BRAKTON (Bratton) (Bracton, Bratton) a Henry de (ok. 1200-1268), the English lawyer, for the first time systematized the main{basic} norms{standards} of the English common law.BRAMANTE (Bramante) Donato (1444-1514), the italian architect. The representative of High Revitalization. Worked in Milan (church Santa-mary presso the Dignity - Satiro, 1479-83), Rome ("Tempjetto", 1502-03; yards of Vatican, with 1503; the design of a cathedral over. Peter, between 1506-14). Harmonic, whole, courageous on a regional{spatial} composition of construction.BRAMS (Brahms) Iogannes (1833-97), the german composer. From 1862 cable cores in Vienna. Acted as the pianist and the conductor. Simfonizm Brams is distinguished with organic combination of vensko-classical traditions and romantic figurativeness. 4 concordances, overtures, concerts for instruments with an orchestra, " the German requiem mass " (1868), kamerno-tool{kamerno-instrument} bands, compositions for a piano (including " the Hungarian dances ", 4 writing-books, 1869-80), choruses, vocal bands, songs, etc.BRAN (irl. The crow), the hero of the Celtic mythology reached " islands blessed " where time has stayed and reigns perpetually abundance. About a nem the saga narrates " Float Brana ".BRANAH (Branagh) Kenneth (r. 1960), the English actor and the producer, the scripter, the producer. The founder London " Renejsens tietr " where with major success played Hamlet. Broad popularity was received with his{its} interpreting of tragedy of U.Shakespeare " King of Liras ". At kino A lot of hum from anything " (1993) has become famous Shakespeare for innovative screenings " Genrih V " (1989) and ". Has delivered also a mystical thriller " the Second mors " and an eccentric sad comedy " Among dull winter ".BRAND (Brand) Vens (r. 1931), an astronaut the USA, the bachelor of natural sciences. Flight on "Apollo" under program EPAS (July 1975), " Spejs a shuttle " ("Columbia") in November 1982, " Spejs a shuttle " ("Challenger") in February 1984.FIRE-WATCH (niderl. brandwacht), 1) a vessel, put at an orifice on road, in haven or the channel for fulfilment of sentry problems, for regulation and the count of motion of courts... 2) the Post{Station} on coast or on a vessel for overseeing by a fire - safety in a portside... 3) the Dumb boat housing accommodation for crew of suction-tube dredgers, diving stations, etc.BRANDENBURG, city in Germany, ground Brandenburg, a port on r. Havel. 95 thousand inhabitants (1988). Metallurgy, mild, a flavoring industry, a machine industry. It is based ok. 1170. Construction of 13-15 centuries.BRANDENBURG (Brandenburg), ground on the orient Germany. 28 thousand êì2. The population 2,5 million person (1992). Adm. ts. - Potsdam. At the centre of Brandenburg there is a capital of Germany Berlin, discharged{secured} in a separate administrative unit on rights of ground. In medieval Germany Brandenburg - the principality (mark - county) on the grounds conquered by the German feudal lords polabskih slavs, with 1356 kurfjurshestvo (with 1415 set Gogentsollerny; their residence with 1486 - Berlin); in 1618 it was aggregated with duchy Prussia in the Brandenburgsko-Prussian state (see. Prussia). After 2-nd world war the main body of ranges of Brandenburg has come in the Soviet occupation zone, in 1949 - in the German Democratic Republic. After apposition in 1990 German Democratic Republics to Federative Republic Germany Brandenburg in structure of consolidated Germany.FIRE SHIP (a nem. Brander), a vessel, loaded combustible and blasting explosives which ignited and started up downwind or to flow on the enemy ships{spacecrafts}. In 19 - it is grey. 20 centuries called as fire ships aged the court, flooded for an orifice in haven of the opponent with the purpose of an obstacle.BRANDES (Brandes) George (1842-1927), the danish literary critic. In nach. 70th has headed in Denmark t. n. Motion of outbreak, directed against romanticism, struggled for truthfulness and realism of the literature. Fundamental transactionses " Main flows in the european literature of XIX eyelid " (t. 1-6, 1872-90).BRANDKUGEL (from a nem. Brand - a fire and Kugel - a nucleus), an incendiary shell of smoothbore artillery. It is invented in 18 century in Saxony.BRANDMAJOR (a nem. Brandmajor), in Russia the officer of police, the chief of all fire brigades of metropolitan or provincial city.FIRE WALL (a nem. Brandmauer), the obsolete title of a fireproof wall.BRANDMEJSTER (a nem. Brandmeister), in Russia the officer of police, the chief of one of urban fire fighting details.The HOSE (niderl. brandspuit), 1) a metal tip of a flexible hose; the obsolete title of a trunk in fire fighting technique... 2) Transportable a hand pump for washing decks, fire controls and so forth on courts.BRANDT Alexander Andreevich (1855-1932), the Russian scientist in range of applied mechanics and thermodynamics. With 1920 - in emigration, cable cores in Yugoslavia. Transactionses under the theory of steam engines, their application on locomotives and courts, general and engineering tllermodynamics. The writer of memoirs " Leaves flavescent " (1930).
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