Sunday, April 8, 2007

AVISSKAJA the DYNASTY (Aviz, Avis), the dynasty of the Portuguese kings in 1385-1580, is based ZHuanom I. The main representative - Gigolo V.
AVIT (ok. 460 - ок.518), the German writer and the church figure, diocesan of Vienna. A poem " About devstve " (after 507; in latin tongue).
AVITA (4 century), Christian podvizhnitsa. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on Cheese Saturday.
AVITAMINOSISES (from and - a negative prefix and vitamins), group of different diseases on the clinical developments, vitamins developing owing to sharp failure in an organism (a beriberi, a pellagra, a scurvy, etc.).
AVITELLINOZ, invazionnaja disease (a helminthosis, from group tsestodozov) ruminantia, primarily ovets and the she-goats, called by tapeworms - avitellinami, parasitizing in small intestines. Symptoms: a shiver, spasms of extremities. A lethality high.
AVIFAUNA (from an armour. avis - a bird and a fauna), the same, that ornitofauna.
AVITSENNA, see Ibn Sina.
AVKSELY Nikopolsky (Armenian) (mind{wit}. ok. 319), one of a magpie of five Christian martyrs damaged in Nikopol Armenian in the persecution of emperor Litsinija. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 10 (23).
AVKSENTY Vifinsky (mind{wit}. ok. 470), a Christian outlet box - hermit, podvizalsja in Vifinii on mountain Oksija bliz the Chalcedon. It come from Persia, was tsaredvortsem at a yard of emperor Feodosiya Junior. Having accepted inochestvo, ministered the deacon, then the presbyter in Constantinople. Participat in 4-th Ecumenical council. Memory{remembrance} in Orthodox and the Latin church on February, 14.
AVKSENTY Nikopolsky (Armenian) (mind{wit}. ok. 319), one of a magpie of five Christian martyrs damaged in Nikopol Armenian in the persecution of emperor Litsinija. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 10 (23).
AVKSENTY Pertsovsky, Vologda (mind{wit}. 1521), Saint, has based in 1499 year (together with Saint Onufriem) Pepper deserts in place Grjazovets near Vologda. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on June, 12 (25).
AVKSENTY Sevastijsky, Arabian (mind{wit}. nach. 4 century), the martyr, the presbyter in Aravrake, one of five martyrs damaged in the Sebasta Armenian in the persecution of emperor Diokletiana. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on December, 13 (26).
AVKSENTY Solovetsky, Kashkarensky (17 century), Saint. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on August, 9 (22) (cathedral Solovetskih sacred).
AVKSENTY Chalcedonian (mind{wit}. ok. 816), the Christian confesser, Saint, spodvizhnik diocesan Kosmy, damaged together with nymas in the Chalcedon in aniconic persecution at emperor the Lion the Armenian. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on April, 18 (on May, 1).
AVKSENTEV Nikolay Dmitrievich (1878-1943), one of leaders eserov. In 1917 chairman of the All-Russia Advice{Council} of country deputies and Preparliament, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Providing government. The participant of extirpation against the Soviet authority during the Civil war. Then in emigration.
AVKSILY Nikopolsky (Armenian) (mind{wit}. ok. 319), one of a magpie of five Christian martyrs damaged in Nikopol Armenian in the persecution of emperor Litsinija. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 10 (23).
AVLAKOGEN (from grech. aulax - a furrow and genes - bearing), an intraplatform linear mobile zone by the way a steep fine-bored sag, restricted faults; combination of a sag - a graben and raising - horst is routine.
AVLOS (grech. aulos), an ancient greek musical instrument, 2-ствольный such as an oboe. Has been distributed also in Other. Rome and countries of the Mediterranean.
AVM, see. The analog computer.
The AVOGADRO (Avogadro) Amedeo (1776-1856), italian physics and the chemist. In 1811 has put forward a molecular hypothesis of a structure of substance, has placed{installed} one of the gas laws, called as his{its} name.
The AVOGADRO the LAW, in equal volumes of ideal gases at equal pressure and temperature is contained equal figure of molecules; A.Avogadro in 1811 is open{discovered}.
The AVOGADRO the STATIONARY VALUE (it is meant NА), figure of molecules or atoms in 1 mole of substance, NА=6,022Ч1023 a mole - 1; the title in A.Avogadro's honour.
