Monday, May 21, 2007

  • VILKIJA, city (with 1950) in Lithuania, on r. Njamunas, in 28 kms from zh.-d. An item. Kaunas. 2,7 thousand inhabitants (1990). Population Vilkii works at the enterprises of Kaunas.
  • VILKOMIR, the official title of city Ukmerge in Lithuania up to 1917.
  • VILKS Dzh., see Uilks Dzh.
  • VILM Feodor Vasiljevich (1845-93), the Russian chemist - neorganik. Transactionses on chemistry of platinum metals. Has received (1883) rodiehloristyj an ammonium (salt Vilma). Has developed a way of obtaining of a clear palladium.
  • VILMONT (William - Vilmont) Nikolay Nikolaevich (1901-86), the Russian literary critic, a translator, the historian of crop. Transactionses under the german classical literature and philosophy (I.V.Gete, F.Schiller, I.Kant). Articles about the Soviet poets (including memories on B.L.Pasternake, are published in 1987).
  • VILMOREN Levek de (Vilmorin), family of the French selectors: 1) Phillip Viktuar (1746-1804), one of osnovatelej selektsionno-seed-growing firm " Vilmoren - Andrie " (1774.2) Lui (1816-60), grandson Phillip, the founder of scientific selection of sugar-beet, the writer of some appreciable varieties. 3) Anri (1843-99), son Lui; for the first time has applied a method of artificial crossing (primarily wheat) for practical purposes. 4) the Erysipelas (1905-80), botanik, foreign member VASHNIL (1957); the director of firm " Âèëüìîðåí-Àíäðèå " (1925-62) which has entered into crop in France over 450 kinds and versions of agricultural plants. The main transactionses on acclimatization of agricultural plants, nature protection.
  • VILNO, the official title of city Vilnius up to 1939.
  • VILNIUS (Vilnius), capital of Lithuania, on r. Njaris. 590 thousand inhabitants (1993). A railway junction. A machine industry (rigs, instruments, fuel instrumentation, electromotors, the electrowelding and trade equipment, probing devices, farm machines, etc.) and metal working; the food-processing industry is developed chemical, mild. AN Lithuania, 5 high schools (including university, a conservatory), 5 theatres (including. The Lithuanian opera and ballet theatre). 12 museums (including picture passageway, a folk art, istoriko-ethnographic). It is mentioned in 1323. Capital of the Great principality Lithuanian. With 1795 in structure of Russia. In 1920-39 in structure of Poland. With 1940 capital of Lithuania. Residues of the Upper clasp (14-15 centuries), Aged city with dwellings of 15-18 centuries, churches of Anna (16 century), Peter and Paul (17 century), a cathedral church and a town hall (18 century). Among new residential districts - Lazdinaj (it is ended in 1973).
  • The VILNIUS UNIVERSITY, is based in 1579. In 1832 it is closed. It is recreated in 1919. Plots experts on mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, economy, etc.; preparation and retraining medical and the teaching personnel. In nach. 90th ok 17 thousand students.
  • VILOM (Vijom) (Vuillaume) Jean Batist (1798-1875), the French tool master. It was glorified by imitations of violins Gvarneri and the Stradivari. His bowes are appreciated.
  • WILSON (Wilson) (Wilson) Harold (1916-1995), the prime minister of the Great Britain in 1964-70 and in 1974-76. The leader of the Labour party in 1963-76.
  • WILSON (Wilson) Kenneth (r. 1936), the American physics - theorist. The main transactionses under the quantitative theory of phase changes. Has introduced the investment in study of critical phenomenas. The Nobel Prize (1982).
  • WILSON (Wilson) Robert Vudrou (r. 1936), the American radar astronomer. The Nobel Prize (1978, together with A.Penziasom) for discovering in 1965 microwave background radiations (relict radiance).
  • WILSON (Wilson) CHarlz Thomson Rice (1869-1959), English physics. Has invented the device for supervision of racetracks of microparticles (expansion chamber). The Nobel Prize (1927).
  • WILSON E. Á. - see Wilson E.B.
  • WILSON the CHAMBER, the first track detector of charged particles. C.Vilsonom in 1912 is invented. Action of a Wilson of the chamber is based on condensation of a supersaturated steam (education of small-sized droplets of a liquid) on the ions originating along a track (racetrack) of a charged particle. It is hereinafter extruded by other track detectors.
  • GROUND VILCHEKA, island in arh. Franz Josef land, in structure of the Russian Federation. 2 thousand êì2. An altitude up to 606 m; almost it is entirely occupied in liner ice.
  • VILSHTETTER Rihard Martin (1872-1942), the german chemist and the biochemist, foreign corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1923), foreign honorary member AN the USSR (1929). With 1939 in Switzerland. The pioneer of probes of vegetative pigments (including chlorophyll and anthocyans). Transactionses on alkaloids, ferments, a photosynthesis. The Nobel Prize (1915).
  • VILJA (Villa) Fransisko (an ice-film. Name Doroteo Arango, Arango; the chief of country motion in a north of Mexico in the season of Mexican revolution 1910-17 is known also under name Pancho Vilja) (1877-1923). In 1916-17 participant of extirpation with foreign intervention. It is killed.
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