Friday, June 15, 2007

  • VECHORKA, in vostochnoslavjanskoj mythologies the goddess of a vesper dawn.
  • VESHIN JAroslav (1860-1915), the Bulgarian painter. Realistic cloths on themes of the Balkan wars 1912-13, household scenes.
  • VESHSHELENI Miklosh (1796-1850), baron, one of chiefs of nobiliary opposition in the Hungarian state collection in 1830-1840-Õ. Supported independence of country from Gabsburgov, realization of restricted bourgeois reforms.
  • REAL NUMBER, the same, that a real number.
  • SUBSTANCE, kind{view} of a matter which has a rest-mass (fundamental particles, atoms, molecules, etc.). In chemistry of substance it is accepted to section on simple, derivated by atoms of one chemical element, and composite (chemical combinations).
  • PROPRIETARY INTEREST, version of the proprietary interests relating figure of the absolute powers. Object of a proprietary interest is the concrete thing. Kinds{views} of a proprietary interest: the property right, easements, the right of the lien, etc.
  • THING, in a civic right - the legal object of the property and other proprietary interests. The proprietor has the right to possess, use and dispose of a thing in the limits statutory.
  • THING, in philosophy - the subject of a material real having relative independence and resistance of existence.
  • "TRANSCENDENTAL OBJECT" (a nem. Ding an sich), the philosophical concept meaning things, as they exist{breathe} in themselves (" in themselves "), how they are " for us " in knowledge; one of central concepts of " Criticism of clear reason " I.Kanta.
  • WINNOWING, the machine for secretion of a grain from a heap received{obtained} after a thrashing of agricultural crops. It is substituted by more perfect grain-cleaning machines.
  • ONE-TO-ONE CORRESPONDENCE, such correspondence between elements of two flocks at which to each element of the first flock there corresponds{meets} one fixed element of the second flock, and to each element of the second flock - one fixed element of the first flock.
  • RELATIVELY PRIME FIGURES, the natural numbers which are not having common divisors, distinct from 1; napr., 15 and 16.
  • The RELATIVE{MUTUAL} EDUCATION{LEARNING} (Bell - Lankasterskaja system), system of education{learning} in an elementary school at whom the higher and more aware pupils under a guiding of the teacher led occupations with other pupils. It is developed by the English teachers A.Bell (1753-1832) and Dzh. A Lancaster (1778-1838). In Russia it was used with 1818; some schools acted till 1860th.
  • INTERACTION, the philosophical grade reflecting processes of influence of objects against each other, their relative{mutual} condition and causing by one object other. Interaction - the generalpurpose form of motion, development, determines existence and structural organization of any material system.
  • INTERACTIONS FUNDAMENTAL in physics, are known 4 types: the strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravity. For protons at power ~1 GeV intensity stipulated with these interprocess communications concern accordingly as 1:10-2:10-10:10-38. The consolidated theory of electromagnetic and weak interactions (weak coupling) is developed. There are the models including as well a strong coupling (great association). Attempts are done{made} to describe all 4 interactions on the unified basis{fundamentals}.
  • INTERCHANGEABILITY, in technique - property of equal component parts, clusters or integrated machines, mechanisms, apparatuses and other designs, permitting to assemble or change{interchange} them without preliminary adjustment.
  • INTERCHANGEABILITY of RESOURCES{SAFE LIFES}, possibility of using of miscellaneous kinds{views} of resources{safe lifes} for achievement of an economic optimum. Distinguish interchangeability of resources{safe lifes} technical and economic. Economic-mathematical models of calculations of efficacyy of the relative{mutual} changing of resources{safe lifes} are developed.
  • INTERCHANGEABILITIES the LAW, the same, that the Bunsen - Rosko the law.
  • INTERRELATION, in philosophy - the relative{mutual} condition of objects the friend the friend; see. Communication{connection}.
  • UPLIFT, in geology - a steeply dipping fault on which breeds of a trailing wing are biased up concerning breeds of a lying wing.
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