Tuesday, July 3, 2007

  • VOLYNJANE (velynjane), association of different nations of eastern slavs in basin of headwaters Zap. Bug in 10-11 centuries.
  • "VOLVO" (Volvo), the Swedish automobile company master in motor industry of the Scandinavian countries. It is based in 1929. Sales volume 14,6 billion dol. (1-n in country), a net profit 730 million dollars, extension{issue} (1987) automobile motor vehicles of 424 thousand pieces, cargo 46 thousand pieces, figure occupied in 78,6 thousand person (kon. 1980th).
  • VOLVOKS, a stem of green algae. Mobile colonial organisms (spherical colonys up to 3 mm across diameter). Ok. 20 kinds{views}. Live in lentic fresh waters, giving them green colour.
  • VOLGEMUT (Wolgemut) Michael (1434-1519), the german painter and a graver. The representative of the Nuremberg school. Keeping principles pozdnegoticheskoj painting altars in Zwickau (1479), Fojhtvangene (1484), SHvabahe (1508). The largest monument of early book printing - case histories to " the World chronicle " G.Shedelja (1491-94). In workshop Volgemuta in 1486-89 A.Djurer studied.
  • POULTRY YARD, a fenced in site (with a canopy or open{discovered}) with cells joining{associating} to her or cabins for the content small-sized animal (rabbits, fur-bearing animals, birds, dogs) in zverovodcheskih economies, zoological gardens, on exhibitions.
  • VOLKENSHTEJN Michael Vladimirovich (1912-92), Russian fizikohimik and biophysics, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1966). Transactionses on a molecular spectrum analysis, physics of molecules and macromolecules, molecular biophysics. The state premium of the USSR (1950)
  • VOLKER (Wolker) Jirzhi (1900-24), the Czech poet. Collections " the Visitor on a threshold " (1921), " Hour of a birth " (1922), the article " Proletarian art ".
  • VOLMAR, the official title of. Valmiera in Latvia up to 1917.
  • FREE-STYLE WRESTLING, kind{view} of wrestling in which the considerable freedom in selection of technique is given participants: different captures (including legs), joggles and podbivy. The modern free-style wrestling has engendered in England (kon. 19 century). In International amateur federation of extirpation (FILA; it is based in 1912) 112 countries (1992). In the program of Olympic Games with 1904, world championships with 1951, Europe with 1928.
  • FREE RUSSIAN SEAL{PRINTING}, in the historical literature the title of the uncensored issuings which were going out outside Russia in Russian in 1849-1917. With it is grey. 60th were emitted basically in Switzerland, delivered to Russia by revolutionary organizations. With nach. 20 century the greatest distribution{propagation} had issuings of the Consignment of socialists - revolutionaries and RSDRP.
  • FREE RUSSIAN PRINTING HOUSE... 1) A.I.Gertsena in the London in 1853-65 (with 1856 together with N.P.Ogarevym) and in Geneva in 1865-1868. The beginning of the regular issuing of the Russian uncensored literature ("Alloying basket", "North star", etc.); leaflets, books;... 2) J.A.Sulina and other in Moscow (December 1860 - February 1861), first clandestine in Russia; the issuing of compositions of A.I.Gertsena and N.P.Ogaryov.
  • VOLNI (Wollny) Martin Evald (1846-1901), the german agriculturist and a pedologist, one of creators of an agricultural physics. Probeed a physical mode of soils, influence of a plant cover and different methods of machining on fertility of soils.
  • VOLNOV Gennady Georgievich (r. 1939), the Russian sportsman (basketball), the deserved master of sport (1964), the trainer. The champion of Olympic Games (1972), the world (1967), the repeated champion of Europe and the USSR (in 1959-69).
  • VOLNOV Ivan Egorovich (1885-1931), the Russian writer. Autobiographical " the Story about days of my life " (kn. 1-3, 1912-13), dedicated destiny of peasantry.
  • VOLNOGORSK, city (with 1964) on Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk region, bliz zh.-d. An item. Volnogorsk. 25,4 thousand inhabitants (1991). Verhnedneprovsky mining-and-metallurgical integrated works (production and a thorough revision of titanium ores); glass, etc. an industry.
  • FREE SOCIETY of FANS{AMATEURS} of the RUSSIAN LITERATURE, literary society in Saint Petersburg in 1816-25. Among members: F.N.Glinka (chairman), K.F.Ryleyev, N. À. and A.A.Bestuzhevy, V.K.Kuechelbeker, N.I.Gnedich, A.A.Delwig, A.S.Griboedov, etc.
  • FREE ECONOMIC SOCIETY (VEO), the first Russian science foundation, is based in 1765 in Saint Petersburg. Has published the first statistiko-geographycal probes of Russia, promoted an introduction in an agriculture of a new agricultural engineering, conducted discussion of economic problems. Among figures: A.T.Bolotov, A.A.Nartov, admiral A.I.Sinjavin, G.R.Derzhavin, K.D.Kavelin, D.I.Mendeleev, V.V.Dokuchayev, A.M.Butlerov, P.P.Semenov-Tjan-Shansky. Because of afflictings authorities has actually stopped activity in 1915.
  • VOLNOOPREDELJAJUSHCHIJSJA, the serviceman in Russian and foreign armies in 19 - nach. 20 centuries, voluntarily proceeding on a military service after obtaining the maximum or secondary education and bearing a service on favourable terms.
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