- AVRAAMY Yaroslavl (Preobrazhenskiy), (mind{wit}. After 1219), the abbot. Memory{remembrance} in an orthodox church on September, 23 (on October, 6).
- ABRAHAMS Arseny Mihajlovich (1886 - 1944), the Russian musical theorist, the specialist in folklore, the composer. In 1917 - 18 commissioner of arts Narkomprosa RSFSR, one of organizers Proletkulta. Aspired{tried} to give revolutionary holidays solemn registration, including with the help of factory hooters (" the Concordance of hooters ", 1922).
- ALL-HANDS EVOLUTION (English over all - upward all), activity on the ship{spacecraft}, executed{designed} simultaneously all or nearly so all staff called by a special signal and a command " all upward ".
- AVRAMOV Ivan Ivanovich (1915-85), the Russian actor, the national actor of the USSR (1976). In 1936-37 and with 1945 in Komi drama theatre (Syktyvkar), in 1961-82 main producer.
- AVRAMOV Mihail Petrovich (1681-1752), the first director of the Petersburg printing house in 1711-27, the clerk of the Armory Museum. The writer of many designs of reforms: introductions of censorship, folding money, buildings of grain reserves, etc. In 1732 it is cut in outlet boxes; was in the reference, the conclusion.
- HEDGEHYSSOP, stem of grasses of a set of a figwort family. Ok. 20 kinds{views}, in moderate and cool belts and in mountains of tropics. The hedgehyssop medicinal is toxicant; it is used as purging, emetic and diuretic.
- AVRANEK Ulrih Iosifovich (1853-1937), the chorus master and the conductor, the national actor of Russia (1932), the Hero of Transactionses (1934). By origin cheh. With 1874 in Russia. With 1882 conductor and the chorus master of Major theatre.
- AVRELIAN (Aurelianus) (214 or 215-275), Roman emperor with 270. Has reunited with empire Palmira in 272/273, Gallia in 273, has superseded from Retsii and Italy alemannov.
- AVRELY VICTOR (Aurelius Victor) Sixths, the Roman historian of 4 century. The writer of the book " About tsezarjah " in which brief biographies of Roman emperors from August up to Konstantsija (30 up to n are given. e. - 360 n. e.).
- AVRELY (Aurelius) Mark (121-180), Roman emperor with 161 from dynasty Antoninov. Rested on senatorial estate. Has reduced the Roman protectorate above Armenia and has trapped Mesopotamia in war 162-166 with parthians; in 166-180 led t. n. Markomanskuju war. The representative of serotinal{late} stoicism (the philosophical composition of "Speculation").* * *
- MARK AVRELY Antonin (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus) (on April, 26 121, Rome - on March, 17 180, Sirmy, Lower Pannonija), Roman emperor, the representative of serotinal{late} stoicism, the writer of philosophical "Speculations". The son pretora Annija Belief belonged to a notable spanish stem. In the childhood, after bullock Adriana, has been adopted by the future emperor Antoninom Piem. Has received perfect{fine} education, specially studied the right. On March, 7 161 together with Lutsiem Verom, also adopted Antoninom Piem, has been professed by emperor. For the period of his{its} board flood of Tiber, revolt of British and germen, successful for rimljan wars with Armenia and Parfiej, the long-lived war with markomanami came. Emperor has conducted a large part of life in military marchings, attempting to reflect the barbarians restricting Roman borders{limits}. At the same time he cared of an internal accomplishment of empire, placing emphasis on the legislation and legal proceedings. Personally participated in meetings of a senate, in proceedings, has entered in the capacity of punishment for the false denunciation civil dishonor. The collection of rescripts of Mark Avrelija under the title "Semestria" enjoyed authority for lawyers of succeeding generations. Has died of a plague during war with markomannami. Mark Avrely was the person moral and modest. Since a youth he led vozderzhannyj a mode of life: wore a modest Grecian storm coat, slept on ground, escaped entertainments. Long-sufferingly tried to tolerate all falsities sent to him by life, "not noting" lack of talent sopravitelja Lutsija Belief, rasputstva wife Faustiny Junior, daughters Antonina Pija, misunderstanding of ambient people, bad inclinations of son Kommoda which has enclosed the best tutors and teachers (afterwards he has become one of the most severe emperors in a history of Rome). " Speculations "(" To themselves "), written by Mark Avreliem in Greek and retrieved after his{its} mors in a marching tent (for the first time are issued in 12 books in 1558 with parallel latin transfer{translation}), in brief, sometimes aphoristic expressions state stoical views of this philosopher on a throne: " Time of human life - an instant; its{her} nature - perpetually flow; the sensation is vague, the structure of all body faddies; a shower it is unstable, the destiny is mysterious; the glory - is uncertain. All relating to a body is similar to a torrent, relating to a shower - to a dreaming and a smoke. Life - extirpation and journey on foreign land. But what can introduce to a path{route}? Anything, except for philosophy. To philosophize - signifies to preserve the internal genius from ponoshenija and flaw, to achieve, that he stood above enjoying and travails... " .V consequent eyelid of a classical antiquity Mark Avrely recognized to one of the best emperors of Rome. The plenty of portraits of Mark Avrelija figuring it{him} in miscellaneous age was saved. An equestrian statue of Mark Avrelija on the Capitols in Rome (in Middle Ages considered as a monument to Konstantin Velikomu) - the most well-known monument of art of his{its} time. Сочинения:Размышления. SPb., 1993. The literature: Renan E.Mark Avrely and an end of a classical antiquity. М., 1991. Eliahs Kapitolin. The biography of Mark Antonina of the Philosopher // the Lords of Rome. М., 1992. Kotlyarevsky Seconds Mark Avrely // Roman stoiki. М., 1994. V.E.Suslenkov
- AVRELY Nikopolsky (Armenian) (mind{wit}. ok. 319), one of a magpie of five Christian martyrs damaged in Nikopol Armenian in the persecution of emperor Litsinija. Memory{remembrance} in the Orthodox church on July, 10 (23).
