Monday, May 21, 2007

  • VIZIR, see. Vezir.
  • VISIT (frants. visite), visitation, predominary official.
  • MORNING COAT, single-breasted frock coat with radiused floors missing in front.
  • The CARD, card with a name, a patronymic, a surname, the indicating of the official position, the address, the earphone and other cramps on a face handing or abandoning her at official acquaintance, visitation somebody, etc.
  • VIZNER (Visner) (Wiesner) JUlius (1861-1928), Austrian botanik, foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1912). Transactionses on physiology and a plant anatomy. Probeed an ontogenesis of plants, a transpiration, education of chlorophyll and the phenomena of a heliotropism. Has found a tropism in plants under influence red and an invisible heat, has explained it the phenomena reaction to a thermal irritation. Studied a structure of cell walls.
  • VISUALIZATION, (from an armour. visualis - visual), methods of transformation of a radiation field invisible to a human eye (ultrared, ultra-violet, x-ray, ultrasonic, etc.) and visible (black-and-white or colour) the plotting of raying object. There are some methods of visualization: photographic (see. The electrooptical transducer), methods of a thermovision, transformation of an invisible radiation of the laser in visible, etc. Visualization is widely used in medicine, a non-destructive testing, technique (see. Introscopy, the Tomography).
  • VISUAL STELLAR MAGNITUDE (mn), the stellar magnitude defined by a straight vision and adequate spectral response of a human eye (a maximum of sensitivity falls at a wavelength 0,55 microns).
  • The VISUAL POETRY, the kind of art uniting verbal and visual creativity - poems, whose lines will derivate the decorative or vested emblematicheskim sense of a figure and marks. Among characteristic examples - art of a poetic calligraphy (in particular in Muslim, and also) where it is indiscernible the pattern and sense are connected Far East crops; visual poetry of epoch manjerizma and Baroque. Such, quite often expressly "abstruse" verbal - visual experiences, representatives of futurism and dadaizma, renovating the modern polygraphic design had a fancy also; the visual poetry compounds the special tendency and in a postmodernism.
  • VISUAL (from an armour. visualis - visual), visible. Manual observations - made to the naked eye or with the help of an optical device (napr., a telescope).
  • VIIPURI, the Finnish title of city Vyborg in 1918-1940.
  • VY, in vostochnoslavjanskoj mythologies the spirit bearing mors. Having huge eyes with heavy eyelids, Vy slays the view.
  • VIJDUMJAE, reservation on about. Saaremaa in Estonia. It is based in 1957. The area over 1 thousand ga. Pine forests with an impurity of an oak. Endemic and infrequent plants: ezelsky a rattlepot, a mountain ash an aria, etc.
  • VIJERBAN (Villeurbanne), city, suburb of Lyons in France. 115 thousand inhabitants (1990). An autostructure, silk, a chemical industry. " Theatre de ac the Screen ".
  • VILLON (Villon) Francois (1431 or 1432 - after 1463), the French poet. In poems " the Small will " (1456), " the Major will " (1462), saturated autobiographical hints, have found reflectance of the scene from life of the Parisian bottoms; motives of mors combine with impudent glorifying earth radostej, ironical denial of asceticism and hypocrisy.
  • VIJRA (Viira) August (1853-1919), the Estonian producer. In 1878-1903 headed theatre " Âàíåìóéíå " (Tartu).
  • VIJRALT (Viiralt) Edward (1898-1954), the Estonian schedule. In tense - drama grotesque leafs uncovered the ugly parties of life of city ("Cabaret", 1931). In modes of women and children national character (" the Estonian girl ", 1942) is strongly pronounced.
  • VETCHES (Vick), the german and Swedish title drevneestonskoj grounds Ljaanemaa.
  • VETCH, stem of perennial and annotinous herbaceous plants of a set of pod-bearing plants; a feed crop. Ok. 150 kinds, in moderate belts of Boreal and Austral hemisphere. In crop of 10 kinds - a fodder grasses. Cultivate a vetch sowing campaign and a vetch shaggy (it is routine in a mix with ovsom and barley) - 200-250 ts with 1 ga a green material, 20 and more ts with 1 ga grains more often.
  • VIKALLOJ, the magnetically hard alloy keeping 52-54 % Co, up to 14 % V, remaining Fe. It is used primarily for manufacturing the permanent magnets used in probing devices, electrical micromotors, etc.
  • VIKARIAT (from an armour. vicarius - alternating), the phenomena at which close kinds of plants or animal (call as a representative species) take different ranges of distribution (geographycal vikariat) or dwell in one terrain, but in miscellaneous ecological conditions (ecological vikariat). Napr., in sand deserts dwells mohnonogy a jerboa, and in the same places, but in argillaceous deserts - small (ecological vikariat).
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