31 2000 (see. A calendar). 2) the Periodization of a history of mankind on the basis of achievement of a fixed material level of development by him (such as the implements going on their manufacturing of materials, etc.): the Stone Age, a bronze age, the Iron Age, etc. 3) In geology - period during which the strata of rocks which is generatrix a geologic storey was postponed. Some centuries will derivate epoch.
  • VEKVERT (Wekwerth) Manfred (r. 1929), the german theatrical figure, the professor. In 1951-69 at theatre " Berliner band ", with 1977 artistic administrator. In 1969-75 producer of German theatre.
  • EYELIDS, mobile dermal a pleat around of eyes for vertebrates and the person. Protect eyes from external faults, promote watering by their plaintive liquid, refinement of a cornea and a sclera. For mammals on a loose edge of eyelid eyelashes and a mouth of glands are located.
  • VEKILOVA Lejla Mahat kyzy (r. 1927), the Azerbaijan actress of ballet, the national actress of the USSR (1967). With 1943 at the Azerbaijan Theatre of opera and ballet by him. Ahundova, about 1972 tutor. In 1976-82 chief of Band of dance of Azerbaijan.
  • VEKKERLIN George Rudolf (1584-1653), the german writer. From 1620 cable cores in England. Has entered into the german literature a genre of an ode. The writer of the collection " Odes and songs " (1619).
  • SECULAR EQUATION, algebraic an equation of degree n to which satisfy frequencies of the small oscillations committed by system of mass points with n by degrees of freedom about a rule of its balance. The secular equation meets in a gravitational astronomy in problems about t. n. Secular disparities on the move planets.
  • SECULAR GAMES (an armour. Ludi saeculares), in Other. Rome festivals of ceremonial refinement of the city, descending time in hundred flying. Were devoted to underground gods Ditu and Prozerpine (were marked at night), from times of August - to the Jove, JUnone, to Apollo and Diane. In the last day of celebrations the chorus of children chanted the Secular hymn, which words (at August) has written Goratsy.
  • The BILL (a nem. Wechsel, characters. - an exchange), a kind of the securities, the liability. The unconditional and indisputable debt document of strictly statutory form. Distinguish the bill simple and switch (draft). Drive of the bill from one face other is made out by the endorsement - the endorsement. In the Russian Federation the Regulations about transferable and the promissory note are accepted in 1991.
  • VEXLER Vladimir Iosifovich (1907-66), Russian physics, academician AN the USSR (1958). The founder of scientific school on physics and technique of speedup of charged particles. Has offered a principle of a phase stability, has developed a fundamentals of a collective method of speedup. Under Vexler guiding are built first Soviet the synchrotron (1947) and the synchrophasotron (1957). The lenin premium (1959), the State premium of the USSR (1951).
  • VECTOR (from an armour. vector - bearing), a cutting of fixed length and a direction. Routinely the vector is meant by a character or (the first character - the beginning, the second - an end of a cutting); absolute value (length) of a vector enters the name |a | or. Two vectors are peer only in the event that for them lengths are equal and directions (i.e. they are parallel and equally oriented) coincide. With change of orientation the mark of a vector varies. Vectors figure t. n. Vector quantities: force, speed, speedup, etc. Actions above a vector study in a calculus of vectors.
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