Tuesday, May 8, 2007

  • The ABNORMAL CHILDREN, children having the considerable deviations{rejections} in physical and mental development: violations{disturbance} of intelligence (an oligophrenia, delay of mental development), speeches, a locomotorium, evaluators - visual (blind, become blind, cecutient), acoustical (dead, become deaf, hard of hearing). Children concern to the abnormal children with the composite defects (slepogluhonemye, cecutient, mentally retarded, etc.) also . The called "primary" violations{disturbance} invoke{produce} a number{series} of "secondary" deviations{rejections} in development of the abnormal children; napr., violations{disturbance} of a locomotorium hinder with predmetno-practical activities that invokes{produces} backlog{lag} in development of intellection, etc. The Majority of the abnormal children are educated and train in system special preschool and educational institutions in which problems of correction and indemnification{compensation} of defect and social adaptation are decided. Problems of development, education{learning} and education of the abnormal children compound{make} a subject of defectology. The term used earlier " defective children " in the modern science is not applied. Abroad the abnormal children are actuated in grades " children with deviations{rejections} ", " exclusive children ", etc.
  • ANOMIJA (from frants. anomie - absence of the law, organization), the sociological and social - psychologic concept meaning a moral - psychologic condition of personal and public consciousness which is defined by decomposition of system of the values, the stipulated crisis of a society, the contravention between the professed purposes and impossibility of their realization for the majority. Expresses in estrangement of the person from a society, apathy, disappointment in life, criminality. The concept anomii is entered by E.Djurkgejmom, the theory anomii is developed by R.K.Mertonom.
  • The ANONYM (from grech. anonymos - anonymous).. 1) the writer of the letter or the composition, hidden{concealed} the name... 2) the Composition without notation of a name of the writer.
  • ANORAK (eskim)., a wind-proof jacket with an almuce.
  • ANOREKSIGENNYE the MEANS (from grech. an--a negative prefix and orexis - appetite), the medicinal substances suppressing appetite. In combination to a diet (reduction of caloricity of nutrition) apply at a ropiness.
  • ANORTHITE, mineral of group of field spars, Ca [Al2Si2O8]. Colour grey, pink. Hardness 6-6,5; firmness ok. 2,8 g / sm3. Primarily magmatic an origin.
  • ANORTOZIT (labradorite, oligoklazit, plagioclasite), non-proprietary name of depth rocks of group of the gabbroes consisting in main{basic} from plagioklaza. Routinely light, holocrystalline. Firmness of 2700-3000 kg / m3. Building and a covering material.
  • ANOSMIJA (from grech. an--a negative prefix and osme - an odor), in medicine - absence of sense of smell; arises more often at anatomic changes in a nasal cavity (inflammatory processes, polyps, etc.), less often at defeats of an olfactory nerve.
  • ANOSOV Dmitry Viktorovich (r. 1936), the Russian mathematician, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1992). Transactionses on differential equations, geometries and topologies. The state premium of the USSR (1976).
  • ANOSOV Pavel Petrovich (1799-1851), the Russian metallurgist. It is known activities on high-quality{high-performance} a cast steel. Has created a new method of its{her} obtaining, having aggregated carbonizing and a melting of metal. Has uncovered the secret of manufacturing of a damascene lost in Middle Ages. The writer of the book " About damascene " (1841). For the first time has applied a microscope to probe of a structure of steel (1831).
  • ANOFELESY, the same, that anopheles mosquitoes.
  • ANOPHTHALMUS (from grech. an--a negative prefix and ophthalmos - an eye), inborn absence or loss of one or both eyes.
  • ANOKHIN Peter Kuzmich (1898-1974), the Russian physiologist, academician AN the USSR (1966) and AMN (1945). Fundamental transactionses on neurophysiology - to mechanisms of a conditioned reflex and an internal inhibition, an ontogenesis of nervous system, etc. Studied activity of an integrated organism on the basis of designed him{it} theories of systems of functions (since 1935) which has introduced the investment in development of systems approach in biology and cyberneticses. The lenin premium (1972).
  • ANOKHIN Sergey Nikolaevich (1910-86), the deserved pilot - verifier of the USSR (1959), the colonel, the Hero of Soviet Union (1953), the deserved master of sport (1950). Tests of some trial fighters, take-off the Instant - 19 from the catapult, a water elm on a flutter before destruction. The state premium of the USSR (1953).
  • ANREP Glebas Vasilyevich (1889-1955), the Russian physiologist. In 1920 has emigrated to the Great Britain. With 1931 up to the extremity of life headed stand of physiology at Cairo university (Egypt). Transactionses in range of the maximum nervous activity, physiology of digestion and a blood circulation. The member of the London royal society (1928).
  • ANRIO (Hanriot) Francois (1761-94), the figure of Great French revolution, jakobinets, one of chiefs of the revolt 1793 which have reduced in establishment jakobinskoj dictatorships. It is executed termidoriantsami.
  • ANSA (ANSA - Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata), italian news agency, Rome. It is based in 1945 masters of italian newspaper and occasional publishing houses.
  • BAND (frants. ensemble - set{combination}, the orderly whole).. 1) in theatrics harmonic combination of all components of performance, subject to unified premeditation... 2) the Group of initiators prominent as unified art collective... 3) the Piece of music for several initiators (a duet, a trio, etc.)... 4) In the architecture and town-planning - harmonic unity of the regional{spatial} composition including the buildings, engineering structures (bridges, embankments, etc.) and green plantings. The composition of an architectural ensemble often actuates products{creations} of different kinds{views} of fine arts (see. Synthesis of arts).
  • The BAND of NATIONAL DANCE under I.A.Moiseyev guiding, the largest choreographic collective, is built in 1937 in Moscow; with 1965 academic. Executes dances of nations of the world.
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