Tuesday, July 3, 2007

  • "ÂÑÅÑÂIÒ" (" All world "), the Ukrainian political, literary and art criticism illustrated magazine, Kharkov, 1925-34.
  • VSESLAV BRJACHISLAVICH (? - 1101), prince Polotsk (with 1044). In 1066 has trapped and has burnt Novgorod. In 1067 - in a film in Kiev; it is professed by the Kiev prince during popular uprising (1068), in the beginning of depressing{supression} of it{him} ran to Polotsk.
  • ALL-UNION COMMUNIST PARTY (bolsheviks) VKP (á), the title of the CPSU in 1925-52.
  • ALL-UNION AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION (VSHV), display{demonstration} of achievements of a farm - production and science (on the republics, separate native zones, branches). Acted permanently in Moscow (Ostankino) in 1939-1941 (the area 140 ga, 250 buildings) and 1954-58 (the area 207 ga, 383 buildings). Total number of participants over 2,3 million person, visitors over 40 million person. In 1958 was part of the Exhibition of achievements of a national economy of USSR (VDNH).
  • The ALL-UNION STUDIO GRAMZAPISI, master artistic - industrial enterprise of firm " Melody " in Moscow. It is based in 1957 (with 1919 - branch " Soviet plate " at TSentropechati). Annually effects 1 thousand new records. In a record library ok. 50 thousand titles. In 1991 on its{her} base the creative manufacturing installation " Russian disc " is based.
  • The ALL-UNION LENIN COMMUNIST UNION of YOUTH (VLKSM), youth political organization. It is built on 1-st All-Russia cross-over of the unions of working and country youth on October, 29 1918, the Russian communist union of youth (RKSM), with 1924 - RLKSM, with 1926 - VLKSM calls. 22-nd extraordinary cross-over VLKSM (September 1991), has considered reached{settled} political role VLKSM as federations of the communist unions of youth.
  • ALL-UNION CENTRAL ADVICE{COUNCIL} of LABOR UNIONS (All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions), up to 1990 authority of trade unions of the USSR in intervals{interspaces} between cross-overs.
  • VSEHSVJATSKY Sergey Konstantinovich (1905-84), the Russian and Ukrainian astronomer, the professor managing stand of astronomy of the Kiev university (1939-81). Has predicted (1960) existence of a ring around of the Jove, has proved existence of a solar wind and fast desintegration of periodic{batch} comets. Has created (1958) fundamental transactionses " Physical performances of comets " and a series of additions{appendices} to it{him}, emitted up to 1974.
  • DEPOSIT OPENING, realization of mining outputs (trenches, pump shafts, bucket wells, etc.), discovering access from a surface to deposits of mineral wealths.
  • DISSECTION of the RIVERS, process of destruction of the ice sheet, descending baking plate influence of heat and the mechanical forces, resulting intensive flow of water. Dissection of the rivers of the European part of Russia, current with a north on the south (Volga, Don), starts in a lower reaches and gradually displaces up on the river owing to what the drifting of the ice extends on time. On the rivers of Siberia current from the south north-up (Ob, Yenisei, Lena), dissection starts in verhovjah, that often results in education of ice blocks in a lower reaches.
  • NECROPSY, the same, that an autopsy.
  • VSNH, see. The high council of a national economy.
  • PLOUGHING, simultaneous oborachivanie, kroshenie and agitating{stirring} of soil by mouldboard ploughs, the main{basic} method of its{her} machining. Sustains a porosity of an arable layer, extirpates weeds, pests and causal organisms of diseases. In areas with a wind erosion apply also ploskoreznuju a soil cultivation.
  • AUXILIARY PROCESS, part of a production activity of the enterprise, necessary for service of the main{basic} manufacture: manufacturing and repair of a means of technological equipment, maintenance of the enterprise by all kinds{views} of power, repair of buildings and structures, economic stock, etc.
  • AUXILIARY HISTORICAL DISCIPLINES (special historical disciplines), study fixed kinds{views} or the separate parties of the form and the content of historical sources (a genealogy, heraldry, diplomatics, a historical metrology, numismatics, paleography, sfragistika, chronology, etc.).
  • FLARE STARS (such as UV the Whale), a version eruptivnyh variable stars, cool red dwarfs with bright lines of hydrogen and a calcium in a spectrum, for which in some day (it is rare - hours) short-lived increase of luster is supervised.
  • "VSPYSHKOPUSKATELI", the title revolutionary narodnicheskogo a mug in Saint Petersburg in 1874 (I.I.Kablits-Juzov, etc.). Aspired{tried} to raise country revolt, in the summer 1874 - participants " boatings in people ", members of " the Kiev commune ". Are convicted on " to process 193 ".
  • COLLIDING BEAMS, experimental research technique of fundamental particles, in which two bunches of speedup of charged particles (electrons, protons, positrons, antiprotons, etc.) move towards one another, interacting on a plot of meeting. The boost installation with colliding beams calls as a collider.
  • COUNTER CROCKED EGGS (counter battle), troop operations at which both parties aspire to decide tasks in view approach.
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Здесь много тем, приурочен ко растяжкам. У меня их огромное колличесво, выглядят шрамами,некоторые очень широкие, до 1см, есть ли тут люди у коих растяжки в последствии применения эфирных масел действительно сгладились? И еще вопрос, некоторое количество раз использовала масла миндальное и зародышей пшеницы, в качестве базовых... и добавляла масла пачули, нероли и лаванды. Так в последствии втирания этих масел на коже остается пленка!!! даже в последствии вытирания чистое чистом полотенцем, кожа скользит. Масла были аптечной компании Аспера. Без стёба, могу узнать остаются и масла других компаний на коже?

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