- ARVAJHERE, Arbaj-Here, city in a central part of Mongolia, adm. ts. Uverhangajskogo ajmaka. St. 12 thousand inhabitants. The alimentary, sewing, boot enterprises.
- ARVAK (dr .-исл. early waking up), in the Scandinavian mythology a horse, zaprjazhennyj in a chariot of the Sun.
- ARVALSKIE BROTHERS (an armour. Arvales Fratres), board of sacrificers in Other. Rome which responsibilities included prays to gods about sending a crop and prosperity of a community of citizens.
- ARGAND (Argand) Emil (1879-1940), the Swiss geologist. Has offered the scheme of development of the alpine geosyncline and has proved a wide circulation in her of large overthrust sheets.
- ARGA-BACON, the river, primarily in Yakutia, the left-handed in-leak{influx} r. Olenek. 503 kms, the area of basin of 47,7 thousand км2. Porozhista.
- ARGASOVYE MITES (argazidy), a set of mites of order parazitiformnyh. Length of 3-13 mm. Ok. 100 kinds{views}, in countries with a warm climate. Dwell{live} in holes, nests and other shelters animal, eat their blood. Carriers of causal organisms of some diseases.
- ARGEDAS (Arguedas) Alsides (1879-1946), the Bolivian writer. The realistic novel " Creole life " (1912) about aristocracy. In the novel " Bronze strain " (1919) has denounced discrimination of Indians.
- ARGEDAS Hose Maria (1911-1969), the Peruvian writer. Realistic compositions from life of Indians: novels " the Steep rivers " (1958), " Blood of all strains " (1964), stories.
- ARGEZI (Arghezi) Tudor (an ice-film. Name Jon Teodoresku, Teodorescu) (1880-1967), the Romanian writer. Lyrics. Anticlerical (" Wooden icons ", 1930) and antibourgeois (" Notes from country Booze ", 1933) collections of satirical prose.
- ARGELANDER (Argelander) Fridrih Wilhelm Avgust (1799-1875), the german astronomer. In 1823-36 corresponding member Petersburg AN (1826) worked in Russia. Transactionses on an astrometry and probes of variable stars. Has emited the check list and the atlas over 320 thousand asters of boreal root - t. n. Bonnskoe a review (1859-62).
- ARGENTITIS, the Argentina Republic (Republica Argentina), the state in southeast JUzh. America. 2767 thousand км2. The population 33,5 million person (1993), over 90 % - argentintsy. A urban population over 86 % (1990). The official language - spanish. The majority of believers - roman catholics. Argentina - federation in structure of 22 provinces, the Federal (metropolitan) district and national terrain Tierra del Fuego. Capital - Buenos Aires. The chief of state - the president. The body of legislation - a two-chamber National congress. Eastern part of Argentina flat, in the west - Andes, on a southwest - the Patagonian tableland. A climate in a north tropical, to the south subtropical, in the south moderate. Mean temperatures of January in a north 28 °S, in the south 10 °S, July accordingly 18 and 1 °S. A rainfall from 100-300 mm in the west up to 1400-1600 mm annually on the orient. The main rivers - Parana, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chubut, Rio-Negro, Rio Colorado. The wet meadow steppes, savannahs, laurilignosas (predominary in mountains). National parks: Nauel-Uapi, Los-Glasjares, Los-Alerses, Lanin, etc. In an antiquity the terrain of Argentina was populated by Indians. In 1-st floor. 16 century of her{it} have conquered spanish konkistadory; in country the large feudal landholding with use of a slave labour was affirmed. In 1816 in a course of war for independence of spanish colonys in America 1810-26 the independent state Consolidated provinces of La Plata (in 1826 are converted to Federative Republic Argentina) is built. In 20 century in Argentina items of the foreign capital have become stronger (with it is grey. 19 century - primarily English, then the USA). With 1930 country steered primarily military, pursued{adopted} a policy in interests of latifundists, upper class and foreign monopolies. After 2-nd world war by major influence in Argentina used X. D. Peron (it is selected the president of Argentina in 1946), combining populism with measures, directed on strengthening of items of the national capital. In 1955 Peron was will overthrow military, however influence peronizma in broad masses was saved (in 1974 Peron has been again selected the president). With 1976 the board military was placed{installed}. In this season{term} (in 1982) Argentina which is not admitting the British sovereignty above Falkland (Malvinskimi) by the islands, has undertaken an abortive attempt to take possession of them. Argentina - industrial - agrarian country with vysokotovarnym an agriculture. A lobe in the internal gross product (1990, %): an industry 23,6, an agriculture and fishery 16,7. Production of lead and zinc, petroleum and a natural gas, uranic and other ores. Manufacture of the electric power 50,9 billion kVtCHch (1990). Alimentary (predominary mjasohladobojnaja), textile, a leather and foot-wear industry, a machine industry, black both nonferrous machine industry. Oil processing and petrochemistry. In an agriculture the large landholding overtops{prevails}. The main{basic} agricultural crops: wheat, corn, barley, an oat, sunflower. A fruit growing. Main branches of animal husbandry - cattle breeding and a meat - wool production. A livestock (1990, one million) a large horned stock 51, ovets 29. Fishery. Length (1988, one thousand in km) railways 34,1, motorways 211,4. The tonnage of a marine merchant marine fleet 2,5 million register gross tons (1991). Main seaports - Buenos Aires, Rosario, La Plata. Export of farm products (ok. 80 % of cost - meat, a wool, leathers, a grain). The main{basic} foreign trade partners: the USA, Brazil, Germany. Monetary unit - peso.
- The ARGENTINA HOLLOW, submerged hollow on a southwest Atlantic ok. Depth up to 6681 m.
- ARGENTINTSY, people, the main{basic} population of Argentina (28 million person). An aggregate number 28,3 million person (1992). Speak on the Argentina dialect of spanish tongue. Believers - basically roman catholics.
- ARGENTITES (bright-polished carbon tool steel), stem of marine fishes of order lososeobraznyh. Length up to 60 see 12 kinds{views}, in boreal and moderate waters Quiet, Atlantic and Indian ok. Object of a craft.
- ARGENTIT (from an armour. argentum - silver) (argentite), a mineral of a class of sulphides, cubic a-updating Ag2S. Impurity{additives} Cu, Pb, Fe, etc. Lead-coloured up to black with a metallic appearance of mass, a vein, an impregnation. Hardness 2-2,5; firmness of 7,3 g / sm3. Routinely meets in the cold hydrothermal deposits. Ore of silver.
- ARGENTOMETRY (from an armour. argentum - silver and... metrija), a titrimetric method of a quantitative analysis, founded on education slightly soluble in water of connections of silver, napr. AgCl, AgSCN. Gauges chromate of a potassium, eosine minister, etc.
- ARGILLITE (from grech. argillos - clay and lithos - a stone), the sedimental rock derivated as a result of condensation, a dehydration and case hardening of clays; from last differs the greater hardness and disability razmokat in water.
- ARGININE, NH-C (NH2) NH (CH2) 3CH (NH2)-COOH, an aliphatic amino asid. In an organism is present at a loose kind{view} and in structure of proteins (a lot of arginine in protamines). Participates in synthesis of a urea (ornitinovyj a cycle), etc. processes of a nitrogen metabolism.
- ARGISHTI I (1-n a floor. 8 century up to n. e.), tsar of Urartu, son Menua. Has considerably strengthened the state, has kept a number{series} of cuneiform inscriptions about victories above Assyria and construction of cities.
- ARGISHTIHINILI, city in Urartu. It is based ok. 776 up to n. e. At Argishti I. On his{its} place in 4 century up to n. e. There was Armavir.
- SLANG (frants. argot), a dialect of fixed social group (originally - thieves' tongue), created with the purpose of tongue isolation. It is defined special (uzkoprofessionalnoj) or peculiarly run in common lexicon.