ALLIGATOR PEAR, woody plant of a stem a persea, a fruit crop. Rhodinum - Center. And JUzh. America where it is long since cultivated (the USA, Brazil, Argentina). Cultivate also in Australia, on Cuba, etc., with 1904 - on Black Sea a shore of Caucasus. The evergreen tree an altitude up to 20 m, is durable, fruits about 4-5 flying. Fruits (150-200 pieces from a plant) with an oily pulp, on taste remind a Persian walnut, are very nutritious, almost do not contain some carbohydrates.
ABRAHAM (Abram), in the Bible an ancestor of Jews, father Isaaka. On command of Jahveh Abraham should sacrifice the son, but at the moment of immolation has been stalled{stopped} by an angel.
AVRAAMY (in world Afanasy) (mind{wit}. 1672), the old believe writer, the outlet box, the pupil protopopa Habacuc. The employee for the substantiation of dissents between old believers and nikonianami has constituted kompiljativnyj the collection " Hristianoopasnyj a board of belief against a heretical home guard ".
AVRAAMY Arvilsky (mind{wit}. 344 or 347), the martyr, diocesan Arvilsky (Arbelsky) in Persia, damaged in persecution SHapura II. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on February, 4 (17), in Roman catholic on February, 4 and 8.
AVRAAMY Bulgarian, Vladimirskiy (mind{wit}. 1229), the Christian martyr, chudotvorets. It come Volzhsko-Kamskoj from Bulgaria; having addressed to christianity from Moslem, racked by fellow citizens of native city. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on April, 1 (14).
AVRAAMY Galichsky, CHuhlomskoj, Gorodetsky (mind{wit}. 1375), the abbot, the pupil Saint Sergija Radonezhskogo, the educator chudi. Has based 4 monasteries, has found (1350) wonderworking icon Bozhiej of Mother (Galichsko-CHuhlomskaja "Affection"). Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 20 (on August, 2).
AVRAAMY the Hermit, Hidansky (mind{wit}. ok. 360), the Christian outlet box, the ascetic, more than 50 flying podvizalsja in Syrian desert. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on October, 29 (on November, 11), in Roman catholic on March, 16.
AVRAAMY Karrijsky (mind{wit}. 450), the Christian man of faith, diocesan Karrijsky (in Mesopotamia). Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on February, 14 (27).
AVRAAMY (in shime Anthony) Kensky, Kozheezersky (mind{wit}. 1634), abbot Kozheezerskoj of a mansion, the pupil Saint Serapiona Kozheezerskogo. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on June, 7 (20).
AVRAAMY Mirozhsky (12 century), the first abbot Pskov Spaso-Mirozhskogo a monastery, chudotvorets. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on September, 24 (on October, 7).
AVRAAMY Paleostrovsky (15 century), abbot Paleostrovskoj of a mansion, the pupil Saint Kornilija Paleostrovskogo. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on August, 21 (on September, 3).
AVRAAMY PALITSYN, see Palitsyn And.
AVRAAMY Pechengsky, Vologda (mind{wit}. After 1492), Saint, has based (together with Saint Kopriem) deserts Spasskuju in Grjazovetskom for. Near Vologda on r. Pechenga. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on February, 4 (17).
AVRAAMY Pechersky (12-13 centuries), a name of each of three men of faith, pogrebennyh in Short-range (Antonievyh) and Long-distance (Feodosievyh) caves Kievo-Pecherskoj laurels. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on September, 28 (on October, 11) and on 2 Sunday of quadragesima (cathedral Kievo-Pecherskih of fathers).
AVRAAMY (in world Averky) Rostov (11 century?), Saint, chudotvorets, the founder and archimandrite Bogojavlenskogo of a monastery in. Body height - Yaroslavl. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on October, 29 (on November, 11).
AVRAAMY SMOLENSK (mind{wit}. Up to 1224), Saint, chudotvorets, the ecclesiast, the icon-painter; the first abbot of a monastery in honour of the Rule{Situation;Position} of the Chasuble of the Holy Virgin Theotokos (later - Spaso-Avraamiev a monastery). The wide circulation in Russia has received " ZHitie sacred Avraamija ", written by his{its} pupil Efremom. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on August, 21 (on September, 3).
AVRAAMY Spassky (Korjazhemsky) (mind{wit}. In nach. 17 century), the abbot. Memory{remembrance} in an orthodox church on 2 Sunday on the Pentecost (a cathedral of all sacred, in ground Russian beamed).

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