Friday, June 15, 2007

  • VASILEVA (Itsykovich) Tatyana Grigorjevna (r. 1947), the Russian actress, the national actress of Russia (1992). In 1969-83 in Moskovsk theatre satyrs. In 1983-92 in Moskovsk theatre him{it}. Vl. Majakovskogo. Roles: Marja Antonovna ("Auditor" N.V.Gogolja), Ljuska (M.A.Bulgakov "Trot race"), the Dzhenni-raspberry (" Three-cheap opera " B.Brecht), lady Kitti (S.Maugham "Circle"), etc. It was taken out in films " To see Paris and to die ", etc.
  • VASILEV-BUGLAJ Dmitry Stepanovich (1888-1956), the Russian composer, the choral conductor, the honored worker of arts of Russia (1947). The writer of mass songs (including "Prowaters", 1921), the master of choral music, the collector of national songs. The state premium of the USSR (1951).
  • VASILEVKA, city (with 1957) on Ukraine, Zaporozhye region. ZH.-d. Item (Tavrichesk). 16,8 thousand inhabitants (1991). A Taurian mining-and-processing integrated works; a shoe factory; factories: metallobytovyh items, auto-repair, etc. The Study of local lore museum.
  • VASILEVSKY Vasily Grigorjevich (1838-99), the Russian historian, the academician Petersburg AN (1890). The initiator of building of the log-book " Byzantian vremennik " (1894). Transactionses on a socio economic history of Byzantium, a history of the russko-byzantian attitudes{relations}.
  • VASILEVY (namesakes, psevd. - brothers Vasiljevy), the Russian film directors and scripters: 1) George Nikolaevich (1899-1946), the honored worker of arts of Russia (1940.2) Sergey Dmitrievich (1900-59), the national actor of the USSR (1948.) are in unison put films: "CHapaev" (1934), " Volochaevskie days " (1937), "Front" (1943); Sergey Dmitrievich - " Heroes SHipki " (1955; the sovetsko-Bulgarian film). Writers of scripts of the films. The state premium of the USSR (1941, 1942).
  • CENTAUREAS, city (with 1796) on Ukraine, the Kiev region. A depot. 40,8 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factories: refrigerators, household aplliances, tanning, majolikovyj, etc. See also Vasilev.
  • VASILKOVSKY Sergey Ivanovich (1854-1917), the Ukrainian painter. Liriko-epicheskie landscapes (" the Cossack haw ", 1893), genre and historical patterns (" the Cossack and the girl ", 1894, " the Marching of cossacks ", 1917).
  • VASILSURSK, a urban settlement in the Russian Federation, the Nizhniy Novgorod region, landing stage on Volga (CHeboksarskoe vdhr.), at a lockin r. Sura. 1,7 thousand inhabitants (1991). A climatic health resort. It is based in 1523.
  • VASILCHIKOV Alexander Illarionovich (1818-81), prince, the Russian economist, the publicist, zemsky the figure, close to Slavophiles. Transactionses on a history of Russian community and agrarian I plot prereform Russia.
  • VASILCHIKOVA (Harnden) Maria Illarionovna (1917-78), Russian memuaristka. The daughter of the member of IV State Duma of prince Illariona Sergeevicha Vasilchikova, with 1919 in France, with 1932 in Lithuania, other countries of Europe. In the beginning of 2-nd world war has appeared in Germany where it was arranged on a service in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (the Information department). Due to the aristocratic communications{connections} has close acquainted with participants of an antihitlerite plot on July, 20 (Klaus background SHtaufenberg, Gottfried Bismark, Adam background Trott, etc.). Her{it} " the Berlin diary (1940-45) ", written alive and fascinatingly, is the unique historical document.
  • VASIN Valentine Petrovich (r. 1923), the pilot - verifier, the general - major of aircraft, the Hero of Soviet Union (1957). Flied on airplanes over 100 phylums. Participat in preparation of astronauts to zero-gravity flights on the specially equipped airplanes - laboratories.
  • VASIN Vladimir Alekseevich (r. 1947), the Russian sportsman (jumps in water), the deserved master of sport (1972). The champion of Olympic Games (1972), the USSR (1966, 1969, 1972). The president (in 1990-92), 1-st vice-president (with 1992) the GUY END of Russia.
  • VASIN Vladimir Vasiljevich (r. 1941), the Russian mathematician, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1994). Transactionses on illconditioned problems and their appendix.
  • VASIN Vladimir Vasiljevich (r. 1941), the Russian mathematician, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1994). Transactionses on illconditioned problems and their appendix.
  • VASIFI Zajnaddin Mahmud (1485-1551 or 1566), the Tadjik writer. Belletrizovannye memoirs " Surprising events " express ideas of urban antifeudal opposition.
  • VASISHTHA, vedijsky a wise man - rishi, olitsetvorenie the Major She-bear.
  • VASKO YES GAMA-GRASS, see. Gama-grass.
  • VASKONSELOS (Vasconcelos) Hose (1882-1959), the mexican philosopher and the political figure. In 1921-23 minister for national education. Has developed philosophical system, founded on ideas neoplatonizma. In the book " Space strain " (1925) has made a hypothesis about education from mixture{mixing} of the modern strains new " space strain ".
  • VASCULITIS (from an armour. vasculum - a vasculum), an inflammation of a wall of small-sized blood vessels at zymotic and infectious - allergic diseases (rheumatic disease, a septicaemia, a sapropyra, etc.). With a thrombosis of a vessel (thrombovasculitis) often combines{blends}.
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