Wednesday, June 6, 2007

  • BROWN (Brown) Norman (r. 1913), the American philosopher and the publicist. One of ideological inspirers of a counterculture and " sexual revolution " 1960th. The writer esseisticheskih books " Life against mors " (1959), " the Body of love " (1966), " the Apocalypse and-or transfiguration " (1991).
  • BROWN (Brown) Robert Henberi (r .1916), the English and australian astronomer. For the first time has found (1950) radio emission of a normal galaxy - Nebulosity of the Andromeda. One of inventors of the radio interferometer (1952) and an optical interferometer of intensities (1956) for measurement of the angular dimension of asters.
  • BROWN (Brown) Thomas (1605-81), the English writer - erudite. The writer of books of a baroque essayistics " Religio medici " (1643), " the Funeral litter bin " (1658, fragments are transferbed{translated} by H.L.Borches and A.Bjoem Kasaresom to spanish tongue), etc. the products{creations} which have involved{attracted} attention of writers of an advance-guard of 20 century (V.Vulf).
  • BROWN (Braun) Folker (r. 1939), the german writer. Poetic collections. Problems of formation of the personality - in a cycle of stories " Carefree life the Caste " (1972-79); social - philosophical " Roman about Hintse and Kuntse " (1985). Plays "Tinka" (1975), " the Major world " (1979), " Zigfrid Talk of women German fury " (1987).
  • BROWN Charlz Brokden (1771-1810), the American writer. Predromantik; Gothic novels: "Viland" (1798), "Ormond" (1799); in the novel " Edgar Hantli " (1799) for the first time in the literature the USA has figured life of Indians.
  • BROWNING (Browning) John (1855-1926), the American designer and the industrialist. Has created a series of automatic guns, manual, heavy and large-calibre machine guns.
  • BROWNING Robert (1812-89), the English poet. Has entered into the English poetry a genre of a monologue - confession; deepened psychologism, an ethical problematics in the collection "Characters" (1864), etc., novels in verses (including " the Ring and the book ", t. 1-4, (1868-69), dramas.
  • BROWNING (nee Moulton, Moulton) Elizabeth Barrett (1806-61), the English poetess. Wi R.Brauninga. The social poetry gravitates to sentimental - philanthropic treatment of public problems (a poem " the Bleeding of children ", 1844, N.A.Nekrasov like free machining, 1861). Love lyrics. The poetic novel " the Aurora of Lie " (1857) about women emancipation.
  • BRAUNITE, mineral of a class of oxides, approximate formula Mn2+Mn63 + SiO12. routinely black - brown or grey acinose units. Hardness 6-6,5; firmness of 4,7-4,9 g / sm3. Ore of manganese.
  • BRAUNSCHWEIG (Braunschweig), city in Germany, ground Is new. Saxony. 259 thousand inhabitants (1992). A port on r. Oker and Srednegermanskom the channel. A machine industry, textile, alimentary, etc. an industry. University. It is based in 11 century. A cathedral (12 century).
  • BRAUNSHTEJN Alexander Evseevich (1902-86), the Russian biochemist, academician AN the USSR (1964) and AMN (1945), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1972). The main{basic} transactionses on an exchange of amino asids and chemistry of ferments. Has discovered reactions of transamination and has justified their role in a nitrogen metabolism. Has developed (together with M.M.Shemjakinym) a general theory of the enzymosis, keeping rat anti-acrodynia factor. The lenin premium (1980), the State premium of the USSR (1941).
  • BRAUHICH (Brauchitsch) Walter a background (1881-1948), german general - field marshal (1940). In 1938-41 commander-in-chief a land forces. It is retired for a fall of lightning war against the USSR and dissents with Gitlerom.
  • BROUWER (Brouver) (Brouwer) Adrian (1605 or 1606-1638), the Flemish painter. Case-hardened on colour, occasionally dramaticheski grotesque scenes from life of peasants and urban bottoms (" Quarrel behind a card play "), landscapes ("Moonlight").
  • BROUWER Lejtzen Egbert Jan (1881-1966), the Netherlands mathematician. Has laid foundation to a recent trend in mathematics - to an intuitionism. Has received a number{series} of the important results in of topology.
  • BRAHI... (from grech. brachys - short), the part of the composite words meaning "short", "brief" (napr., brahikefalija).
  • BRAHIKEFALIJA (from brahi... And grech. kephale - a head) (brachycephaly), in anthropology such ratio of length and width of a head at which the width compounds{makes} more than 0,81 lengths. The attribute is used in rasovedenii. Compare. Mezokefalija, Dolihokefalija.
  • BRAHIMORFNOST (from brahi... And grech. morphe - a kind{view}, the form), in anthropology - phylum of proportions of a body of the person, defined by a broad trunk and short extremities. Compare. Mezomorfnost, Dolihomorfnost.
  • BRACHIOPODS, the same, that Brachiopoda.
  • BRAHMA, in brahmanizme one of 3 maximum gods, the god - creator, the creator of the Universe and all real. Cult Brahmy practically misses. It is routinely figured chetyrehlikim, chetyrehrukim, sitting on an orache.
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