Friday, June 8, 2007

  • BUTENKO Raisa Georgievna (r. 1920), the Russian biologist and the biochemist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1974), the full member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences (1988). The main{basic} transactionses on crop of solitary cells and plant tissues, including an experimental morphgenesis and a differentiation. The state premium of the USSR (1984).
  • BUTENES (butylenes), colourless gases: 1-butene (CH2=CHCH2CH3, têèï? 6,25 °S), 2-butene [CH3CH=CHCH3, têèï 3,72 °S (cis-) and 0,88 °S (trance)] and isobutylene. Are contained in oil-refinery gases. 1-butene is applied to obtaining a butadien.
  • BOUTIQUE (frants. âoutique), small shop in which the firm cool clothes{clothing} and every possible accessories is sold.
  • BUTYL ACETIC ETHERS, butyls of acetic acid. The greatest value have butyl acetic ether CH3COO (CH2) 3CH3 (têèï 126 °S) and isobutyl acetate CH3COOCH2CH (CH3) 2 (têèï 116,5 °S). Solvents in manufacture of coating compositions, napr. Pyroxylin, the alkyd, hlorkauchukovyh.
  • BUTYLENES, the same, that butenes.
  • BUTYL RUBBER, [-Ñ (ÑÍ3) 2ÑÍ2-] n - (-ÑÍ2-æ (ÑÍ3) =ÑÍ-ÑÍ2-] m, a product of a polymerization of isobutylene with small amounts of isoprene. Gums on the basis of butyl rubber atmosferostojki, are resistant against chemical reactants, have low gas permeability, good electrical-insulating properties (manufacture of chambers of auto tires, a wire insulation and cables).
  • BUTANOLS (butanols): CH3CH2CH2CH2OH (1-butanol), têèï 117,4 °S; CH3CH2CH (OH) CH3 (2-butanol), têèï 99,5 °S; (CH3) 2CHCH2OH (izobutanol), têèï 108,1 °S; (CH3) 3COH (tret-butanol), têèï 82,5 °S. Solvents, napr. Nitrate dopes and ethylcellulose, extragents for fats, raw material for obtaining plastifiers (dibutyl phthalate), etc.
  • BUTYRALDEHYDE, the same, that butyraldehyde.
  • BUTYROMETER (from grech. butyron - oil{butter} and... Meter), the device for definition of fatness of milk.
  • BUTIJA (Boothia), peninsula on Far North the Sowing. America, in Canada. Plateau, an altitude up to 573 m. Tundra vegetation. On Butii - cape Murchison, the most boreal point the Sowing. America.
  • BUTKEVICH Vladimir Stepanovich (1872-1942), the Russian biochemist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1929). The main{basic} transactionses on physiology of respiration and a metabolism of plants.
  • BUTKOV Vladimir Petrovich (ok. 1814-81), the Russian statesman, the honorary member Petersburg AN (1863). In 1853-65 state secretary. The participant of preparation of country reform 1861, promoted realization of the judiciary reform 1864.
  • BUTKOV Peter Grigorjevich (1775-1857), the Russian historian, the academician Petersburg AN (1841). Polemic with " Skeptical school ". Transactionses on a history of Russia, Caucasus, the old russian annals.
  • BUTKOV Jacob Petrovich (ok. 1821-1856), the Russian writer. Sketches and stories (the collection " the Petersburg tops ", kn. 1-2, 1845-46), stories " New year ", " the Dark person " (both 1848), " the Strange history " (1849), etc., close traditions of natural school (a theme of " the small person ", etc.).
  • The RUBBLE STONE (rough stone), coarse wastes of rocks (in a diameter of 15-50 sm), received at development (routinely explosive way) predominary limestones, is dolomitic, sandstones. Apply to a laying of the bases, at erection of hydrotechnical and transport structures, etc.
  • BUTROT (alb. Butrinti), ancient greek city on an eskar. Butrinti (Albania). It is based in kon. 7 - nach. 6 centuries up to n. e. Residues of defensive walls, theatre, sanctuaries{holy places}, etc.
  • BUTRU (Boutroux) Emil (1845-1921), the French philosopher, foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1916). The representative spiritualizma; settled items of an indeterminism.
  • FOOTBALL BOOT (Rough stone) (Booth), family of the American actors. Dzhunius Brutus (1796-1852), with 1813 on the professional scene, acted at the London theatres. With 1821 worked in the USA where has become the largest actor of romantic school. His{its} sons: Edvin Thomas Buts (1833-93), on the scene with 1849, the best role - Hamlet (U.Shakespeare "Hamlet"); John Uilks the Football boot (1838-65), the adherent of slaveholders, in 1865 has lethally wounded president A.Linkolna.
  • BUTUAN (Butuan), city on Philippines, on about. Mindanao, an administrative centre prov. Agusan-del-Norte. 228 thousand inhabitants 1990, with suburbs). A port in a mouth r. Agusan. A woodworking, manufacture and export of items from an abaca, copras.
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