VARADERO (Varadero), city on Cuba, prov. Matanzas. A climatic health resort, the tourist centre on Atlantic a shore. 16 thousand inhabitants (1990). Annual festivals of arts.VARAZHDIN, city in Croatia. St. 40 thousand inhabitants. Sewing, textile, a food-processing industry. The clasp 15-16 centuries (museum). A town hall of 16-18 centuries Bliz Varadzhina - balneogrjazevoj and climatic health resort Varazhdinske-Toplitse.The VARACTOR [from English var (iable) - variable and act - action], crystal rectifier, on a mode of functioning analogous to a varicap. It is used predominary as the nonlinear component in frequency multipliers, and also for intensifying oscillation in parametric amplifiers of a microwave range.VARANASI (Benares), city in the Sowing. India, on r. Ganges, pieces. Uttar Pradesh. 926 thousand inhabitants (1991). The cultural, historical centre and a place of religious pilgrimage induistov and Buddhists (up to 1 million person annually). The cotton, polygraphic, alimentary, glass, chemical enterprises, a machine industry. Center of book printing in tongue of a Hindi. Art handcrafts (a brocade, carpets, jewels). University. Has arisen ok. 7 century up to n. e. " Golden temple SHivy " (ok. 1750), majestic palaces of 16-19 centuries (including. Man Mandir, 1600).VARANGER-FIORD (Varanger fjord), Varjazhsky bay Barentseva in m., for boreal coasts of Europe, between p-ovami Fishing (Russian Federation) and Varanger (Norway). Length of 120 kms, width for an orifice of 50 kms, depth up to 420 m. Ports: Varde, Vadse (Norway).MONITOR LIZARDS, a set of lizards. Length of 0,8-3 m. 1 stem (30 kinds{views}), in Eastern hemisphere. Predators, eat lizards, snakes, small mammals, etc. The Largest representative - komodsky the goanna. The largest lizard of a fauna Compare. Asia - the grey goanna, length up to 1,6 m; in the Red Data Book of the International union of nature protection and natural resources.VARAHY Melitinsky (mind{wit}. 298), one of thirty three Christian martyrs - soldiers damaged in the Melitin in persecution of emperor Diokletiana. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on November, 7 (20).VARAHISY Persian (mind{wit}. ok. 330), the Christian martyr damaged in Persia in persecution SHapura II; the brother of the martyr Ions Persian. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on March, 28 (on April, 10), in Roman catholic - on March, 29.VARAHSHA, gorodishche 5-8 centuries, in 40 kms to the west from Bukhara, a monument of art Sogda - ruins of a citadel and a palace with the ceremonial halls decorated with monumental painting and a sculpture (a thread on knocking).VARBOLA, residues medieval (12-14 centuries) cities in 60 kms to the south from Thalline, a base estov in extirpation with german and danish aggressors.VARBURG (Warburg) Otto Genrih (1883-1970), the german biochemist. Probeed redox processes in a living cell, a nature and functions of ferments. First has explained the mechanism of cellular respiration by enzymosis. Transactionses on a photosynthesis and oncologies. The Nobel Prize (1931).VARVARIZMY (from grech. barbaros - foreign), foreign words and the expressions not completely run in by tongue and accepted as stranger.VARVARINA the MOUNTAIN, parking of epoch of a serotinal{late} paleolith in Zaigraevskom r-not Buryatiya. Residues of home units, economic holes, instruments, bones animal.BARBAROUS TRUTHS (an armour. Leges barbarorum - laws of barbarians), records of the customary law of the German nations, the constituted between 5 and 9 centuries Are known Vestgotskaja, Burgundian, Salic, etc.BARBARITY, in the cultural - historical periodization adopted in science of 18-19 centuries, mean from three epoch of a history of mankind: wildness{absurdity}, barbarity, a civilization. The scheme is justified by L.G.Morgan. Barbarity starts with the invention of earthenware manufacture and is finished by occurrence{appearance} of writing. In the modern science the new periodization of a virgin history is developed. Figuratively - marginal cruelty, roughness.BARBARIANS (grech. barbaroi), for ancient Greeks and rimljan the title of all strangers speaking on not clear them{him;it} tongues and alien their crop (germen, etc.). Figuratively - rough, uncivilized, severe people.VARGA Eugeny Samuilovich (1879-1964), the Russian economist, academician AN the USSR (1939). Headed Institute of the world economy and world politics (1927-47). The main{basic} transactionses in range of political economy of a capitalism. The lenin premium (1963).VARGAN, samozvuchashchy shchipkovyj a musical instrument by the way horseshoes (or a plate) with a metal uvula attached to her. At âàðãàí game hold down to tooths. Under different titles it is distributed for many peoples.VARGAS (Vargas) ZHetuliu Dornelis (1883-1954), the president of Brazil in 1930-45 and 1951-54. In 1937 has placed{installed} a mode of " the new state " on a sample of fascist Italy. In 1945 has based Brazilian trabaljistskuju (working) consignment. Promoted development of public sector in an industry.
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