Tuesday, July 3, 2007

  • VORONINSKY RESERVATION, in the Russian Federation, the Tambov region. It is based in 1994. The area of 10,8 thousand ga. Forest-steppe landscapes in a valley r. A crow; bajrachnye oak - groves, piny woods, steppe epines. A muskrat; drofa, a little bustard, a golden eagle.
  • VORONIHIN Andrey Nikiforovich (1759-1814), the Russian architect, the representative of an empire style. Products{creations} in Saint Petersburg - the Kazan cathedral (1801-11), laid foundation to large urban band on the Neva circular, the College of mines (1806-1811) - are noted by monumental and stringent solemnity. Participat in building architectural ensembles Pavlovska and Peterhof.
  • VORONKOV Michael Grigorjevich (r. 1921), Russian chemists - organics, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1990). The main{basic} transactionses on silicium and seraorganicheskim to connections.
  • FUNNEL-SHAPED CUPS CROP (in archeology), epoch of a neolith (4 - 3 thousand up to n. e.) in the Sowing. And Center. To Europe. It is called under the characteristic form of ceramics - a cup with a funnel-shaped neck. Burials under tumuluses, in dolmenah, etc. The Economy: agriculture and cattle breeding.
  • CROWS Abner Arkadjevich (1910-92), the Russian scientist, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; academician AN the USSR with 1970). The main{basic} transactionses under the theory of automatic control, synthesis of digital computing circuits for a program control. The lenin premium (1988).
  • CROWS Vladimir Iljich (r. 1930), the Russian critic, the literary critic, the Doctor of Philology (1988). The main{basic} orb of interests - the Russian literature of 20 century. Books: " the Truth of eyelid. About writers - winners of the Lenin premium " (1963), " Choirs of national life " (1972), "Anatoly Aleksin" (1973), " CHingiz Ajtmatov " (1976), " the Art concept: From experience of the Soviet prose 60-80-Õ " (1984).
  • CROWS Gennady Ivanovich (r. 1910), the Russian political figure. In 1948-55 1-st secretary Chita, in 1957-61 Orenburg obkomov the CPSU. In 1962-71 chairman of Council of Ministers of RSFSR. In 1971-73 committee chairman of the national supervisory control of the USSR. The member of a Central Committee of the CPSU in 1952-75, the member of the Political bureau (Presidium) of a Central Committee of the CPSU in 1961-73.
  • CROWS Nikolay Nikolaevich (1899-1968), the Russian commander, Main marshal of artillery (1944), the Hero of Soviet Union (1965). In Great Domestic war the chief of artillery and commanding artillery of Red Army, the representative Ponds of General headquarters on fronts at realization of some operations. In 1953-58 chief of Military ammunition command academy.
  • CROWS Nikolay Pavlovich (r. 1926), the Russian writer. In stories and stories (collections "Spring time", 1955, " Trot race in night ", 1965, "Person - echo", 1985), novels " the Youth in ZHeleznodolske " (1968), " the Vertex of summer{years} " (1976) - life of workers and the modern city. Novel - anti-Utopia "ITSELF" (1988).
  • CROWS Jury Petrovich (1929-93), the Russian poet, the journalist. With 1959 on press and party activity. Books of verses: "Blockage" (1973), "Street Rossi" (1979), "Balance" (1986).
  • CROWS Jury Petrovich (1929-93), the Russian poet, the journalist. With 1959 on press and party activity. Books of verses: "Blockage" (1973), "Street Rossi" (1979), "Balance" (1986).
  • VORONOVYE (vranovye), a set of birds of order sparrow. Length up to 65 see. St. 100 kinds{views}, almost everywhere. To voronovym grey and black crows, a crow, a daw, a rook, a magpie, a jay concern, etc.
  • BLACK George Feodosjevich (1868-1908), the Russian mathematician, corresponding member Petersburg AN (1907). Transactionses on a number theory.
  • BLACK Jury Jurjevich (1895-1961), the Russian surgeon. First-ever (1933) has executed{has come true} in clinic replanting of a corpse kidney ill.
  • FUNNELS (house martin), a bird of a set of swallows. Length ok. 13 see In Eurasia, the Sowing. To Africa. Exterminates destructive insects.
  • VORONSKY Alexander Konstantinovich (1884-1937), the Russian critic, the writer. The editor of the log-book " the Red virgin soil " (1921-27). In articles about the Soviet literature (collections " Art to see the world ", 1928, " Literary portraits ", t. 1-2, 1928-29) settled realism, classical traditions; accented a role of intuition in art creativity. The autobiographical story " Behind alive and dead water " (1927), "Bursa" (1933). It is repressed; it is rehabilitated posthumously.
  • VORONTSOV Alexander Romanovich (1741-1805), columns, the Russian statesman and the diplomat. In 1762-64 minister plenipotentiary in England, in 1764-68 in Holland, in 1773-94 president of Kommerts-board, in 1802-04 chancellor.
  • VORONTSOV Vasily Pavlovich (1847-1918), the Russian economist, the sociologist, one of ideologists of liberal populists 80-90-Õ of 19 century. Opposed Russian marksistov.
  • VORONTSOV Michael Illarionovich (1714-1767), columns, the Russian statesman and the diplomat. In 1741 participant of palace tumble and arrest pravitelnitsy Annas Leopoldovny. With 1744 vice-chancellor, in 1758-62 chancellor.
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