Friday, June 8, 2007

  • BUTURLIN Alexander Borisovich (1694-1767), columns (1760), general - field marshal (1756). A favorite of the empress of Elizabeth Petrovny. During Seven-year war in 1760-61 commander-in-chief Russian army.
  • BUTURLIN Vasily Vasiljevich (?-1656), the military figure, the diplomat. The chapter of Russian embassy on Ukraine (1653). Has sworn in deputies Perejaslavskoj rads 1654 on an accuracy of Russia. In 1655 commanding a troops sent to the aid of B.Hmelnitskomu against a Polish troops.
  • BUTURLIN Dmitry Petrovich (1790-1849), the military historian, the general - major (1824). Transactionses on a history of wars of Russia in 18 century and Domestic war 1812. In 1846-49 headed " Buturlinsky committee ".
  • BUTURLINOVKA, city (with 1917) in the Russian Federation, the Voronezh region. A depot. 29,0 thousand inhabitants (1992). Alimentary, a light industry. It is based in 18 century.
  • " BUTURLINSKY COMMITTEE ", the title of Committee adopted in the literature for the maximum supervision of spirit and a direction of products{creations} typed in Russia. It is built in 1848 under D.P.Buturlin chairmanship. Executed secret surveillance behind the literature. Was subject to emperor Nikolay I. It is abolished in 1855.
  • BOTTLE the WINY, Russian volume measure of liquids 18 - nach. 20 centuries 1 bottle winy = 1/16 pails (0,77ë).
  • BOTTLE the VODKA (beer), Russian volume measure of liquids 18 - nach. 20 centuries 1 bottle vodka = 1/20 pails (0,624 ë).
  • BOTTLENOSE WHALES, stem of aquatic mammals of a set kljuvorylyh. Length up to 9,4 m. 2 kinds{views}. Vysokolobyj a bottlenose whale - in boreal part Atlantic ok., including in Barentsevom m. (the m. catches in White); in the Red Data Book of the International union of nature protection and natural resources. Ploskolobyj a bottlenose whale - in Austral hemisphere; number is unknown.
  • The BUFFER (English buffer, from buff - to extenuate pushes), the adaptation for cushioning on vehicles (locomotives, rail cars, etc.). The automobile buffer calls as a bumper.
  • CUSHION BLASTING, method of a blasting of a rock mass on "buffer" from earlier milled breed. Limits width of wheel alignment of mined rock, improves cleavage, etc.
  • The BUFFER MEMORY DEVICE, intended for intermediate storage of the information at an exchange of her{it} between the devices of a computer working with miscellaneous speeds.
  • BUFFER SOLUTIONS, sustain at change of a medium composition permanent value of any performance, napr. Hydrogen ion exponent pH (acidly - osnovnyj a buffer solution) or redox potential (an oxidation-reduction buffer solution). Acid-base buffer solutions contain weak acid and its{her} salt (napr., CH3COOH and CH3COONa) or mild base and his{its} salt (napr., NH3 and NH4Cl). Many biological liquids (blood, etc.) are such buffer solutions. Their components - carbonates, phosphates and proteins. Oxidation-reduction buffer solutions contain connections of elements of the variable valence, located in two oxidation states, napr. Salt Fe (III) and Fe (II).
  • BUFFALO (Buffalo), city on north-east the USA, pieces. New York, a port on an eskar. Erie. 328 thousand inhabitants (1990, with suburbs 1,2 million inhabitants). A large industrial centre and a traffic centre. An international airport. Iron and steel industry, metal working, a machine industry, a chemical industry. 14 high schools, including university. Center of nuclear probes. Art passageway.
  • BUFFOONERY (from ital. buffonata - shutovstvo), in a circus, on a platform, at theatre - pointed out external comic exaggeration, sometimes okarikaturivanie characters (actions, the phenomena).
  • BUFY [from frants. bouffer - to inflate (sja)], the rank of a pleat on women water hoses and skirts.
  • BUH (Buch) Christian Leopold a background (1774-1853), the german geologist, the foreign honorary member Petersburg AN (1832). Transactionses on paleontology and stratigraphies jury. The writer (together with A.Humboldt) hypotheses of craters of raising.
  • BUH Lion Konstantinovich (1847-1917), the Russian economist. Transactionses on political economy and the finance. Disjointed philosophy of the agrarian program eserov.
  • BUH Nikolay Konstantinovich (1853 - after 1934), the revolutionary populist. The participant " boatings in people ", the member a mug of " austral rebels ", " the Earth and will ", Executive committee " National will ". In 1880 it is sentenced to 15 years of penal servitude, left on the Caret. The writer of memories.
  • BUKHARA, city in Uzbekistan, the centre of Bukhara region. A depot. 249,6 thousand inhabitants (1991). Mild (caracul, hlopkoochistitelnyj factories; cotton combine, sewing association, etc.), a flavoring industry. 2 high schools, theatre. Museums: istoriko-study of local lore, caulkings on metal, art ceramics. Has arisen not later than 1 century n. e., in 16 century - 1920 capital Bukhara hanstva, Bukhara emirata, in 1920-24 - Bukhara Soviet republic. Bukhara - a city - museum with citadel "Ark". Ok. 140 architectonic monuments: band Poi-Kaljan (12-16 centuries), Ljabi-House (16-17 centuries), Koshmedrese (16 century); mausoleum Ismaila Samani (kon. 9 - nach. 10 centuries). Center of arcaded art handcrafts.
  • BUHAREV Alexander Matveevich (in monasticism Theodore) (1822-71), the Russian seminary student and the philosopher, the forerunner t. n. " New religious consciousness " in Russia kon. 19 - nach. 20 centuries. The conflict to ecclesiastical authorities has induced it{him} in 1863 to combine from itself a dignity. The composition - " About orthodoxy in attitude{relation} to a modernity " (1860).
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