Monday, June 18, 2007

  • VOJNORALSKY Porphyrias Ivanovich (1844-98), the revolutionary populist. One of organizers " boatings in people ". In 1878 it is sentenced to 10 years of penal servitude.
  • VOJSI (Voysey) CHarlz Frensis Eksli (1857-1941), the English architect. Designed small country houses for middle class. Developed a theme of a traditional English cottage (unified rectangular volume with a deckhouse and a high gable roof). In furnish of the building and registration of interiors a major role retracted to different kinds{views} of an ornamental art.
  • TROOPS of air defence, intended for reflectance of impacts of the opponent from air. Will consist of service arms: a zenith rocket-propelled troops, an air defense aviation and a radio troops, and also a special troops of different destination.
  • ARMY CIRCLE, combined-arms collection for Don, Volga, jaitskih, grebenskih and terskih cossacks in 16-18 centuries. Was the supreme body of an authority and selected officials.
  • The ARMY FOREMAN, officer grade in the Cossack troops of Russian army; with 1775 corresponded{conformed} a peavine of the sec - major, with 1798 - the major, with 1884 - the lieutenant colonel.
  • VOJSLAV Sigizmund Grigorjevich (1850-1904), the Russian mining geologist. Has invented a jumper for investigation of deposits. One of osnovatelej Russian Society of mining geologists.
  • VOJTES (Voites) Margarita (r. 1936), the Estonian singer (a coloratura soprano), the national actress of the USSR (1979). With 1964 solistka Estonian theatre " Âàíåìóéíå ", with 1969 at theatre of opera and ballet "Estonia".
  • VOITSEKHOVSKY Bogdan Vjacheslavovich (r. 1922), the Russian scientist, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991). The main{basic} transactionses on theoretical and applied hydrodynamics, a knocking in gases. The lenin premium (1965).
  • VOCALESE (frants. vocalise, from an armour. vocalis - a vowel sound), a piece of music for singing without words on a vowel sound; the exercise for development of vocal technique is routine. Vocaleses for concert performance{fulfillment} (S.V.Rakhmaninov, M.Ravel, etc.) are known also.
  • VOCALISM, structure of vocal phonemes of this or that tongue, dialect or family, group of tongues. Sometimes speak also about vocalism of the radical, the word, etc.
  • VOCAL MUSIC, products{creations} for one, several or many voices (with tool{instrument} tracking or without him{it}), behind few eliminations the bound with the word, the poetic text.
  • VOCAL ART, see. Singing.
  • VOKANSON (Vaucanson) Jacque de (1709-1782), French the mechanics. Has constructed a mechanic silk loom, has created a number{series} of automatic control units with clock mechanisms (including known toys - flitting a filling and the playing flutist).
  • PASSENGER DEPOT (from English Vauxhall), 1) pleasure establishment bliz the London (17 century); in Russia originally - a place of public amusements. 2) the Building (group of buildings), structures and devices for a catering, mission controls of the transport and disposition of service staff. Distinguish road service stations, air terminals, railway, marine, river, and also consolidated, or complex{integrated} (napr., railway - bus).
  • VOKLEN (Vauquelin) Lui Nikola (1763-1829), the French chemist. Has discovered (1797) and has secured{discharged} (1798) in a free state a chromium; has discovered (1798) beryllium.
  • VOCODER (from English voice - a voice and code - a code), a communications system in which the transmitted voice information will be transformed{reformed} by a sound analyzer to code signals on frequency or on time. Restoration of speech on a receiving end executes the synthesizer of a note. Allows essentially (approximately in 10 times) to compact the communication line at minor deterioration of quality of drive.
  • VOKULER (Vaucouleurs) Gerard Anri de (r. 1918), the American astronomer. Probeed Mars, has developed new grading galaxies, has discovered rotation of a galaxy Major Magellanovo the Cloud, has described an aboriginal superclump of galaxies. The writer of books " Physics of a planet Mars " (1951, Russian transfer{translation} 1956), " the Astronomical photo " (1961, Russian transfer{translation} 1975), etc.
  • The BULLOCK castrated samets of a large horned stock. It is used as meat and a work animal.
  • VOLAN (frants. volant), 1) a ball finned for the game in badminton. 2) Finish for a coat frock, a blouse, skirts, a stem of a frill.
  • VOLGA (ancient - Ra, in Middle Ages - Itil), the river in the European part of the Russian Federation, the largest in Europe. 3530 kms, the area of basin of 1360 thousand êì2. The beginning on Valdai vozv., the m. runs in Caspian, derivating delta (the area of 19 thousand êì2). Average discharge of water for Volgograd 724 m3 / with, in a mouth - 7710 m3 / with. Volga accepts ok. 200 inflow, the largest - Kama and Oka. In connection with a structure of a coordinated hydroelectric system with water reservoirs a drainage of Volga hardly zaregulirovan. The largest river plants - Volga (Kujbyshevskaja), Volga (Volgograd), CHeboksarskaja. Regular navigation from Rzhev (3256 kms). Volga is bridged to Baltic m. A Volga-Baltic waterway, with White m. - Severodvinsk water system and the Belomorsko-Baltic channel, with Azov and Black seas - the Volga-Don shipping canal, with Moscow - the channel him{it}. Moscow. On Volga - large cities Tver, Yaroslavl, N.Novgorod, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan. In a bass. Volga reservations: Volzhsko-Kamsky, ZHigulevsky, Astrakhan; natural national park Samara the Onions. As a result of man impacts the environmental setting has sharply worsened; search of scientifically reasonable ways of restoration of natural complexes of Volga is conducted.
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