Friday, June 8, 2007

  • BUMI-DAD Rita (1906-84), the Grecian poetess. Collections " Pulse of my silence " (1935), "Athenes" (1945), " One thousand rasstreljannyh girls " (1963), " Cheerful light " (1966) proniknuty humanistic motives and the thin lyricism.
  • DIKE DAM, the same, that a groyne.
  • BUNAK Victor Valerjevich (1891-1979), the Russian anthropologist, Dr.Sci.Biol., the professor. Transactionses on problems of anthropogenesis, rasovedenija, structural botanies of the person.
  • BUNAKOV Nikolay Fedorovich (1837-1904), the Russian teacher, developed a fundamentals of elementary education. The methodist of Russian. The writer of tutorials.
  • BUNGE Alexander Andreevich (1803-90), the Russian florist - taxonomist, corresponding member Petersburg AN (1833). Studied a flora of Altai, and also Mongolia and China (1830-32), Persia (1857-59). Has described many novel species. One of founders of a geografo-morphological method in a taxonomist of plants.
  • GROUND BUNGE, island in a central part of Novosibirsk islands (between islands Boiler and Faddeevsky). The area of 6,2 thousand êì2. It is called named Russian zoologist A.A.Bunge, the participant of geographycal expeditions to 80th of 19 century.
  • BUNGE Nikolay Hristianovich (1823-95), the Russian statesman, the economist, the academician Petersburg AN (1890). In 1881-86 Minister of Finance. In 1887-95 chairman of the Cabinet council. Pursued{adopted} a policy of protectionism, governmental financing of an industry. The initiator of cancellation podushnoj podati.
  • BUNGO, a channel between islands Kyushus and Shikoku, bridges Internal Japanese m. with Quiet ok. Length ok. 65 kms, width from 14 up to 75 kms, depth on a fairway ok. 75 m. Main ports: Saeki, Usuki.
  • BUND (yiddish Bund - the union) (" the Overall jewish working union in Lithuania, Poland and Russia "), the social-democratic organization representing primarily the jewish handicraftsmen of western ranges of Russian empire; it is based in 1897 in Vilno. Leaders: R.A.Abramovich, I.L.Ajzenshtadt, A.I.Kremer, etc. In 1898-1903 and with 1906 independent{autonomous} organization in the Russian Social-democratic working consignment, stood on items of Menshevism. After October revolution there was a split in organization: the part of her{it} has acted against the Soviet authority, the part has come in Russian KP (á). In 1921 bund samolikvidirovalsja.
  • The BUNDESWEHR (a nem. Bundeswehr), the name of armed forces of Germany with 1956.
  • The BUNDESRAT (a nem. Bundesrat), 1) in Germany - an organ of representation of grounds... 2) In Germany (in 1871-1918) - the upper chamber of parliament.
  • The BUNDESTAG (a nem. Bundestag), in Germany, the lower chamber of parliament.
  • BUNDZINGA (Nanga), school of Japanese painting by indian ink. Has developed in kon. 17 century on the basis of traditions of the Chinese school " Ven zhenhua " (11-17 centuries). The main{basic} features - lapidarnost, expression of nature of philosophical idea by the most avaricious means. Artists: Taiga Ikeno, Buson Esa (both 18 century), Tessaj Tomioka (2-n a floor. 19 - nach. 20 centuries).
  • The BUNSEN (Bunsen) Robert Wilhelm (1811-99), the german chemist, foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1862). Together with G.R.Kirhgofom has laid foundation to spectral analysis (1854-59), has discovered cesium (1860), rubidium (1861). Has invented a gas burner (1855), an ice calorimeter (1870). Has developed a fundamentals of a gas analysis (1857).
  • The BUNSEN - ROSKO the LAW (interchangeabilities the law): the firmness of a blackening of photographic plotting I is directly proportional expositions - to product{creation} of illuminating intensity E of a photosensitive layer on aggregate exposure t (reduction E is indemnified by increase t). The Bunsen - Rosko the law is approximated (see. Nevzaimozamestimosti the phenomena). R.Bunzenom and G.Rosko in 1862 is open{discovered}.
  • BUNIATJAN (Buniatov) Nikolay Gavrilovich (1878 or 1884-1943), the Armenian architect. The chief architect of Yerevan (1924-38). Reverted to forms of Russian classicism (hostel " Yerevan ", 1926) and the Armenian art of building (hostel " Sevan ", 1939).
  • BUNIN Ivan Alekseevich (1870-1953), the Russian writer, the honorary academician Petersburg AN (1909). In 1920 has emigrated. In lyrics kept classical traditions (the collection "Defoliation", 1901). In stories and stories has shown (sometimes with nostalgic mood) impoverishment of nobiliary farms (" Antonovskie apples ", 1900), a severe choir of village ("Village", 1910, "Dry land", 1911), disastrous oblivion of the moral bases{fundamentals} of life (" Mister from San Francisco ", 1915). Sharp neprijatie October revolution in dnevnikovoj to the book " Damned days " (1918, it is published in 1925). In the autobiographical novel " Arsenyev Life " (1930) - reconstruction past Russia, the childhood and a youth of the writer. Tragedy of human existence in short stories about love (" Mitin love ", 1925; the book " Dark avenues ", 1943). Memoirs. Has transferred{translated} " the Ode about Gajavate " to G.Longfello (1896). The Nobel Prize (1933).
  • BUNICH Pavel Grigorjevich (r. 1929), the Russian economist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1970). The president of Soyuz of leasers and businessmen of the USSR (with 1990), soprezident (1991-93), the president (with 1993) Soyuz of businessmen and leasers of Russia. Transactionses on problems of an economic management, a fixed capital and industrial powers of an industry, the finance.
  • The BUNKER (English bunker).. 1) a coceptacle (fixed or movable) for a bulk storage of the loose and lumpy materials, unloading through a heel equipped with gates and feeders for regulation of extension{issue} of a material... 2) the Bunker ship - a room on a vessel for a storage of fuel... 3) the Concreted shelter, a long-time fortified structure.
  • FUELLING the VESSEL (bunkerovshchik), ministers for supply of courts by fuel in a port or during float.
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