Wednesday, June 6, 2007

  • BRANDT (Brandt) Villi (an ice-film. A name and fam. Gerbert Charles Fram, Frahm) (r. 1913), the federal chancellor of Germany in 1969-74. In 1958-63 chairman of Social-democratic party of Germany (Zap. Berlin), in 1964-87 chairman SDPG. In 1957-66 ruling burgomaster Zap. Berlin. In 1966-69 vice-chancellor and Minister for Foreign Affairs in coalition (HDS - HSS and SDPG) government of Germany. The president Socialist internatsionala with 1976. The Nobel Prize of the world (1971).
  • BRANDT (Brandt) George (1694-1768), the Swedish chemist and mineralog. The main{basic} transactionses on study of an arsenic and his{its} connections. Has discovered (1735) cobalt and has studied his{its} properties.
  • BRANDT Feodor Fedorovich (Iogann Fridrih) (1802-79), the Russian zoologist, the academician Petersburg AN (1833). By origin the German, in Russia with 1831. The founder and the first director (with 1831) Zoological museum AN. Transactionses after a taxonomist, a zoogeography, a comparative anatomy and paleontology of mammals.
  • BRANDUKOV Anatoly Andreevich (1856-1930), the violoncellist, the conductor, the composer, the teacher. Acted in bands from A.G.Rubinshtejnom, F.Listom, S.V.Rahmaninovym. The professor (in 1906-17 director) the Musical - drama school of the Moscow philharmonic society and the Moscow conservatory (with 1921). Products{creations} for a violoncello (the play from a piano, concerts with an orchestra).
  • BRANDYS Anatoly Jakovlevich (1923-88), doubly the Hero of Soviet Union (1945), the general - lieutenant of aircraft (1985). In Great Domestic war in an attack aviation, the squadron commander; 227 sorties.
  • BRANKOVICH George (1645-1711), the Serbian historian. In 1683-99 has put forward the plan of building " Illirijskogo kingdoms " - the slavonic state from Black up to the Adriatic m. The writer " Slavjanoserbskoj chronicles " (from the most ancient times).
  • BRANKUZI (Brancusi) Konstantin (1876-1957), the Romanian sculptor - abstract artist. In 1902 has moved from Romania to Munich, then, in 1904 - to Paris. Created on some versions of one scene, integrating them in groups ("Kiss", 1910-21; "Pisces", 1924-30). Interest to a primitive sculpture of African peoples was reflected in creativity Brankuzi.
  • BRANT (Brant) Sebastjan (ok. 1458-1521), the german writer - humanist. The book poetic satyr " the Ship{Spacecraft} of fools " (1494).
  • BRANTING (Branting) Charles Jalmar (1860-1925), one of osnovatelej (1889) and leaders of the Social-democratic working consignment of Sweden (SDRPSH; with 1907 chairman of its{her} Executive committee). In 1917-18 Minister of Finance, in 1920-25 prime minister, in 1921-23 also Minister for Foreign Affairs. The Nobel Prize of the world (1921).
  • BRANTOM (Brantome) Pierre de Burdej, sjer de (1540-1614), the French writer, court. The writer of pithy "Memoirs".
  • BRANH, in the Grecian mythology favourite Apollo basing his{its} sanctuary{holy place} in Didymiums bliz of Miletus; was in a nem the first divinator. Sacrificers of a temple belonged to stem Branha (Branhidy).
  • BRANHIOMIKOZ, disease of fishes (primarily sets karpovyh), called by mushrooms. Gills are struck. Pisces often perish.
  • BRASLAV, city (with 1940) in Belarus, Vitebsk region, on coast an eskar. Drivjaty, in 30 kms from zh.-d. An item. Druja. 10 thousand inhabitants (1991). A vegetable dehydration plant, manufacture of a building materials.
  • WRISTLET (frants. bracelet), ring-shaped (closed or disconnected) a dressing from diverse materials (metal, a bone, precious and ornamental stones, a velvet, dinging a bead, golden filaments or silk, etc.). A wristlet wore primarily on arms{hand} from a wrist up to an elbow, and also on legs, for shchikolotok.
  • BREASTSTROKE (frants. brasse, from bras - an arm{a hand}), a way of sporting float on a breast, defined by simultaneous symmetrical motions of extremities in a horizontal plane.
  • BRASSAJ (Brassai) (an ice-film. A name and fam. Djula Halas) (1899-1984), the French photographer of the Hungarian origin. Has arrived to Paris in 1923 where worked the press photographer. A series of photos of life of night Paris (" Bizhu on Montmartre ", 1933) is most known.
  • BRASSENS (Brassens) George (1921-81), the French chansonnier, the poet, the composer, a film actor. On a platform with 1952. Many songs on natural texts.
  • BRASSER (Brasseur) Pierre (1905-72), the French actor. On the scene with 1925 (" Theatres of parkways ", etc., Paris). It was taken out in films: " Embankment of fogs{mists} ", " Children paradise apple ", " On surburb of Paris ", " the Strong of the world this ", etc.
  • BRATANOV Cyril (1911-86), the Bulgarian stock breeder, foreign member VASHNIL (1967). Transactionses on biology, a pathology, an immunology, reproduction agricultural animal.
  • BRATINA, Russian ball-shaped vessel of 16-17 centuries for a drinking on bratchinnyh feastings (" on all conventual community ") from a tree, copper, silver, gold.
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