BJUTOR (Butor) Michel (r. 1926), the French writer, the representative of " the new novel ". Psychologic - refined novels " Distribution of time " (1956), "Change" (1957), "Stages{Steps}" (1960). In experimental prose - an alloy of heterogeneous phylums of a narration: reportazhnye sketches, lyrical and philosophical fragments, mythological figurativeness (the book of "Case history", t. 1-4, 1964-76). Literary and art criticism essays "Repertoir" (t. 1-5, 1960-82). Books about S.Bodlere, M.Montaigne, F.Rable, M.Proust, G.Flaubert.BJUHER (Bucher) Charles (1847-1930), the german economist, statisticians, the representative of new (pullet{young man}) historical school. Activities Bjuhera contain extensive facts on a population of medieval cities, organizations of handcrafts, etc.BJUHNER (Buchner) George (1813-37), the german writer and the political figure. Dramas: realistic " Mors Dantona " (1835), social - critical "Vojtsek" (1837). A short story "Lenz" (it is published in 1839). The founder revolutionary " Societies of the human right " (1834). The writer of the leaflet begin with call-up: " the World to huts! War to palaces! ".BJUHNER Ludwig (1824-99), the german doctor, the scientist and the philosopher, the representative of a vulgar materialism; perceived consciousness not as active reflectance of an objective reality, and as reflecting (passive) reflectance of a real; the adherent of a social darvinism.BJUCHLI (Butschli) Otto (1848-1920), the german zoologist. Transactionses in range of a cytology and a protistology. Has put forward the theory of a cellular (foamy{scummy;spumous}) structure of a protoplasm. Has traced stages of a meiotic division of a cell (meiosis) and process of fertilization for animal. Developed submission about Protozoa as unicells. Has offered (1910) system of animal kingdom.BJUSHGENS George Sergeevich (r. 1916), the Russian scientist in range of mechanics, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1981), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1974). The main{basic} transactionses on dynamics{changes}, resistance, roadability and aerodynamics of an airplane. The lenin premium (1961).BJUSHE (Buchez) Phillip Zhozef (1796-1865), the French historian, one of ideologists of Christian socialism. In 1834-38 together with French historian P.Ru-Lavernem (Ð. Roux-Lavergne, 1802-74) has executed{has come true} in 40 vol. the publication of a source " the Parliamentary history of the French revolution ".BJADULJA Zmitrok (an ice-film. A name and fam. Samuel Efimovich the Fin) (1886-1941), the Byelorussian writer. Stories, the historical story "Nightingale" (1927) about extirpation of peasants with landowners; the novel " JAzep Krushinsky " (kn. 1-2, 1929-32) about the modern social and political problems of Belarus; the autobiographical story " In dense woods " (1939).COARSA CALICO (arab)., the dense cotton, in which filament of a fundamentals is more thin, than filaments of a filling. Sew bed and a men underwear, overalls, etc. The Bleached coarsa calico routinely call as a cloth.BJALIK Haim Nahman (1873-1934), the jewish poet. Up to 1920 cable cores in Russia, then in emigration (with 1924 in Palestine). Wrote basically in a Hebrew. A poem in biblical and prophetical style " the Legend on massacre " (1904) - the passionate protest against national afflictings; symbolical poems (" Deadmen of desert ", 1902, " the Igneous charter ", 1905), are dedicated destinies of jewish people; original lirik; in prose the master of household patterns and psychologic sketches.BJALOBZHESKY (Bialobrzeski) CHeslav (1878-1953), Polish physics. Transactionses on thermodynamics, relativity theories, an astrophysics. First has stated in 1913 idea about a radiation transfer of power in asters.BJALYNITSKIJ-BIRULJA Alexey Andreevich (1864-1937), the Russian biologist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1925; corresponding member Russian AN with 1923). Transactionses after a taxonomist and biogeographies different groups of Invertebrata, birds and mammals.BJALYNITSKIJ-BIRULJA Vitold Kaetanovich (1872-1957), the Byelorussian painter, the national artist of Belarus (1944) and RSFSR (1947), the full member AH the USSR (1947). Developed traditions of Russian lyrical landscape kon. 19 century (" Ice has passed ", 1930).BJAN HE, in the Chinese mythology the godhood - a saver of precious stones, the promoter of jewellers.BJAN TSJAO, the Chinese doctor of 6 century up to n. e. In the composition "Nanjing" (" the Book about refractory ") systematized cramps on medicine. Has developed the doctrine about pulse. Effected operations under narcosis, using special beverages.BJAN-TSJAO, in the Chinese mythology the god - vrachevatel. It was figured by the way birds with chelovechjej a head.
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