Friday, June 15, 2007

  • SUSPENSIONS, suspensions in which particles settle or float very slowly because of a small difference in densenesses of a dispersed phase and a disperse medium.
  • WEIGHING, definition of mass of bodies through weights. At weighing on the beam balance, not requiring of a split-hair accuracy, the mass of a body strikes root to an equal algebraic sum of masses of weights, the balance a body, and indications{readings} of a reading device of weights.
  • ARMING{PLATOON}, the military subdividing consisting of several (2-4) branches, calculations or crews. Is part of a company (battery) or directly in connection, a part, etc.
  • VZDORNOV Herald Ivanovich (r. 1936), the Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1994). Transactionses on a history of old russian art and crop. The state premium of the USSR (1982).
  • BEACH, 1) a part of a surface starving, accumbent to coast. 2) the Bayshore strip dry (napr., the Riga beach). 3) A beach wellhead - avandelta the rivers and the conforming part of a surface starving.
  • EXPLOSION, discharging of a plenty of power in restricted volume for short period. Explosion results in education of hardly heated gas with very high pressure, which at expansion renders mechanic influence (pressure, destruction) on ambient bodies. In a solid medium it is accompanied by its{her} destruction and cleavage. Explosions descend at the expense of discharging chemical power (primarily blasting explosives), a nuclear energy (atomic explosion), an electromagnetic energy (iskrovyj category{discharge}, a laser-induced spark, etc.), a mechanical energy (at fall of meteorites on a surface of the Earth, eruption of burning mountains, etc.). Designed explosions implement basically industrial blasting explosives and base many production processes. See also the Directed blast.
  • FUZES, the devices reporting an explosive pulse to an explosive charge of ammunition gear, the mine, missile, charge, torpedo, etc. Fuzes can work at meeting with the purpose, in fixed interval of time, on the given depth underwater, etc.
  • BLAST WAVE, the shockwave originating at explosion. The front of blast wave goes from a shot point with the speed, exceeding the speed limit a note, thus the surface of front of blast wave monotonically increases, and speed of its{her} motion and intensity diminish.
  • SHOT EXPLODER (the blasting machine), transportable a source of a current flow for blasting electrical detonators. Are applied to industrial blasting and in military science.
  • EXPLOSIVE MACHINING, way of machining of metals (a weldment, an extrusion, hardening{strengthening}), it is based on use of power of explosion. At an explosion welding there is an impact of component parts and the cumulative jet of metal welding component parts will be derivated. The extrusion consists in instantaneous (ms, a mcs) the appendix to sheet preparation of mechanic pressure{voltage;stresses}, is significant superior limit of elasticity{elastic strength;elastic limit} of a material.
  • EXPLOSIVE TECHNOLOGY, controlled fracture, conveyance, structural change and forms natural (rocks, ice, wood) or synthetic materials (metals, plastics materials, concrete, etc.) which implements at the expense of the power secreted at explosion of industrial blasting explosives. It is applied in mining, construction, metal working, etc.
  • BLASTING EXPLOSIVES (explosive), personal chemical combinations or the mixes which are capable under influence of an external pulse (impact, heat, etc.) to self-propagating with a high speed (km/s) of a chemical change with education of light-end products and a calorification.
  • PENALTY ADMINISTRATIVE, the punitive measure for administrative misconduct (offence). Kinds{views} of penalties administrative: the warning, the fine, administrative arrest, compensated taking or confiscation of the subject which has shown the instrument of committing or object of an offence, correctional labor, forfeiting of special rights.
  • PENALTIES INDISPUTABLE, penalty of the indebtedness under orders of the authorized organs and the executive inscriptions of notaries without trial in court, arbitration court and other organs.
  • HONEY FLOW, the same, that a honey harvest.
  • BRIBERY, obtaining by the official by any way and in any form of material assets or granting to him of material values for committing (or omittance) in interests of the briber of the actions, included in competence of the given official.
  • VIADUCT (from an armour. via - road, a path{route} and duco - I lead), the structure of bridge type erected on traverse of road with a coulee, a hollow, a mountain gorge, etc. The Viaduct routinely build at economic or technical inexpediency of erection of high landfills. Stone viaducts are known from times Other. Rome.
  • VIAM, see. Air materials institute.
  • VIAN (Vian) Boris (1920-59), the French writer, the playwright. Constructed on mixture{mixing} of pathetics and a parody Vian creativity was one of early developments nonconformist " youth clamp " in western crop 50-70-Õ 20 century: " Foam of days " (1947), " Autumn in Peking " (1947), " the Red grass " (1950), "Serdtseder" (1953). Plays " the Overall knackery " (1950), " Lunch of generals " (it is published in 1962), " Builders of empire " (1959). Poetic collections (" Texts and songs ", are issued in 1966).
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