Tuesday, July 3, 2007

  • VOTCHINNYJ COURT, court of the master of an ancestral lands above the serfs (in Russia since 16 century before cancellation of serfdom in 1861).
  • VOTJAKI, the obsolete title of Udmurts.
  • IN - TSJUAN, in the Chinese mythology wise starets, aware of medicines of longevity and immortality. Lives in mountains, the body of it{him} is coated{obtected} with a wool.
  • VOSHERIJA, a stem of yellow-green algae. A thallome by the way filaments of a noncellular structure. Ok. 60 kinds{views}, at the bottom of fresh water reservoirs, less often than seas, on crude soil.
  • VOSHCHAK JAroslav Antonovich (1921-89), the Byelorussian conductor, the national actor of the USSR (1979). With 1953 main conductor of opera theatres of Lvov, Odessas, Voronezh, Kazan. With 1972 main conductor, with 1980 conductor of the Byelorussian theatre of opera and ballet.
  • WAX CLOTH, Byelorussian ãðàâåðû:... 1) Maxim Jarmolinich (? - 1708), the chalcographer, headed a printing house Mogilyov Bogojavlenskogo brotherhoods (23 gravures for the book " Akathists and canons ", 1693).... 2) Vasily Maksimovich, son Maxim Jarmolinicha. Worked in Mogilyov in 1694-1730. A xylographer (leafs "John Damascene", "Christmas" â "Osmoglasnike", 1730).
  • WAXED Vasily, the chief of revolt of peasants and poors 1740-44 in Belarus. Has declared itself grandson Bogdana Khmelnitskiy. After rout of revolt by a troops of Polish king ran to Ukraine.
  • FOUNDATION, the thin waxen leafs with squeezed out 6-coal bedplates of a honey-bee family of cells. It is produced at factories on a thorough revision of waxen raw material. It is fixed in a frame which is interposed into a beehive that gear ups construction of honeycomb by bees.
  • "VOYAGER" (English Voyager, characters. - the traveller), the American space vehicle for probes of long-distance planets of the Solar system. Mass of 733 kg. Are started "Voyager - 1" è "Voyager - 2" (1977). Probes from a drift trajectory of the Jove, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are conducted.
  • VOYAGE (frants. voyage), trip, traveling (obsolete or ironical).
  • VOJACHEK Vladimir Ignatjevich (1876-1971), Russian otorinolaringolog, the founder of scientific school, academician AMN (1944), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1961), the general - lieutenant of a medical service (1943). The main{basic} transactionses on physiology, a pathology and research techniques of an internal ear and surgical treatment of his{its} diseases, on an air medicine.
  • HOLLOWS, kickdowns of a surface within the limits of a dry matter, and also a bottom of oceans and seas, mostly tectonic an origin.
  • "FORWARDS", bolshevistskoe legal publishing house, 1906-07, Saint Petersburg. It is routed by police.
  • "FORWARDS"... 1) first bolshevistskaja the weekly newspaper, Geneva, 22.12.1904 (4.1.1905) - 5.5.1905, 18 numbers. An organ of Office of committees of the majority. Edition was headed by V.I.Lenin.... 2) Legal bolshevistskaja the daily newspaper, Saint Petersburg, 26.5 (8.6) - 14.6.1906, 17 numbers. Preemnitsa - the newspaper "Echo".... 3) Bolshevistskaja the clandestine working newspaper, Vyborg, 10.9.1906-19.1..1908, 20 numbers.
  • " FORWARDS! "... 1) the acyclic log-book of revolutionary populists, Zurich, the London, 1873-77, 5 numbers. It is based under the initiative "chajkovtsev" è "lavristov". Editors - P.L.Lavrov, V.N.Smirnov, N.G.Kuljabko-Koretsky.... 2) the Newspaper of revolutionary populists, the London, 1875-76, 48 numbers. The editor - P.L.Lavrov.
  • INSCRIBED ANGLE, the angle, derivated by two chords (DV and SV), coming from one point (Ñ) circles.
  • AT ONCE (Vraz) Stanko (1810-51), the Croatian and Slovene poet, the figure illirizma. The representative of romanticism, the founder of incentive Croatian criticism. Supported development of the national original literature on a nation-wide literary language. The collection of intimal and civil lyrics " Voices from ZHeravinskoj oak - groves " (1841), " the Psaltery and tambour " (1845).
  • VRANGEL Peter Nikolaevich (1878-1928), baron, one of main chiefs of white motion in the Civil war, the general - lieutenant (1918). In 1918-19 in Volunteer army and Armed forces of the South of Russia, in 1920 commander-in-chief t. n. Russian army, at a nem " the Government of the South of Russia " is built. With 1920 emigrant. In 1924-28 organizer and the chairman anti-soviet " Russian obshchevoinskogo the union " (ROVS).
  • VRANGEL Ferdinand Petrovich (1796/97-1870), baron, the Russian seafarer, admiral, corresponding member (1827), the honorary member (1855) Petersburg AN. One of founders of Russian geographycal society. In 1820-24 chief of the expedition describing a shore of Siberia from r. Indigirka up to Koljuchinskoj lips; under polling data has defined{determined} a rule{situation;position} of the island called afterwards as his{its} name. In 1825-27 chief of round-the-world expedition on a vessel "Gentle". In 1829-35 main governor of Russian settlements in America. In 1855-57 marine minister.
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