SHRICK, the punctuation mark (!) staked in the extremity (and in some tongues, napr., in spanish, and in the beginning, in an inverted kind{view}) the exclamative proposal, sometimes circulations, etc.WAXEN PAINTING, technique of painting in which substance connecting paint is wax. It is executed{designed} melted (enkaustika) or dissolved paints in volatile oils or an emulsion. Due to small reactivity and moisture fastness of wax the products{creations} plump in technique of waxen painting, within many centuries save initial freshness of colour, firmness and the pattern of an inking layer. In Other. Egypt since 14 century up to n. e. Waxen painting was applied to colour of fronts of temples, in Other. Greeces and Byzantium - in easel painting.WAXEN GLANDS, are located in an outer cover of bees, bumblebees, an aphid, scale insects and some other hexapods. Secrete wax of which some honey-bee family build honeycomb.VOSKRESENSK, city (with 1938) in the Russian Federation, the Moscow region, landing stage on r. Moscow. A railway junction. 81,4 thousand inhabitants (1991). Chemical (software "Minudobrenija", etc.), a building materials (cement, etc.), a light industry. Factory " Machine engineer ".VOSKRESENSK, the title Istra in the Moscow region up to 1930.VOSKRESENSKAJA the ANNALS, obshcherussky the canopy of 16 century, differs a completeness of use of sources. One of lists remained deposited in Novoierusalimskom (Voskresenskom) a monastery (the modern Istra the Moscow region).VOSKRESENSKY Alexander Abramovich (1809-80), Russian chemists - organics, the creator (together with N.N.Zininym) major school of Russian chemists, corresponding member Petersburg AN (1864). Taught in many educational institutions of Petersburg. Has placed{installed} structure and some properties of naphthalene and quinic acid (1838); has discovered quinone and theobromine (1841), probeed domestic combustible minerals (peat, slates, brown and mineral coals), propagandized fertilizers.VOSKRESENSKY Leonid Aleksandrovich (1913-65), the Russian scientist in range of tests of space-rocket technique, Dr.Sci.Tech. (1958), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1957). With 1954 deputy of chief designer ÎÊÁ-1 S.P.Koroleva. Supervised over realization of the composite experimental and engineering tests of exploratory rockets, launchers and the first space vehicles. His{its} name calls a crater on moon.SUNDAY SCHOOLS, private{individual} or public general educational, professional or religious schools, education{learning} in which it is carried out{is conducted} on Sundays. In Russia with kon. 1850th general educational higher schools were organized by forward intelligency for illiterate and illiterate workers, peasants and handicraftsmen; after October revolution continuation schools, later - in vesper comprehensive schools are converted to.INFLAMMATION, the composite adaptive sosudisto-histic organism response to influence of pathogenic agents: physical, chemical (napr., a burn), biological (an introduction of microorganisms). The main{basic} general attributes of an inflammation - a fervescence and change of structure of blood; aboriginal - an erythema, a pain, heat, a swelling, violation{disturbance} of function.PNEUMONIA (pneumonia), group of diseases of lungs for the person and animal; are defined by inflammatory process in alveolas, in an interstitial tissue of a lung and bronchioles. In the person are invoked{produced} by viruses, pnevmo-or staphylococcuses and other microorganisms. The acute pneumonia can be krupoznym (with a defeat of a lung lobe, the sudden beginning, a fever, a heat, a pain in a chest at respiration), focal (bronchopneumonia) or interstitial (tussis with a mucopurulent sputum, temperature 37-39 °S). At a chronic pneumonia bronchuses, vessels and lymphatic system of lungs are struck.EDUCATION, the targeted development of the person including assimilation of crop, values and norms{standards} of a society. Implements through education, and also organization of vital activity of fixed generalities. In education the personality, family, state and public institutes interact; teaching and educational establishments, a means of a mass communication, religious institutes, public organizations, etc.EDUCATIONAL COLONY, in the Russian Federation correctional establishment for the infant offenders convicted to deprivation of liberty.IGNITION STRUCTURES, mixes for ignition of powders, solid rocket-propelled combustibles, pyrotechnic structures. Combustion temperature of ignition structures should be higher than an ignition point of an ignited material not less than on 200 °S.PERCEPTION, complex process of method and transformation{conversion} of the information, ensuring reflectance of an objective reality and alignment in world around. As the form of sensual reflectance of a subject actuates detection of object as the whole, discrimination of separate attributes in object, secretion in a nem of the informative content, adequate the purposes of action, formation of a sensual mode{image}.REPRODUCTION, continuous motion and resumption of a process of manufacture of life of any system - biological (napr., an individual, a population, biogeocenose, an ecosystem) or social (napr., the individual, family, a community, country, the capital). Actuates reproduction of system components, attitudes{relations} between them and interactions with an environment. In economy at simple reproduction manufacture is renewed in invariable, at amplate - in increased, at reduced - in decreasing scales.REPRODUCTION of the POPULATION, in fine-bored sense - process of digenesis as a result of natural motion (a birth and mors), in broad - permanent resumption of the population on the basis of natural motion, migration, transitions of people from one social groups in other.REPRODUCTION of NATURAL RESOURCES, natural (adjustable and noncontrollable{uncontrolled}) and synthetic process of increment of environmental resourse bases, restoration of their quality performances. The water resources protection and an airshed actuates such kinds{views}, as a recultivation and land-reclamation, agrotechnical measures on improvement of soils, reforestation activities, cultivation ryboposadochnogo a material, biotechnical measures on conservation and reproduction of feral{natural} beasts and birds.NUCLEAR FUEL BREEDER, education in nuclear reactors of secondary nuclear fuel - 239Pu (or 233U). Descends because nucleus t. n. A raw product 238U (or 232Th) seize{catch} the neutrons secreted at "burning" of primary nuclear fuel 235U. Implements in reactors - razmnozhiteljah (breeders).RESTORATION, see. Redox reactions.
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