- ARGON (an armour. Argon), Ar, the chemical element of VIII group of a periodic system, atomic number 18, atomic weight 39,948, falls into to rare gases. The title from Grecian argos - inactive. Firmness 1,784 g/l, tкип = 185,86 °C. Apply as an inert atmosphere at a weldment of aluminium and other metals and at obtaining ultra-pure substances, to fillup of electric lamps and gas-discharge tubes (sine-blue-glow).
- ARGONAUTS, in the Grecian mythology the heroes who are departed{sending} on the ship{spacecraft} "Slang" under leadership JAsona to Colchis behind a golden fleece which was guarded by a dragon.
- ARGONAUTS, a stem of Cephalopoda of mollusks of order of octopuses. Samki argonauts live in a shell (a diameter up to 20 sm); samtsy small-sized, without a shell. Some kinds, in tropical seas. Sometimes argonauts call as ships.
- ARGONNSKAJA the NATIONAL LABORATORY of Steering of power probes the USA, is based in 1942 (. Lamont, bliz Chicago). Probes on many branches of science, the bound with use of a nuclear energy, activity on building the first atomic bomb.
- ARGOS, ancient greek city on p-ove Peloponnesus (Greece). It is based in nach. 2-nd thousand up to n. e. In 5 century up to n. e. The large trading - craft centre. In 3-4 centuries n. e. It eroded by Gotha.
- ARGOTIZMY (frants., a unit of hours argotisme), words and the turns of speech borrowed from this or that slang and used as a stylistic means (is more often for performance of speech of the character in a piece of art).
- ARGUMENT (an armour. argumentum).. 1) the judgment (or set{combination} of judgments), presented confirming a truth of other judgment (the concept, the theory)... 2) the Grounding (a part of the grounding) proofs... 3) In mathematics argument of function - explanatory variable value on which values values of function depend. An amplitude of complex number z = x + iy = r (cosj + isinj), figured by a point with coordinates x and y, - an angle j a position vector r this point with an axis of abscisses.
- ARGUN, city (with 1967) in the Russian Federation, the Chechen Republic. A depot. 27,6 thousand inhabitants (1992). Factories: an alimentary machine industry, sugar; a meat-packing factory, integrated house-building factory.
- ARGUNOV Paul Aleksandrovich (1862-1944), the Russian revolutionary. One of osnovatelej and chiefs " Societies of translators and publishers " in Moscow (1882), is banished in Vost. Siberia. After October revolution the historian.
- ARGUNOVY, Russian serfs архитекторы:.. 1) Feodor Semenovich (ok. 1732 - ok. 68). Baroque a kitchen courtyard house (1755), pavilion " Fuselage spine fairing " (1755-75) in farm Kuskovo... 2) Paul Ivanovich (ok. 1768-1806). With 1793 headed construction of wooden palace - theatre in farm Ostankino (classicism), the writer of some interiors.
- ARGUNOVY, Russian serf painters - portraitists, father and сын:.. 1) Ivan Petrovich (1729-1802), the writer of representative ceremonial and chamber portraits... 2) Nikolay Ivanovich (1771 - after 1829), has tested{experienced} influence of a classicism ("P.I.Kovaleva-Zhemchugova", 1802-03).
- ARGUN, the river in the Russian Federation and China, dextral component of Amur. 1620 kms, the area of basin of 164 thousand км2. Average discharge of water 340 m3 / with.
- ARGUSFISH, in the Grecian mythology mnogoglazyj the giant guarding under the order of goddess Gery beloved Zevsa Io. Figuratively - the vigilant sentinel.
- The ARGUSFISHES, two close stems of birds of a set fazanovyh (in each 1 kind{view}). Length of 1,7-2 m, from them ok. 1,2 m fall at mean control feathers of a tail. In woods JUgo-Vost. Asia. Are kept skrytno. Hohlatyj an argusfish - in the Red Data Book of the International union of nature protection and natural resources (MSOP).
