Wednesday, June 6, 2007

  • BEARDED REBOUND LANDING, the same, that bezoarovyj rebound landing.
  • BORODIN Alexander Parfenjevich (1848-98), the Russian engineer and the scientist, one of founders of the Russian locomotive building. Brother I.P.Borodina. Has created (1880-82) first-ever laboratory of tests of steam locomotives.
  • BORODIN Alexander Porfirjevich (1833-87), the Russian composer and the scientist - chemist. The member " Mighty kuchki ". Opera " Prince Igor " (N.A.Rimskim-Korsakovym and A.K.Glazunovym is completed, 1890) - a sample of the national heroic epos in music. One of creators of the Russian classical concordance (2-n, "Powerful", 1876, unblocking geroiko-epicheskoe a direction in Russian simfonizme; a symphonic pattern " In Central Asia ", 1980), Russian classical string quartet. The master of vocal lyrics (" For coasts of fatherland dalnoj "); has entered into a romance modes{images} of a folk epic, has embodied liberation ideas of 60th of 19 century (" Latent knjazhna ", " the Song of a dark wood "). The writer of many transactionses on an organic chemistry. Has developed methods of obtaining bromzameshchennyh (1861) and acid fluorides (1862) organic acids. Has discovered (1872, odnovremennlo from S.A.Vjurtsem) aldolnuju condensation.
  • BORODIN Ivan Parfenjevich (1847-1930), Russian botanik, academician AN the USSR (1925; the academician Petersburg AN with 1902, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science with 1917). Brother A.P.Borodina. Transactionses on physiology of respiration, anatomy and a plant ecology. The writer of known tutorials, including " the Brief tutorial of botany " (10 issuings in 1888-1911), popular scientific activities. The founder (1915) and the first president of Russian botanical society. One of pioneers of conservation movement in Russia.
  • BORODIN Leonid Ivanovich (r. 1938), the Russian writer, the publicist. With 1965 participat in "social - Christian" motion; in 1967-73 and 1982-87 political prisoner. It was published abroad: the story "Version" (1978; the hero - the political terrorist), the story of "Game rule" (1978; a camp theme), " the Third truth " (1981; phylums of the Russian righteous man and "rebel") - about social and moral banefulness of an atheistic communist mode and opposition to him of intelligent and the muzhik; "Parting" - the novel of condemnation and regret about metropolitan intelligent, the dissident on ideas, about the conformist on a mode of life. In novel "Bozhepolje" (1993) - a pattern of " a reorganization landslide ". With 1992 managing editor of the log-book "Moscow"; in publicism - orientation to revitalization proof Russian the mandatory powers on the orthodox basis{fundamentals}.
  • BORODIN Paul Dmitrievich (r. 1911), the organizer of manufacture, the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1966). In 1963-82 director of the Moscow car factory him{it}. I.A.Lihacheva. State premiums of the USSR (1971, 1981).
  • BORODIN Sergey Petrovich (1902-74), the Russian writer, the national writer of Uzbekistan (1973). The historical novel "Dmitry Donskoj" (1941; the State premium of the USSR, 1942), the trilogy " Asters above Samarkand " (1953-73).
  • BORODINO, city (with 1981) in the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk kr. 18,8 thousand inhabitants (1992). Production of brown coal; machining of mica.
  • BORODINO, village in Mozhaisk r-not the Moscow region about which in 1812 there was a Borodino battle. Military - historical museum - reservation and monuments of military glory.
  • BORODOVSKY Vasily Andreevich (1874-1914), the Russian radiochemist. For the first time has shown (1910), that absorption of beta-rays by a mass unit of a chemical element directly proportional to the radical cubic of atomic weight of an element (t. n. Law Borodovskogo). This discovering has allowed to determine the size atomic weight of elements. Probeed radioactive residues after extraction of uranium from the Fergana ores, has found in them radium. With 1912 managed chemical laboratory of the Main bureau of standards.
  • BORODULIN Rygor (Grigory) Ivanovich (r. 1935), the Byelorussian poet. Collections of lyrical verses and poems " Month above steppe " (1959) "To turn green, blossom, be poured" (1961), " the Root of thy eyes " (1976), " the Holiday of a bee " (1980).
  • FURROW, the flute{groove} derivated by tilling or other instrument, for water drainage from fields at an overmoistening, watering in an irrigation farming and for crop of agricultural crops.
  • BOROMSKY RESERVATION, in Georgia, in spurs of a mountain Adzharo-Imeretinskogo hr. It is based in 1935. The area 18048 ga. Woods from an oak, eastern spruce, Caucasian fir, a beech eastern. The Caucasian deer, the bear, wood and stone martens, Caucasian protein.
  • HARROW, farm implement for a harrowing of soil. Distinguish a harrow zubovye (finger, the knife, rotated, etc.) and disk.
  • HARROWING, cultivation of surface layer of soil by harrows and rotated mattocks. Protects soil from drying-out, equalizes its{her} surface, collapses a soil crust, extirpates weeds.
  • BOROPLASTIKI, the plastics materials keeping fibers{filaments} of a milletgrass in the capacity of of a reinforcing filler. Differ very high mechanical strength. Are applied in aircraft manufacturing and a rocketry.
  • BORORGANICHESKIE CONNECTIONS, contain in a molecule atom of a milletgrass, directly the bound with atom of carbon. Connections such as RnBX3-n (organoborany), where R - an organic radical, X - halogen, hydrogen, OH, OR, etc., n=1-3 are most known. Apply as reactants in organic synthesis and an analytical chemistry, to synthesis of polymers (see also Carboranes).
  • BORORO (the self-title - orarimugudoge), American Indian people of group in Bolivia (2 thousand person) and Brazil (1 thousand person, 1992). Save traditional convictions, a part - roman catholics.
  • BOROTBISTY, the Ukrainian consignment left-handed eserov in 1918-20. Entered{included} in Vseukrainsky revkom. Samolikvidirovalis.
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