Wednesday, June 6, 2007

  • BRAKTON (Bratton) (Bracton, Bratton) a Henry de (ok. 1200-1268), the English lawyer, for the first time systematized the main{basic} norms{standards} of the English common law.
  • BRAMANTE (Bramante) Donato (1444-1514), the italian architect. The representative of High Revitalization. Worked in Milan (church Santa-mary presso the Dignity - Satiro, 1479-83), Rome ("Tempjetto", 1502-03; yards of Vatican, with 1503; the design of a cathedral over. Peter, between 1506-14). Harmonic, whole, courageous on a regional{spatial} composition of construction.
  • BRAMS (Brahms) Iogannes (1833-97), the german composer. From 1862 cable cores in Vienna. Acted as the pianist and the conductor. Simfonizm Brams is distinguished with organic combination of vensko-classical traditions and romantic figurativeness. 4 concordances, overtures, concerts for instruments with an orchestra, " the German requiem mass " (1868), kamerno-tool{kamerno-instrument} bands, compositions for a piano (including " the Hungarian dances ", 4 writing-books, 1869-80), choruses, vocal bands, songs, etc.
  • BRAN (irl. The crow), the hero of the Celtic mythology reached " islands blessed " where time has stayed and reigns perpetually abundance. About a nem the saga narrates " Float Brana ".
  • BRANAH (Branagh) Kenneth (r. 1960), the English actor and the producer, the scripter, the producer. The founder London " Renejsens tietr " where with major success played Hamlet. Broad popularity was received with his{its} interpreting of tragedy of U.Shakespeare " King of Liras ". At kino A lot of hum from anything " (1993) has become famous Shakespeare for innovative screenings " Genrih V " (1989) and ". Has delivered also a mystical thriller " the Second mors " and an eccentric sad comedy " Among dull winter ".
  • BRAND (Brand) Vens (r. 1931), an astronaut the USA, the bachelor of natural sciences. Flight on "Apollo" under program EPAS (July 1975), " Spejs a shuttle " ("Columbia") in November 1982, " Spejs a shuttle " ("Challenger") in February 1984.
  • FIRE-WATCH (niderl. brandwacht), 1) a vessel, put at an orifice on road, in haven or the channel for fulfilment of sentry problems, for regulation and the count of motion of courts... 2) the Post{Station} on coast or on a vessel for overseeing by a fire - safety in a portside... 3) the Dumb boat housing accommodation for crew of suction-tube dredgers, diving stations, etc.
  • BRANDENBURG, city in Germany, ground Brandenburg, a port on r. Havel. 95 thousand inhabitants (1988). Metallurgy, mild, a flavoring industry, a machine industry. It is based ok. 1170. Construction of 13-15 centuries.
  • BRANDENBURG (Brandenburg), ground on the orient Germany. 28 thousand êì2. The population 2,5 million person (1992). Adm. ts. - Potsdam. At the centre of Brandenburg there is a capital of Germany Berlin, discharged{secured} in a separate administrative unit on rights of ground. In medieval Germany Brandenburg - the principality (mark - county) on the grounds conquered by the German feudal lords polabskih slavs, with 1356 kurfjurshestvo (with 1415 set Gogentsollerny; their residence with 1486 - Berlin); in 1618 it was aggregated with duchy Prussia in the Brandenburgsko-Prussian state (see. Prussia). After 2-nd world war the main body of ranges of Brandenburg has come in the Soviet occupation zone, in 1949 - in the German Democratic Republic. After apposition in 1990 German Democratic Republics to Federative Republic Germany Brandenburg in structure of consolidated Germany.
  • FIRE SHIP (a nem. Brander), a vessel, loaded combustible and blasting explosives which ignited and started up downwind or to flow on the enemy ships{spacecrafts}. In 19 - it is grey. 20 centuries called as fire ships aged the court, flooded for an orifice in haven of the opponent with the purpose of an obstacle.
  • BRANDES (Brandes) George (1842-1927), the danish literary critic. In nach. 70th has headed in Denmark t. n. Motion of outbreak, directed against romanticism, struggled for truthfulness and realism of the literature. Fundamental transactionses " Main flows in the european literature of XIX eyelid " (t. 1-6, 1872-90).
  • BRANDKUGEL (from a nem. Brand - a fire and Kugel - a nucleus), an incendiary shell of smoothbore artillery. It is invented in 18 century in Saxony.
  • BRANDMAJOR (a nem. Brandmajor), in Russia the officer of police, the chief of all fire brigades of metropolitan or provincial city.
  • FIRE WALL (a nem. Brandmauer), the obsolete title of a fireproof wall.
  • BRANDMEJSTER (a nem. Brandmeister), in Russia the officer of police, the chief of one of urban fire fighting details.
  • The HOSE (niderl. brandspuit), 1) a metal tip of a flexible hose; the obsolete title of a trunk in fire fighting technique... 2) Transportable a hand pump for washing decks, fire controls and so forth on courts.
  • BRANDT Alexander Andreevich (1855-1932), the Russian scientist in range of applied mechanics and thermodynamics. With 1920 - in emigration, cable cores in Yugoslavia. Transactionses under the theory of steam engines, their application on locomotives and courts, general and engineering tllermodynamics. The writer of memoirs " Leaves flavescent " (1930).
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