Wednesday, June 6, 2007

  • BROKHAUZ (Brockhouse) Bertram (r. 1918), canadian physics. Has developed with employees the scheme of a three-axial neutron spectrometer and has conducted (1955) measurement of spectrums of photons, having discovered a recent trend and physics. For the first time has measured dispersible curves of quasi-particles (magnons) in magnetics. The Nobel Prize (1994, together with K.Shallom).
  • BROMINE (an armour. Bromum), Br, the chemical element of VII group of a periodic system, atomic number 35, atomic weight 79,904, falls into to halogens. It is called from grech. bromos - a stink. A heavy red - brown liquid fuming on air with sharp off-flavour; firmness of 3,1 g / sm3, tïë-7,25 °S, têèï 59,2 °S. Apply as the brominating agent, to obtaining bromides, organic and other connections of bromine, in an analytical chemistry. Bromine is toxicant.
  • BROMARGIRIT, a mineral, see in an item. Bromides natural.
  • BROMATES, salt bromic acid HBrO3. The strong oxidants. KBrO3 and NaBrO3 apply in an analytical chemistry.
  • PINEAPPELE FAMILY (pineapple), a set of Monocotyledones, mostly perennial, herbaceous plants (predominary epiphytes). St. 2000 kinds{views} (ok. 50 stems), in tropics and subtropics of America. To a pineappele family concern a pineapple, luiziansky a moss.
  • BROMIDES, chemical combinations of bromine with other elements. See. Kalii bromidum, Natrium of bromides.
  • BROMIDES NATURAL, group of infrequent minerals, halogen compounds of silver. Main minerals: bromargirit (AgBr), embolit Ag (Cl, Br). Grains of yellow or yellow-green colour, crystals with a bright brillant lustre. Hardness 2-2,5; firmness from 5,7 (embolit) up to 6,4 g / sm3 (bromargirit). Meet in sulphidic argentiferous deposits.
  • BROMISM, development of a hypersensibility to drugs of bromine: tussis, a rhinitis, a conjunctivitis, bromoderma.
  • BROMY (grech. Noisy), in Other. Greeces one of nicknames Dionisa.
  • BROMINDIGO, the blue vat dyestuff, a derivative indigo. More strongly and more brightly the latter. It is applied to a staining and a seal{printing} cotton and rayon fabrics.
  • HYDROGEN BROMIDE, HBr, colourless gas fuming on air with sharp off-flavour, tïë - 86,91 °S, têèï - 66,7 °S. A water solution - bromidovodorodnaja an acid. Apply to synthesis of bromides, organic bromproizvodnyh.
  • BROMLEJ Julian Vladimirovich (1921-90), the Russian historian and the ethnographer, academician AN the USSR (1976). The main{basic} transactionses on theoretical problems of ethnography and european feudalism. State premiums of the USSR (1981, 1987).
  • BROMINE WATER, solution of bromine in water. An oxidant, a brominating means at chemical analyses and synthesis of some organic drugs.
  • BROMODERMA, a development of a bromism: dermal emptyings by the way cyanotic eels or violet tumorous plaques on a face, anticnemions, rumps, sometimes on all body.
  • ARMOURED CAR, armoured, armed machine guns, sometimes a gun, the wheel machine intended for investigation, battle ohranenija, etc. It was applied in 1-st world, Civil and 2-nd world wars. Armoured cars of different phylums will consist in the inventory in some modern armies.
  • BRONEVSKY (Broniewski) Vladislav (1897-1962), the Polish poet. Revolutionary and anti-fascist collections " Grief and a song " (1932), " To adjoin spits! " (1943). A cycle of intimal, landscape and civil lyrics " New verses " (1957-62).
  • The ARMADILLO, a combat ship in 2-nd floor. 19 - nach. 20 centuries with turret artillery of large templet (up to 305 mm) and the potent armour. In Russian fleet there were the fleet attendance armadilloes intended for management of sea battle in structure of a squadron, and armadilloes of the coastal defence. After russko-Japanese war 1904-05 ships{spacecrafts} such as fleet attendance armadilloes become to call as capital ships.
  • ARMADILLOES, a set of mammals of an edentata. Length of a body from 12 sm up to 1 m. An armour from horn shchitkov. 20-25 kinds{views} in America (from the south the USA up to Chile and Argentina). Object of a hunt (meat is used). Number of many kinds{views} is low-level, 4 kinds{views} are guarded.
  • ARMOURED TRAIN, armoured mobile the train from broneparovoza (broneteplovoza), several bronevagonov (broneploshchadok) with machine-gun both gun arms and 2-4 ramps of cover. It was applied in 1-st world, Civil and 2-nd world wars.
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