Wednesday, June 6, 2007

  • MUSHROOMS - NOVELS Viktor-andrew Stanislavovich (r. 1920), physics, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1972). The main{basic} transactionses on antiferromagnetism. Has discovered a piezomagnetism.
  • BOROVINKA, arcaded Russian, basically autumnal, a grade of an apple tree. Fruits of an average, soft, sweet-sour, spicy. Productivity of 150-200 kg from a tree.
  • BOROVICHI, city (with 1770) in the Russian Federation, the Novgorod region, on r. Msta. A depot. 62,5 thousand inhabitants (1992). A machine industry (factories: a polymeric machine industry, woodworking machines), wood-working, a light industry; combine of refractories.
  • BOROVKOV Alexander Alekseevich (r. 1931), the Russian mathematician, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1966). Transactionses under limiting{marginal} theorems of a theory of probabilities and its{her} appendices. The state premium of the USSR (1979).
  • BOROVKOV Alexander Konstantinovich (1904-62), Russian jazykoved, corresponding member AN the USSR (1958). Transactionses on grammar, histories, dialectology, a lexicography of Turkic tongues.
  • BORANES (boranes, boron hydrides): B2H6 and B4H10 - gases, B5H9 - a liquid, B10H14 and other - crystals. Are long-range for obtaining a clear milletgrass, heat-resistant polymers, in synthesis of hydrides, carboranes, etc. Boranes are toxicant, unpleasantly smell.
  • BOROVOE, a urban settlement in Kazakhstan, the Kokchetav region of 7,4 thousand inhabitants (1991). Klimato-kumysolechebnyj a health resort.
  • BOROVOJ Konstantin Natanovich (r. 1948), the Russian statesman, the businessman. Up to nach. 1990th on scientific and teaching activity (the TECHNICAL COLLEGE at the Car factory him{it}. Lihacheva). In 1990-92 president of the Russian commodity - raw exchange. Since March 1992 chairman of the Russian national bank. Since May 1992 chairman of the Consignment of economic freedom. With 1995 deputy of the State Duma of Federal assembly of the Russian Federation.
  • BOHR RADIUS, radius a0 first (the nearest to a nucleus) orbits of an electron in atom of hydrogen, according to the theory of a structure of atom of N.Bora (1913); a0 - 0,529.10-10 m - 0,529 And.
  • BOHR (Borowski) Tadeush (1922-1951), the Polish writer. The book of verses " Somewhere ground " (1942), is issued in a underground; collections of stories and memories on fascist camps " Farewell to Maria ", " the Stone world " (both 1948).
  • BOROVYH Andrey Egorovich (1921-89), the commander, the general - colonel of aircraft (1968), doubly the Hero of Soviet Union (1943, 1945). In Great Domestic war in a fighter aviation, the deputy of the regiment commander; 470 sorties, over 130 air breakages, has knocked down personally 32 and in group of 14 airplanes.
  • BOROHYDRIDES of METALS, connections of general formula M [BH4] n, where M - metal in oxidation state n. Borohydrides of alkali metals have the greatest value: crystals, solve in water, are decomposed with secretion H2. Depositions of plating are applied as reducing agents, sources H2, to preparation of catalysts.
  • WART, noninflammatory nodous skinning of a virus etiology. Place more often on paintbrushes, autopodiums, a face.
  • WART (Nerodich) JAtsko (?-1621), the hetman of Zaporozhye cossacks, the chief of popular uprising 1619-21. It is executed under the order of hetm P.Sagajdachnogo.
  • BORODAVOCHNIK, not ruminant cloven-hoofed animal of a set of pigs. Length of a body up to 1,5 m. Dwell{live} in savannahs and open forests of Africa (to the south from Sahara). Object of a hunt (meat, a leather).
  • BORODAVCHATKA, a fish of order skorpenoobraznyh. Length up to 40 see. The naked leather is coated{obtected} with excrescences. In tropical waters Indian and Quiet ok. In the grounding of acanthous rays of a back fin venom glands, which poison it is hazardous.
  • BORODAJ Vasily Zaharovich (r. 1917), the Ukrainian sculptor, the national artist of the USSR (1977), the full member AH the USSR (1973). The generalized under the form portraits (P.G.Tychiny, 1963). One of writers of the building of the Ukrainian museum of a history of Great Domestic war 1941-45 in Kiev (1981; the Lenin premium, 1984).
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