- "ARD" (ARD - Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Offentlichen Rundfunkanstalten Bundesrehublik Deutschland), a state broadcasting company of Germany, integrating stations of grounds. It is based in 1950. Broadcasting on 1-st TV schedule. Financing at the expense of an abonent pay and advertising.
- ARDATOV, city (with 1780) in the Russian Federation, Mordovia, on r. A mythical stone, in 11 kms from zh.-d. An item. Ardatov. 10,0 thousand inhabitants (1992). Lighting engineering factory; the enterprises wood-working, alimentary, a light industry. It is based in kon. 17 century.
- ARDASHIR I Papakan (ok. 180-239 or 241), the founder and the first tsar (with 224, it was crowned in 226/227) dynasties Sasanidov in Iran.
- ARDEBIL, city in northwest of Iran. 282 thousand inhabitants (1986). Manufacture of carpets. An Istoriko-architectonic complex (16-17 centuries).
- ARDEN (Arden) John (r. 1930), the English playwright. The conflict between uncompromising conviction of heroes and absence of ideals of prosaic medium - in the basis{fundamentals} of historical plays " the Latter forgive Armstrong " (1965), " the Iron arm{hand} " (1965). The antimilitarist play " the Island almighty " (1974.) Roman " When is silent weapons " (1982) - in traditions swindling ("pikaresknogo") the novel.
- ARDENNSKAJA the OPERATION, 16.12.1944 - 28.1.1945, in 2-nd world war. A german troops have gone over to the offensive with the purpose of rout of Anglo-American forces in Belgium. In nach. January on Western front for allies there was a tense situation. Under their request the Soviet troops on January, 12 (for 8 days before time) have started Vislo-Oderskuju the operation that has helped a troops of allies to reduce a rule{situation;position}.
- ARDENNESS (Ardennes), western prolongation of the Rhine Shaly mountains, in terrain of Belgium, France, Luxembourg. An altitude up to 694 m. At flat tops - peat bogs, on downslopes - woods.
- ARDENY, tjazhelovoznaja breed of horses, is introduced in Belgium (area Ardennskoj vozv.). Animal hardy and serviceable. In the Russian Federation on the basis{fundamentals} ardenov Russian draft-type horse is introduced. Cultivate in Belgium, Austria, Hungary, Argentina.
- ARDZHENTAJN-AJLENDS (Argentine Islands), the English antarctic polar station; see. The Faraday.
- ARDZINBA Vladislav Grigorjevich (r .1945), the president of Republic Abkhazia (1996) which independence is not adjudicated by the world community. The expert on a history and ancient M.Azii's crop, the Doctor of Philology. In 1970-80-С on scientific activity in Moscow, then in Sukhumi. In 1990-96 chairman of a Supreme Soviet of Abkhazia.
- ARDI Alexander (1572-1632), the French playwright. A drama on an antique scene (known in machining Geliodora Emesskogo) " Feagen and Harikleja " (1623).
- "ARDIS" (Ardis), the publishing house of the Russian book, is based in 1971 to Ann Arbor (the USA, pieces. Michigan). Emits primarily Russian writers of 20 century.
- ARDON, city (with 1964) in the Russian Federation, the Sowing. Ossetia, on r. Ardon. A depot. 18 thousand inhabitants (1992). Factories: calibration, canning, penkoobrabatyvajushchy.
- ARDON, the river on the Sowing. Caucasus, the left-handed in-leak{influx} of Terek. 102 kms, the area of basin of 2,7 thousand км2. It is used for an irrigation. On a valley the Military - ossetic road passes.
- ARDUEN-MANSAR (Hardouin-Mansart) ZHjul (1646-1708), the French architect. Plotted stately solemn structures spirit of a classicism (rearrangement of a royal palace in Versailles, 1678-89; Vandomskaja a square, 1685-1701, a square. Victories, 1685-86, the Cathedral of the House of invalids, 1671-1708, in Paris; B.Trianon in Versailles, 1687).
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