- "AVRO" (A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd), the aircraft manufacturing firm in the Great Britain, founded A.V.Ro. In 1930th was part of concern " Hoker Sidli ", it is closed in 1963. During 2-nd world war has adjusted a mass production of bombers "Lancaster" и "Lincoln".
- AURORA, in Roman mythology the goddess of a morning dawn. Corresponds{meets} Grecian Eos.
- "AURORA", publishing house, Saint Petersburg. It is based in 1969. Graphic production (cards, a reproduction, etc.), books on art.
- "AURORA", cruiser of Baltic fleet. In formation with 1903, participat in TSusimskom battle 1905. In the evening 25.10.1917" Aurora " a blank shot from the instrument has signalled to capture by bolsheviks of the Winter palace. A historical monument; branch of the Central marine museum (with 1956).
- AVRORIN Valentine Aleksandrovich (1907-77), Russian jazykoved, corresponding member AN the USSR (1964). The explorer of tunguso-manchurian tongues, problems of a typology, comparative-historical linguistics, sociolinguistics.
- AVRORIN Eugeny Nikolaevich (r. 1932), the Russian scientist, the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1967), the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1992). Transactionses on equations of state and thermonuclear fusion. The lenin premium (1963).
- AVSEENKO Vasily Grigorjevich (1842-1913), the Russian writer, the critic, the journalist. Actual public problems in novels and stories ("At the crossroads", 1870; "Milky Way", 1875-76; "Gnashing of teeth", 1878; " Malicious spirit ", 1881). Stories, sketches, feuilletons. Literary - critiques.
- AVSON, see. Avzon.
- AVSTRAZIJA (Austrasia), eastern part frankskogo the states Merovingov. In 6-7 centuries it was from time to time isolated in a do-it-yourself kingdom.
- AUSTRALIAN DEPRESSION, range of the under atmospheric pressure above a north of Australia and the south It is new. Guinea. It is stipulated by the strong heating of a surface of the land, especially in the summer.
- AUSTRALIAN RAMP, dokembrijskaja a ramp occupying western and central parts of Australia and an austral part It is new. Guinea. Arhejsko-nizhneproterozojsky the base is combined meta-morfizovannymi by effusive rocks, gneises and granites; a verhneproterozojsko-paleozoic sedimental volva - terrigene, calcareous and vulkanogennymi breeds (platobazaltami).
- AUSTRALIAN STRAIN, see. Avstraloidnaja strain.
- The AUSTRALIAN ALPES, in Australia, B.Vodorazdelnogo's the highest and fissured part hr. (up to 2230 m. Kostsjushko - main top of mainland). Length ok. 450 kms. Woods from eucalyptuses and tree ferns, an elfin woodland.
- AUSTRALIAN TONGUES, tongues of an aboriginal population of Australia, except for Papuan tongue of miriam and tasmanijskih tongues. The genetic affinity{proximity} of australian tongues is not proved. Total number of tongues (because of essential toe-outs between dialects) estimates from 200 up to 600. Many tongues have vanished or peter.
- AUSTRALIAN MAJOR BAY, in Indian ok., for an austral coast of Australia. 1335 thousand км2. Depth up to 5670 m. A port - Adelaida.
- AUSTRALIAN MERINO, breed tonkorunnyh ovets, it is introduced in 18 century in Australia. Length of a wool of 7,5-10 sm, has clipped from rams of 5,5-6,5 kg, from wombs of 4-5 kg. Cultivate in many countries.
- The AUSTRALIAN FLORAL REIGN, takes Australia and contiguous islands. The flora of an australian floral reign, which nucleus compounds{makes} ancient golantarkticheskaja a flora, actuates ok. 1500 stems of plants (30 % of stems and 80 % of kinds{views} - endemics). In a plant cover acacias and eucalyptuses dominate, the major role is played by numerous representatives of a set of a myrtle family (ok. 1300 kinds{views}), pod-bearing plants (ok. 1500), a sedge family (530), and also an orchid family, a rue family, sterkulievyh, etc.
- AVSTRALIJTSY, an aboriginal population of Australia. In 170 thousand person (1992.) are largely exterminated by colonialists. In tongue and racial attitude{relation} compound{make} special group. Believers - presviteriane and roman catholics, are saved traditional cults. Sometimes avstralijtsami call all population of Australia (see. Anglo-avstralijtsy).
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