Tuesday, July 3, 2007

  • FREEDMEN, in antique and rannefeodalnom a society slaves, tempered on freedom or the redeemed relations remaining in a miscellaneous degree to the former master.
  • FREEDOM POETIC, conceded in verses by tradition minor deviation{rejection} from tongue norms{standards}: " From a flame and light the born word " (M.J.Lermontov).
  • FREE CITIES german, originally (with 13 - nach. 14 centuries) the cities released from under an authority of the feudal seigneur and achieving self-management. Were gradually balanced with imperial cities, become to call as free imperial cities (up to nach. 19 century). Longest (and in 20 century) Lubek, Hamburg, Bremen had the status of free city.
  • FREE SCAPES (frantirery), a kind{view} of an irregular infantry in France in 15-19 centuries; led guerilla actions during ex - Prussian war. The title of participants of the French Resistance movement in 2-nd world war (see. Frantirery and guerrillas).
  • FREE GRAIN GROWERS, in Russia the peasants free from krepostnicheskoj of relation with ground under the Decree 1803, ground the voluntary agreement with landowners. To it is grey. 19 century 151 thousand shower of a male sex is free.
  • The FREE CITY, in the international law - the do-it-yourself territorial - political neutralized and demilitarized education, which legal regime is established{set} by international treaties and guaranteed by the states or international organizations. Free cities were Krakow (under the Austrian tract 1815), Danzig (under the Versailles peace treaty 1919).
  • FREE VERSE, in sillabo-tonic stihoslozhenii, predominary in jambe, loose alternation{sequence} raznostopnyh by quantity of lines. In Russian poetry the routine dimension basen, many elegy and messages nach. 19 century, poetic comedies and dramas. (to not admix with a loose verse).
  • VOLNJANSK, city (with 1966) on Ukraine, Zaporozhye region. A depot. 18 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factories: tool{instrument}, plastic items.
  • VOLPIN Mark Efimovich (r. 1923), the Russian chemist, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1987). Transactionses on not benzenoid aromatic compounds, carbenes. Has discovered (1964, together with V.B.Shurom) a nitrogen fixation at ambient temperature nizkovalentnymi organometallic compounds. The lenin premium (1963), the State premium of the USSR (1982).
  • VOLS (Wols; an ice-film. A name and fam. Schultz Alfred) (1913-1951), the French artist. The native of Germany, with 1932 worked in Paris. The photographer of the ekspressivno-imaging direction is known as well as. Has become in 1940th the largest master informelja, creating some kind of "psychograms", painting and to the schedule{chart}, pathetically relaying nervous and melancholic life of creative intelligence.
  • VOLSINII (Volsinii), city etruskov (7 century - 264 up to n. e.) in Center. Italy. Residues of strengthening and temples.
  • VOLSK, city (with 1780) in the Russian Federation, the Saratov region, a port on Volga (Volgograd vdhr.). Depot (Privolskaja). 65,2 thousand inhabitants (1992.) Center of a cement industry; factories: "Metal worker", tanning, tannin extracts, etc. Theatre. 2 museums. It is known from 17 century.
  • VOLSKI, ancient nation in Center. Italy, probably, affine to umbers. In 2-nd floor. 4 century up to n. e. pokoreny Romans.
  • VOLSKY Anton Nikolaevich (1897-1966), the Russian metallurgist, academician AN the USSR (1960). The main{basic} transactionses under the theory of chemical equilibriums in melts. The lenin premium (1965), the State premium of the USSR (1949, 1953).
  • VOLSKY Arcady Ivanovich (r. 1932), the Russian political figure. With 1955 on technical-engineer activity. The member of a Central Committee of the CPSU in 1986-91. With 1991 vice-president of Inter-republican economic committee. With 1992 president of the Russian union of industrialists and businessmen. The state premium of the USSR (1971).
  • VOLSKY Victor Vatslavovich (r. 1921), the Russian economist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1984), the Hero of Soviet Union (1945). The main{basic} transactionses on economy of Latin America and problems of economic. The state premium of the USSR (1987).
  • VOLT, SI unit of an electric pressure, electric potential difference, electromotive force (generated voltage). It is called named A.Volty. It is meant Century 1 In = 108/ñ by a unit. C.G.S.E.? 1/300 units. C.G.S.E. = 108 units. C.G.S.M., with - value of speed of light in air void.
  • VOLT PER METER, a SI unit of electric field strength. It is meant V/m. 1 V/m = 1/3·10-4 units. C.G.S.E.? 106 units. C.G.S.M.
  • VOLT (Volta), the river in Zap. To Africa, primarily in Ghana. It will be derivated by interflow White and Black Volta. 1600 kms (from headstreams of Black Volta), the area of basin of 394 thousand êì2. Runs into the Guinean hall. Main in-leak{influx} - r. Oti. Average discharge of water 1288 m3 / with. It is navigable on 400 kms from a mouth. A river plant. Main ports - the Siberian salmon - Krachi, Akosombo.
  • VOLT, see in an item. The musical letter.
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